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We have learned about personification. That is when an object is described with a human quality. For example…The washing machine spat my clothes out. The human quality is spat.
We learned about the Fibonacci sequence. It goes like this… 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so on. When it is drawn as a picture it turns into a spiral.
We have been learning about red squirrels. We took notes while we watched a video and then searched for more facts using the internet. Using our notes we created an information text. We had to include lots of facts about the red squirrel (what it looks like, what it eats, where it lives, how it moves and what it does in winter).
In art we drew bubbles with chalk. We had to choose two colours that we saw in bubbles along with white and yellow to show how the light passes through the surface. We made our lines curved to make the bubbles look 3D.
In our bands we had a budget of £500 to get to Edinburgh, stay in a hotel, eat at a restaurant and visit a local attraction. Some people wanted the cheapest option while others enjoyed spending the money.
We are happy to have Miss Monteith with us for the next few weeks.

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