Author: Mrs McMillan

Our Blog

Good afternoon!

This week we have worked on our P5 political party presentations. We delivered them to P4 and P6 classes and they voted for the party they felt did the best. The Earth Empire Party won.
We have been noting all our outdoor learning in our Natural Connection Logbooks. We are looking forward to planning a bike obstacle course next week.
We wrote an 100 word story for a competition. The story had to take place in an ancient era. Some of them are really funny and they all have a good beginning, middle and end.
We have been learning different strategies for division work. This will continue next week too.
Tayfield won the Trim Trail Water Challenge today 🙂
Tayfield and Inverdovat came joint first in our Go Yoshi House competition.
Waterstone won the House Relay race.
Sophia-Rose won the Newport in Bloom art competition for P5. Her art will be displayed during the Newport Festival along with the runners-up.

Our Blog!

We have been learning about volume and capacity this week in maths as well as multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
We have almost finished reading “There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom” and we have all enjoyed it.
Four girls in the class made up a dance and performed it for us. They then taught us all the dance moves too!
We are also making up a dance to “Carwash”
We have been learning about personal boundaries and consent as part of our Health and Wellbeing lessons. Next we will be exploring what makes us feel safe/unsafe.
Some of us took part in an Athletics House Competition today.
We have enjoyed working in groups to plan our Political Party presentation. These will take place at the end of next week.
We have been given free choice for what we want our individual presentations to be on. Some of the subjects being covered are countries, famous musicians, Australian animals and mythical creatures. Everyone is getting time in class to plan and prepare their talks. These will take place in two weeks time.
We have now completed three different pieces of flower art using different skills. Everyone has to pick their favourite one to enter in to the Newport in Bloom competition.

Our Blog

This week we visited the Scottish Deer Centre. Our favourite parts were the deer tour, feeding the deer, the bouncy pillow and the adventure park.
In maths we were learning about volume and capacity. We can covert between L and ml.
In PE we have been learning how to play Swedish Longball. Today we taught it to the P6 pupils.
On Tuesday, everyone who was here, passed their Bikeability Level 1.
In groups, we have formed our own Political Parties. Next week we will continue planning our campaigns.
In groups of three, we debated different motions. The P6 class came to watch us and were super impressed.
During our Loose Parts session, we were creating boats inspired by our class novel.

Our Blog

What a lovely day! The sun has been shining and we all need to remember to bring our water bottles and wear sun cream each day as we will be spending time outside.

We have been working hard on our comprehension skills. Lots of us have moved up a level very recently.

We have been learning about parliament and different laws.

We have been taking part in cooperative learning group tasks. Each of us have taken on different roles to complete an activity.

In writing we have been learning how to do a procedure text. Flowers and instructions for a game of cards called Sevens.

In maths, we have been learning about angles – identifying them and measuring them.

We planted our strawberries and are looking after them by watering them every morning.

In PE, we have mainly been focusing on athletics. Some of us can clear very high hurdles.

In outdoor learning we created some chalk art. We then spotted the angles within each piece of art.

In science, we dissected a flower to see all of the main parts involved in pollination. We also put dye in a cup of water with a white flower to see if the petals would change colour.

We have been making animations on PowerPoint, duplicating new slides for tiny movements.

We have learned how to flip and manipulate pictures on Word to create symmetrical mirror images.

In music, we have been learning to sing in rounds. We have learned two songs “kookaburra” and “I love the flowers”

In Loose Parts, we made an obstacle course.

Everyone has enjoyed our first few sessions of Bikeability.

Our Blog

In Literacy, we have enjoyed creating a house for Hope Haven. We wrote a description of the setting and next week will will create a map of what it looks like on our wall. We will also plan stories in pairs and write them so that each story has some sort of connection between two characters that live on Hope Haven.
In Maths, we have been continuing to learn about fractions. This week we have been adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. If they don’t have the same denominator, we have been using our understanding of simplifying and equivalent fractions to make the denominators the same.
In Art, our learning focus was on foreground, middle ground and background. We used different tones of grey to paint trees at different distances. The furthest away trees were the lightest and the closest trees were the darkest.
In PE, we have been improving our skills in balancing and movement across mats and apparatus.
We all enjoyed a couple of sessions of Outdoor Learning. One session using the loose parts and the other using natural resources to create places from our novel.
In French, we translated orders from a cafe. We were able to identify the numbers and items in each order from our previous learning. We all drew the order but some people wrote the translation too.
We have started our new Science topic on Light and Sound. We have been learning that sound waves move in solids, liquids and gases. We know that sound does not travel in a vacuum – that is why there is no sound in space.
We learned how to create a Sway to share all the information we have been learning about our topic.
Lots of children are enjoying the Home Learning grid this term. Every day there has been the chance to share the learning that has been completed at home. We have seen several musical instruments, shared posters and facts about frogs, shared information about inspirational women and found out about the affects of caffeine on our body.

Our Blog

We created a poster called “Open your eyes to…” to show our learning on discrimination.

We have enjoyed taking part in a couple of play dough challenges. We have been creating models of different nouns.

We started a new novel called “Impossible Creatures” there are lots of mythical creatures in it.

