Primary 6

This week we learned about Pythagoras and how he was most known for triangles. We made a triangle that we knew two sides then we used maths to find what the last side was. We made optical illusion art and  made a woman but it could also be a vase. We learned about equivalent fractions and in groups we made a drama video about internet safety. We used Imovie to create a video.

Written by Michaela

Primary 6


We did our 500 words stories for the BBC. Junior leaders who do p1 and p1\2 it was there turn at 1 at lunchtime. They all enjoyed it.


We did locations of countries in Europe that have grand prix locations for art. Junior leaders p2 and p3 went out for junior leaders.


We continued our art. Maths we did our maths assessment.


We did bikeability and we were on the road overtaking Miss Stevenson’s parked car. We also did trumpet and we are taking them home.


Written by Stephen

Primary 6



This week we have been decorating our wall with new wallpaper and were working on making Mario designs. For it each table has a separate space for decorating.

We did 2 parts of a maths assessment for maths, it was very long and had loads of questions!

In Literacy we’re going to enter the 500 words challenge and we have typed some on Word. Some of us started with a set of unusual keys to give us some ideas.

We had our first trumpet lesson this week and it was so loud.

Our pumpkins are decomposing well although Larry the pumpkin looks like he might be drowning! Mr Crackle is turning mouldy.

Primary 6

We have been doing Junior Leaders and were practicing teaching games to each other. Junior leaders are when P6 takes out a class and teach games to them without a teacher. Also, we have been presenting our football presentations that we made before the holidays. We liked all of them and they all looked very colourful. We made Mario art. We drew an amazing picture of Mario and then we split it into four sections and drew different styles of Mario. One we all did was pointillism and then we chose 3 others! We also wore green and blue for eco day and we did an assembly for it too!

Written by Fiona


Last week of Term in Primary 6

We have been busy this week. We wrote a diary extract from the view point of one of the characters from Divided City. We also self-assessed our bus tours. We all finished our buddy books and have a little library of books ready for the nursery children. In Numeracy we spent a lot of time working on a group task on budgets. We had to create our own football team with a limited budget. This included designing our home and away strips, club badge, buying players, a manager, stadium and our own training ground. We worked very well in groups and all managed to stay within our budget.

In Science we were learning about body systems. Our favourite bit was learning about the digestive system.

We also finished organising our bags for our Harvest kindness. We enjoyed hiding them around Newport. We hope they bring a little bit of happiness to the people who find them.

Primary 6

Monday: In the morning we started off at together time until break. After we did buddy book as preparation for the end of P6. Before the end of the day we did scout ball.


Tuesday: In the morning me did board work recapping measuring too. We also practised our Christmas cards later in the day.



On Wednesday we started do measure as puzzles in board work. After we marked we did 8 or 9 questions on measure after finding out where we went wrong it became a lot clearer. In the after noon we just continued out Christmas cards.



On Thursday morning we had a lady come in a teach us about wind turbines and energy so we also got to craft our own .

We finished our buddy books.


Friday:  In the morning we did bike ability we were on the road this time. The rest of the morning we did buddy books and pupil committees. After lunch we continued our buddy books and had reward time.

Written by Amelia

Primary 6

Monday- We started the day with reading our class novel. After that we went to Together Time. Then we did some maths board work. After break we did some writing till lunch. After lunch we finished a poem about growth mindset and had Reward Time to end the day we had PE


Tuesday- Today we had Miss Allan. First, we completed a survey about how we felt in school, then we did Corbett Maths five a day and Sumdog. After that we had break. Next we did RME, our topic is Peace. Next, we had lunch. Finally, we used coding to make an online card.


Wednesday- First we did Mastermind. After that we did measuring from the textbook. Next we completed some board work and puzzles, we also finished a bus leaflet we had been making or a animation for a football game. Next we had break, after we worked on the animations till lunch. After we worked on items for our paper aeroplane stall at the fete.


Thursday- First we did a comprehension card each. Then we finished our animations and had break. Next we did Mastermind. After that we had trumpet. After lunch we learned about racism the red card and created our own cards.


Friday-First we finished posters for our fete stall. After that we did bike ability and then we all joined our new pupil committees.


Written by Anna

Primary 6

Monday: On Monday we were doing netball. We were doing a few games and working on areas we are allowed in court. We also did some French and we have started booklets of our own in French.


Tuesday: On Tuesday we were making football stadiums out of shoe boxes. We measured the perimeter of the box and then the area so that we could fit a piece of paper inside of it.

We were also working on our bus tours of Glasgow. We made leaflets and they look great!


Wednesday: On Wednesday we were working on our football stadiums. We painted the box with bright colours and decorations and we made little players out of playdough.


Thursday: On Thursday we were doing loose parts. We were using them in free play doing things like towers and buildings and dens. We were also finishing off our football stadiums and players ready for animations.


Friday: On Friday we were doing bike ability we were working on signalling and looking over our shoulder. We also started our football animations using  ZU3D.  Written by Calum

Primary 6

This week we have been creating bus tour leaflets on Word as part of our class novel. We have learned about new places in Glasgow that we have read about in Divided City. We were interested in the painting by Slavador Dali of Christ of St John but we couldn’t find the hidden dove.

We created Growth Mindset poems to remind us how our brain can help us to keep going when things are difficult.

We have been playing a lot of mental maths games this week to help us to be quicker with our times tables and with addition in our head.

In P.E we learned about positions and places on the court individual players are allowed. We did this by using our reading for information skills.

In Maths we have been creating surveys and using a frequency table.

In Drama we were trying to work out what was wrong with Joe’s dad in our class novel and created scenes.

In Art we made a collage of ourselves using the Ipad and our art skills.

Primary 6

This week we –

Numeracy –  learned about tables and bar graphs

Literacy –   were starting to plan our book for our buddies

Health – created positive affirmations statements for the classroom and in P.E we learned new passes in netball.

RME – learned about peace

We also designed marble runs using the loose parts. We demonstrated great team work.

We have now planned our class economy and all agreed on the rewards.