Friday 26th April

This week we have continued to develop our film ideas in small groups. We have written scripts, created storyboards, and mood boards to develop our costume ideas. We have started to think about props we need and our locations to film in. We have also developed advertising for our movies, thinking about how we can attract viewers to watch our film. We have acted out our ideas in drama and have given feedback to each group to help develop their ideas. Next week, we will begin the filming process.

As a class, we have voted and chosen our Kit Car design and will begin to make this next week. We enjoyed racing the kit car and will choose our team from the fastest scores.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been developing our skills in coordinates. We have also completed an assessment for Madras this week.

In P.E, we have been developing our skills in field games in teams. In Health and Wellbeing, we have been exploring the media and its impact on body image and self-esteem and the impact of comments from others.

We enjoyed writing exposition pieces of writing, choosing a topic to write our feelings about to persuade others of our viewpoint.

We are enjoying the class novel and created artwork to show the viewpoint of a refugee. We also completed comprehension work to show our understanding.

We worked well with our buddies to plant flowers and vegetables in our outdoor planters. We enjoyed completing a STEM challenge with them outside too.

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