Our Week

We wrote a narrative text about a key – we all had a different key to use for our story. Some keys opened doors while others opened treasure chests.
We have been learning about the Learner Characteristics. We created a cereal that would be perfect for learning. We enjoyed thinking about catchy names for our cereals and designing the boxes.
In maths we have been learning how to multiply numbers by multiples of ten and a hundred as well as multiplying 2-, 3- and 4-digit numbers by a single digit.
We had our first experience of dictation this week, everyone tried very hard. We have seen how important taking new paragraphs and adding punctuation are.
In PE we have been developing our running skills – dodging, starting and stopping. We have been very aware of the space around us and played games to encourage us to move safely around the hall.
We have been celebrating how unique we all are – that our differences are special.

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