We are all feeling more confident solving subtraction problems as part of our board sums. We have been learning how to add and subtract decimals and round decimals to the nearest whole number. We have recently started learning about symmetry and will continue learning about this next week.
Our novel has got to an exciting and interesting part. We look forward to finding out more about The Explorer. We have used our novel to write diary entries for different characters.
We have been learning about the different planets in our Solar System and the phases of the moon. We are all interested in space and have lots of questions about it.
In art we created poppy collages and symmetrical rocket ships.
We have been improving out volleyball skills and this week we started playing games against each other.
In music we have been learning how to pluck and strum the ukulele. We know C chord and F chord. Next we need to get better at changing chords.
We have continued to learn about French food and drink. We can say, write and read J’adore, j’aime. je n’aime pas and je deteste.