Our Blog

We have been learning about having a Growth Mindset. We created posters with brains working out and statements about being the best we can be.
We have been learning about one-point perspective in art. Our work is displayed on the notice boards in the hall.
We have been using an empty number line to help us add numbers together. We also learned about the split strategy.
At drumming, we learned how to play different beats.
We have been illustrators today – we drew a picture from the chapter we read.
We were invited to watch P7 children play the cello. Next week, we will take part in a music assessment to see if we can play the cello too.
In PE we were practising our basketball skills and then we played a game.
We enjoyed being outside this week during the whole school Daily Mile and while taking part in Loose Part Play.
We improved our communication skills by taking part in Lego Club.
In French, we revised the days of the week, the months of the year and numbers to 20.

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