In Numeracy we have been learning about place value of digits. We are going to be learning to round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and 10000 next week and use this information to help us estimate answers to addition and subtraction sums. We also started learning about probability, making spinners in ICT to support our learning.
In Literacy we have enjoyed discussing our class novel. Some of our questions from last week are being answered. As part of our writing lessons we have each created characters that live on Malibu Avenue. We look forward to writing stories that link our different characters together.
In Art we have been learning how to paint with water colours. We have continued our theme on bubbles this week and we are looking forward to creating a piece of water colour art next week.
We all really enjoyed taking part in our first drumming lesson with Mr Foggo this week. He gave us a taster of what we will be able to do at the end of P5.
In ICT we learned how to insert shapes and text boxes into a Word document.
We have been learning to “THINK” before we speak, ask us what each of the letters stands for. We made posters showing what each of the Wellbeing Indicators looks like at our school.
Today, we voted for this year’s House Captains.
We have to think about rhythm and repeated movements as part of our dance lessons this week. We are hoping to create a dance that we can teach to the other groups.
In PE we have been learning about the importance of working as part of a team. Each game we have played has involved us having to think strategically. We are trying to encourage each other with kind words.