Friday 15th March 2024

The end to another fabulous week in P4, full of working together and working hard!

In Literacy this week we have been looking at the comprehension technique P.E.E. This stands for Point Explanation Evidence. Learning this technique helps us to answer questions fully when working on comprehension activities. We also completed a blankety blank activity using an autobiography. This help to familiarise ourselves with the structure of an autobiography, which will form the basis of our writing next week! We also edited and up levelled our character descriptions from last week.

In Maths we completed a fractions assessment and have continued our algebra topic with Miss Allan. We have also been looking at different strategies to help solve multiplication and division problems.

In RME we have been learning about Aesops Fables. We rewrote the Easter story using an 8 part structure.

In ICT we have been enjoying learning how to use PIVOT. This is a stop motion website where you can create short videos using lots of different photos.

On Friday we had a great time taking part in the Red Nose Day hunt! Congratulations to Finlay who was one of the four winners!



Friday 8th March 2024

Literacy- in literacy we have been learning how to create a character description. We used figurative language and powerful adjectives to describe the characters appearance and personality traits.
Maths – in maths we have been focusing on multiplication and consolidating 3d shape. We can now confidently identify a range of 3d shapes from their properties and use the correct terminology to describe them.
 PE- in PE we have continued on with gymnastics. We practiced jumping and rolling from the benches.

Friday 1st March 2024

In literacy this week we have been learning how to write an information text. To finish off our topic we wrote a piece on the Ancient Egyptians and how they lived. We made sure to use a formal tone and include lots of interesting detail.
In Maths this week we have been continuing with fractions. We learnt how to identify equivalent fractions and combined outdoor learning and maths to find fractions of an amount using natural materials.
In Art we have been looking at composition. We studied some fresh snowdrops and read some snowdrop stories as inspiration. We then created some beautiful still life snowdrop drawings using pastels.
In PE this week we have begun our gymnastics topic. We focussed on jumps, leaps and rolls. Miss Purvis was so impressed with the expert gymnast helpers in P4!

Friday 9th February 2024


This week we have been looking at using speech marks within our writing. We looked at books to find various words for said and talked about what words had similar meanings.

We wrote personal stories about kindness and worked on our self assessment and peer assessment skills.

We continued our comprehension skills using different reading passages in our reading groups.

In Handwriting, we have been learning how r joins vowels and y.  E.g. re, ra, ri, etc.



We continued working on our division skills.  Lots of us have been using numberlines and number squares to help support our learning of dividing by 7,8 and 9. Others have been learning strategies to help divide 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number.



We have continued to enjoy our team building this week.  We had to direct a blindfolded friend through an obstacle course.  We worked on our communication skills and trusting our classmates.



We have been researching mummification and were able to find out how and why the egyptians used mummification.  We also found other countries that also used it.  We created our own mummified tomatoes (which are already starting to shrivel).



This week we looked at the story of Grace Darling and reinacted half of the story.  We hope to continue this next week.



This week we have been learning how to play more difficult tunes on the glockenspiels with Charanga.



We were very excited to share our learning with our families this week, and hope you all enjoyed finding out about our learning.




Friday 2nd February 2024


This week, we continued investigating 3D shape.  We are now able to talk about their properties and find examples in the real world.  We continued with our work in division.



We wrote “All About Me” letters to our new teacher.  We are looking forward to meeting her on Friday next week.



This week, we completed our NSAs.



We investigated about Tutankhamun and the excavation of his tomb.  We created our own death masks in Art using paper mache, balloons and paint.



We continued looking at team building.  We worked together in a relay race to try and be the first team to get three in a row.  We worked in pairs to try and collect hullahoops only using skipping ropes.



We have been practising our assembly lots this week.  We really hope you are able to come on Monday at 2pm and look forward to seeing you then.


Friday 26th January 2024


In numeracy this week we started using the strategy of arrays to help us with our division.  We started investigating 3D shapes and were able to talk about their features. On the tuff tray we were able to create our own shapes using cocktail sticks, straws, cotton buds and playdough. We worked on Algebra with Miss Allan on Tuesday.



We worked on personal stories, we started writing about snowy stories.  We were able to mark our own work against the success criteria and looked at what we need to include next time.  In handwriting, we looked at the join from “o”. We practised oa, oe, oi, oo, ou and oy joins.



We started looking at Aesops Fables.  This week we looked the Tortoise and the hare with Miss Allan.



We continued with our 3D printing.

We used our notes on our stories to type out our stories.



We read Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes and discussed the importance of apologising. Then we made posters about how to apologise.


Outdoor Learning

We used our plans made last week to create our own bird feeders.  Some of us changed our original designs.  All children got the option to take these home.

Friday 19th January 2024

This week we planned bird feeders to make for the big garden bird watch next weekend.  If you have any recyclable items that the children could use we would greatly appreciate them.  We hope to make these on Thursday next week.

We were planning our bird feeders. – Lewis



This week we have been looking at kindness and continued to focus on kind hands.  We have been using kitbag to discuss our emotions more.

