Primary 6



On Monday we started by doing maths board work on equivalent fraction and then we moved on to our new spelling words and practiced by ourselves or with other people. We also tried the problems for the Scottish Maths Challenge and some people got to submit their answers.  We wrote a poem for our illusion drawing using their, there and they’re and then we moved on to French and we learned the time in French. Lastly we moved on to doing P.E by teaching people in our class different games.


On Tuesday we did a budget activity for our pedometer steps and worked out  with our table where we could go in Europe. All of the groups had enough steps to travel to France. We also presented some of our Masters of the Digiverse dramas that we had created on Imovie. We then did mapping and we were told to look for where some places were.


We still did the budget activity because on Thursday we were going to do a presentation. We then did a dictation and listening activity and some parents came in to help their children.


We each gave an individual talk about our part in our budget activity. It was really interesting to hear how everyone had something different to say.

On Friday we did some football skills in P.E. We also had committees, spelling test and gave our group presentations.

Written  by Ziva

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