Friday 1st September

We enjoyed exploring the loose parts with our buddies in a number of challenges today. Lots of good team work and cooperation. We also took part in the whole school daily mile with our buddies.

In Science, we have explored the different ways animals communicate.

In French we have been continuing to develop our speaking and writing skills to introduce information about ourselves.

We have started to play Ukulele this week and have revised C and F chords.

In P.E, we have been developing our skills in cricket and basketball.

This week we have been exploring growth mindset and we looked and what we should and should not say to help develop that further.

We have written personal accounts about a day we would never forget.

In Numeracy, we have been exploring place value up to hundreds of millions.

We have created silhouettes of ourselves in art, filled with the things that make us individuals.

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