With Mrs Stevenson, we looked at the St Johns Ambulance lessons on how to help someone choking.  We used what we learnt to make informative posters.

We have been learning about how to help if someone is choking.  -Jasper

We had Mrs Stevenson in our class -Olivia H

We made posters about when someone is choking. – Winnie

We have been doing teamwork/building in PE – Rosie



This week we continued writing personal stories.  We read a story about a surprise present and wrote our own stories about a time we were surprised.

We did a spelling test. – Finlay

We did our handwriting – Ada



We have been continuing to work on our division strategies using groups of, repeated subtraction and numberlines. We also investigated how to find the middle of two numbers by using number lines or addition and division.

We were learning division – Finlay

We learnt how to find the middle number in maths – Grace



We started our masterclasses. – Lewis

We were doing our skills academy – Ada.

We learnt about the River Nile – Olivia H

We did our fun for 31 – Ella

We read our chatterbooks together – Winnie

We learnt French rooms in our house – Jacob

We were doing ink printing in art – Sienna

We did a dodgeball competition – Grace.



Friday 12th January 2024


In literacy this week, we started looking at personal writing and wrote descriptions about members of our families. We were challenged to include how we felt about our families too.  As part of our writing assessment, we played some board games and wrote instructions about how to play a game.

As part of our reading skills, we looked at using an index.  We enjoyed using an atlas to look at the index and also link this to our previous learning of grids and coordinates.



This week, we started looking at division strategies.  We looked at using equal groups to help us work out some division equations.

The children also looked at complex sequencing of numbers up to numbers of 10,000.

As a introduction to shape, we explored what shapes we could find around our classroom and made a graph of the results.



We listened to the story ” Goldilocks and the Three Bears” in French.  Using what we have learnt so far we were able to pick out and translate certain words.  We also looked at the similarity between some French words and English and used this to help us translate the text.



This week we continued looking at Scottish Dancing.  The children enjoyed sharing the dances they had learnt before the holidays.



As part of our whole school focus we have been looking at kindness.  We had some great discussions in class this week about how we can be kind to others.  The children were able to write acrostic poems on kindness.  We talked about personal space and kind hands.  The children were able to reflect on times of kindness and also where they feel their personal space was not being respected.  They agreed as a class that asking permission first was very important to make sure we are not making anyone uncomfortable.



The children have been working very hard on their eportfolios this week, we look forward to you being to view these on Monday.


I would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who contributed to my Christmas present.  It was so very kind.  I am not aware of who all took part so all the children have a thank you card in their bag today.  Thank you so much, Mrs Skilling.

Friday 5th January 2024

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing holiday.

To share what we did on our holidays we drew and wrote about where we went, what we ate, who we saw, etc.  It was so lovely to hear all the children’s stories about what they got up to and their favourite part of the holidays.

On Friday, we created stories about what we didn’t do on our holidays.  Some children wrote about going on holidays, meeting celebrities, and going on funfair rides.  It was lots of fun and we remembered to use our dictionaries and VCOP wall to support our writing.

In maths, we showed Mrs Skilling what we had learnt in time by reading various times on a clock.  We looked at the two different ways to say some times, like quarter past or 45 mins to and talked about why (in this circumstance) we would usually say quarter past.  We also completed questions on shape and fractions on Sumdog to help Mrs Skilling see what our next steps are.

We heard and picked from 6 Scots Poems and are looking forward to getting these home on Monday.  Two children will be picked to read these at the Burns Together Time on the 29th January.

In Art, we picked from 4 designs to create our own calendars for the year.  Using patterns and felt tip pens we created an abstract picture with the sand, sea, hills and sun.

Lastly, we enjoyed researching a topic of our choice, making a poster and presenting our facts to the class.  We had a huge range of topics from; Bears, Greek Myths, Flags, the Milky Way, Rocks, WW2, Vampire Flying Frogs, Sewing and so many more.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and it was so nice to see you all again this week.

Mrs Skilling

Friday 15th December 2023

In Literacy we have been word processing our Excitable Edgar stories.  We are looking forward to sharing them with one another next week. We also applied our knowledge of commas, apostrophes, question marks and explanation marks to a text.
In Numeracy we have been learning more about co-ordinates and creating our own designs.  We have also been learning more multiplication facts and solving problems.
In Art we have created a Christmas tree window scene with oil pastels.  We thought about size and perspective.
On Thursday the whole school went to the church.  We sand traditional Christmas carols and listened to our P7s retelling the Christmas story.  Our class also had our Christmas party. It was great fun!  We played best dancer, did a conga around the school, played pass the parcel, musical islands and Rudolph, Rudolph, Santa.
On Festive Friday we all wore our Festive jumpers again and this week we made Christmas cards.  We used our measuring skills to measure different lengths of paper to create a Christmas tree. We added glitter and a star. We will bring them home next week and we hope you like them!
We used our Loose Parts to create something Christmassy.  We built a sleigh, a Christmas tree and Santa’s workshop.  We worked together in teams to develop our co-operation, perseverance, safety awareness and resilience. It was a lot of fun!
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Miss Donaldson, Miss Allan and P4 xx