Friday 17th November

P7s received certificates in class on Monday for submitting their 500 word imaginative story to the BBC Competition. We are keeping our fingers crossed for all of our entries.

Some the class shared their learning at Monday’s Together Time about what we have been learning in class about gratitude and taking time to appreciate the positive things we have in our lives, especially when times are challenging. This included what we have been learning in school, what we appreciate from our class and school and the places that we live. We have been giving shout outs in class to show our gratitude to others.

We have continued to develop out skills in playing the Ukulele and most are feeling more confident changing between more complex chords. We have started to play and learn some Christmas music.

In our topic of Democracy, we have been learning about the role of the local Councillor. We are grateful to Louise Kennedy-Dalby  for taking time to visit us and to answer our questions, along with a great activity to develop our understanding of budgeting challenges in the local area.  This linked well to our topic of money and budgeting in Numeracy this week as we completed a number of real-life learning tasks.

We have started to develop our ideas in our political parties as we work towards our school election. Thank you also to Wendy Chamberlain, MP for NE Fife for visiting us in class on Friday, to also answer our questions and help us with our thoughts on our own political parties.

In Literacy, we have chosen our own area to research and make notes on as we complete our learning on report writing for this term.

In French, we are continuing to develop our writing skills, as we write about our interests.

This week in P.E, we have continued to develop our fitness skills through HiiT training and also football drills and skills. We are working on setting personal targets to improve.

We have started back in our Committees today as we continue to lead the rest of the school in all of the different areas.

We enjoyed working with our buddies in the outdoor environment exploring our senses.

In RME, we have learned about the pilgrimage that Jewish people make.


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