Friday 27th October

We have had a busy first week back and we have welcomed a new pupil into our class.

We enjoyed celebrating getting our Eco Flag today by wearing blue and green We will carry out a scavenger hunt with our buddies next week. We will also plant plants in our playground that we will look after.

Our new topic this term is Democracy and we have been learning about what Democracy is and thinking about what change we would like to bring about in our local area. We have been learning about Willie Rennie, the MSP for NE Fife, before his visit to class on Monday. We have prepared questions to ask him.

In Literacy, we have been developing our handwriting and comprehension skills. We have also been developing note-taking skills and using these notes to write an information report.

In Numeracy, we have been developing our multiplication and division skills with decimals.

In P.E, we have been developing our fitness and football skills.

We have been learning how to put someone into the recovery position as part of our learning on what to do in an emergency.

We have further developed our skills in Ukulele and are becoming more confident with different chords.

In art, we have been learning about the Pop Artist, Roy Lichtenstein, and we have created self portrait are in his style.

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