Friday 19th April

We have had a busy week back in school.

Congratulations to Isabella for coming first place in the recent HMS Unicorn art competition for P6/7 category.

We have also had news that the 100 word saga stories we wrote last term will be published in an upcoming book.

It was great to see the finished product of the short film we created for the BBC on the River Tay.

We have continued to develop our skills in writing to persuade others and we held a lively class debate.

We have begun looking at a novel that all P7s in the cluster are reading this term, as part of our transition to S1. It is called ‘When Stars are Scattered’.

In Maths we have been learning about properties of 3D shapes and symmetry within 2D shapes and patterns.

We are developing our ukulele skills in preparation for the Big Strum next month.

In P.E, we have been developing our skills in team sports and in athletics, including long distance running.

We have started working in our film production groups for our topic and have been generating ideas for our short films. We presented these ideas during Drama.

In HWB, we have been discussing body image.

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