In maths, we have been learning how to simplify fractions – we need to use our multiplication and division knowledge for this!

In literacy, we have been drawing and describing mythical creatures.

In writing, we have been writing character descriptions about who lives behind our door…our class village has a street called Hope Haven where all our characters will live. Oak Drive and Wonder Wood Terrace will also appear in our village.

We have been learning about pike, tuck and straddle in gymnastics. We learned how to do a forward roll with these skills in them.

In PE we have also been working on our fitness levels. Ask me what the “Accumulator” is…it is fun but tiring!!

We are bringing home our World Book Day tokens and the new homework grid – look out for these!

Have you seen our new reading homework bingo? Ask me about this too!

We finished off the week with fun outside playing with the loose parts – we all really enjoyed it 🙂

Our Blog

We really enjoyed having all the grown-ups in for our learning on Wednesday. Thank you to everyone who made it along.

In art we have been using charcoal to sketch landscapes showing a background, middle ground and foreground. Everyone liked how forgiving the charcoal was. We enjoyed blending it and using the rubber to highlight parts.

In maths we have been using Mathigon to make digital graphs this week. We have also been linking our understanding of division to fraction work. We will continue learning about fractions next week too.

We wrote a discussion text about whether screen time should be limited. Everyone found some very interesting arguments for and against. We will be using our texts from this week and last week to create debates in groups.

We thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Mairi Shields on Monday. She told us all about the transport linked to Newport in the past. We loved seeing all the photos and hearing lots of facts.

In PE we taught our Scottish ceilidh dances to the rest of the class. Everyone learned them so quickly.

Our Blog

Sophia-Rose, Morag and Elise did an amazing job performing their songs and poem at our Together Time on Monday.

We have been busy in literacy this week. We have been learning about contractions, editing our discussion text, writing scripts based on our novel, doing a dictation and completing two comprehension tasks.

In maths we have been learning how to chunk hundreds, tens and ones while doing division. We solved word problems and then created some of our own. We have also been learning how to interpret line graphs. Today we used Excel to create a bar graph digitally.

In PE we have been using our knowledge of Scottish dancing to create our own set dance. We all worked really well in sets of eight 🙂 We will all be learning the Fifie Reel, Dundee Dash, Newport Fling and the In and Out.

In music we have been learning how to play a tune percussion accompaniment to Mama Mia. All of us were able to play and sing in unison.

In French we have been learning what drinks we might order in a cafe. We are hoping to make a full menu by the end of the term.

In art, we have been improving our observation skills. We used a loose pencil grip so that our lines were light and sketchy. We kept looking at the object we were drawing to make sure we were getting the correct shape, size, texture and shading. We drew our shoe and then everyone had to guess who drew which one 🙂

Our Blog

Firstly, a huge WELL DONE to everyone for learning their song/poem. It was a hard job choosing the winners but we are delighted to announce that Sophia-Rose, Morag and Elise are the winners for P5 this year.
As a reward for doing so well with the song/poems and learning five dances we had a class ceilidh today. Everyone really enjoyed themselves 🙂
In art, we worked together to create a collaborative portrait of Robert Burns. We used different tones by adding white and black to form the shape of his face. The finished piece will be going on a display board in the corridor.
In writing, we have been learning to write a discussion text. We needed to write both arguments for and against the topic. In the concluding statement we were able to give our opinion on the topic too.
In maths, we have been learning how to draw and interpret bar graphs. Next week we will move on to line graphs and pie charts.
For our topic this week we have been learning about the ferries that used to run from Newport to Dundee.
We are really enjoying our class novel, The Boy at the Back of the Class. We all take turns reading it out loud. This week we created a flow diagram on Word about their plan to visit the Queen.
As a whole school, we have been focusing on showing kindness. We each had a secret mission to be extra kind all day to one person in our class (we picked out lollypop sticks) in the hope that they would guess us at the end of the day. We enjoyed doing it so much that we asked if we could do it again!
Many pupils shared their presentations about someone famous that they admire. We learned lots of facts from each other.

Our Blog

The highlight of the week was learning how to make improvements to a design. We were challenged to make a paper plane. They didn’t fly too far so we made adaptations to them so they would fly further. We continued to change small things and test our planes. At the end of the lesson we had a competition to see who designed a plane that could fly the furthest. Faron won! Not only did his fly the furthest but it was the fastest too.

We have been writing narrative texts over the last couple of weeks. We are using images and ideas from Pobble 365 to inspire our written work. Our main targets are that we can write with description. That description could be adding adjectives, adverbs, similes or extra information to our sentences.

In maths we have continued linking our multiplication to our division work. We have also started learning about information handling. We enjoyed drawing pictographs this week.

Our new topic is about transport in the past. We have started looking at planes because we have an airport nearby. Next we will be learning about other modes of transport.

We all really enjoyed taking part in the dodgeball house competition today.

Skills Academy started today and everyone went to a group of their choice. Some people were baking, some were learning how to crochet while others were coding.

Half of the class have given their talk. We have learned facts about a variety of people ranging from Emma Watson to David Beckham. We have been giving each other feedback to let everyone know what went well and how they can improve.