Friday 8th November 2024

In Literacy, we have been reading our new book Bill’s New Frock. We predicted what the book was about based on the front cover, we then read Chapter 1 and predicted Chapter 2. We used loose parts to show our predictions and acted these out to the rest of the class.

In Maths and Numeracy, we have been classifying prisms and pyramids. We have been continuing a repeating number pattern and using our addition and subtraction knowledge to help us.

In Art, we have been using line to create pattern. We used pictures online to support us with the texture we could create using line.

In PE, we have been passing the ball using the inside of our foot. We have been passing through a target and to a partner. We worked co-operatively to control the ball.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been discussing resilience. We used ‘resilience capes’ to share strategies that could help us be more resilient in class.

In French, we recapped numbers to 20, body parts and finished our work from last week on Halloween.

In ICT, we are using touch technology to access Glow. We learned to change our passwords and create safe and memorable passwords. We logged into Glow independently and accessed Sumdog.

Wednesday 6th November 2024

This week we have continued looking at adding paragraphs to our writing. We wrote an imaginative story about bonfire night with Miss Alexander and Mrs Skilling. We also looked at acrostic poems and wrote some based on fireworks. In handwriting, we looked at how “i” joins ascenders.

In numeracy, we learnt about estimation. We looked at number lines and estimated what number the arrow was pointing too. We also looked at double numbers and how this can help us estimate an answer.

We investigated different types of dances and created our own dances in groups.

In music, we started looking at singing two different parts at the same time. We loved listening to the different sound when we split up and sang the two parts together.

In PE, we practised throwing and catching drills and learnt a chest pass.

In IDL, we looked at local maps of the river Tay and Newport and compared them to maps from the 1800s. We discussed the difference between electronic and paper maps and the benefits of both. We looked at how to use an atlas and find places using coordinates.

Hope you all have a great rest of week.

Mrs Skilling

Wednesday 30th October 2024

In Literacy this week, to link with a spooky theme, we did some scary stories in class.  We continued to work on describing our settings and characters. After, we looked at how to split our work into paragraphs and highlighted where there was a change in place, time or theme.

In IDL, we learnt about fishing on the River Tay and took notes while watching a short video about it.  We looked at beavers and discussed why some people (mostly farmers) would be unhappy with their reintroduction to Scotland.  We also completed a comprehension piece about them.

In Numeracy, we looked at multiplication circles and the 6 times tables.  Some of us used “groups of” to help us work out 2 or 3 times table sums. On Wednesday, we completed some spooky multiplication mosiacs using various strategies to help us work out some trickier equations.

In Science, we looked at how to categorise animals and completed a chart to show which animals had particular features.

In PE, we practised an overhand throw and played several games with a partner to challenge our aim while using this throw.

In Drama, we reinacted the story of the very enormous turnip and worked with groups to create particular scenes.

In Music, we looked at sheet music and followed along to the beat by clapping and playing our glockenspiels.

In Outdoor Learning, we looked at types of trees and identified them by their leaves.

We completed our last skills academy lesson, the children all really enjoyed this.

Hope you all have a lovely rest of week.

Mrs Skilling


Friday 25th October 2024

This week, we had Miss Irvine back from maternity.

Today, we completed our Term 2 Targets.

In Literacy, we practised our spelling words and completed our spelling test. We wrote an informal letter to Miss Irvine to tell her all about us, what we enjoy about school and what helps us be the best we can be at school.

In Numeracy, we practised our times tables using arrays to help us solve them. We consolidated our learning of addition, subtraction and place value. We worked independently and challenged ourselves with some problem solving.

In PE, we were learning to communicate and work as a team to participate effectively in team games. We played games that practiced our throwing and catching skills.

We all went to our skills academy to learn a new skill! We have really enjoyed doing this.

Looking forward to next week P4! Have a great weekend.

Wednesday 23rd October 2024

What a brilliant start so far to the term.

In literacy, we have been looking at imaginative stories. We used pictures of forests and creatures to inspire us. On Wednesday we edited our work and some of us wrote new drafts. We analysed common mistakes focussing on conjunctions, the differences between their, there and they’re and how our descending letters should look in our writing.

We introduced our new spelling words. As a few children found it tricky glueing in their words weekly I have sent home a termly list of words. Please work on each week as we go along. If your child loses it, please let me know and I will send another copy home. In handwriting, we looked at the letter “a” to ascenders, eg al.

In numeracy, we have started looking at times tables and strategies to help us.

In IDL, we started our topic about life along the river Tay. We discussed what we would like to learn and what we already know. We watched a video about the source of the river and what animals live there. During this we improved our note taking skills. To link with this we also learnt about the water cycle and how rivers start.

In music, we started our glockenspiel course and started looking at how to read timings of notes on sheet music.

In PE, we looked at the underhand pass and practice by ourselves and with partners with different objects and balls. We also used these skills to play a game of dodgeball.

We had our first skills academy. The children all seemed so pleased with their first lesson. They have two more this week and one next week.

Thank you P4 for a great first week back, looking forward to next week.

Mrs Skilling

Primary 4 Weekly Blog Thurs/Fri

A great end to our final week of Term 1!

In art we have been finishing off our beautiful collage sunflowers and we have also been working on some spooktacular spider webs now that we are well and truly in Spooky Season!

In maths we have been consolidating our data handling topic.

We have been writing some fabulous stories in our Free Writing Friday sessions- from character descriptions, fact files and epic adventure tales we have it all!

In PE and Loose Parts we have continued to work on our team building skills and really enjoyed working together whilst playing some ‘Cross the River.’


On a separate note I would like to say a huge thank you to P4 for such a lovely first term with them! I have really enjoyed being their teacher and a huge thank you for all of my lovely gifts and cards- it was so generous!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holidays!

Miss Purvis 🙂

Wednesday 2nd October 2024

We have had a fantastic week in P4.

We had Mrs Alexander help support our writing lesson this week.  We all created amazing posters about vertebrates and invertebrates using our skills for writing.

We analysed and evaluated our targets and wrote our reflections on our learning this term.  Some of us managed to type this up ready to be uploaded on our eportfolios.

We all signed up for Skills academy lessons. This starts the first week back.  We chose from board games, puppets, art, football skills and Kapla.

We completed a paired talk about our writing and we were able to take notes about what our partner told us.

In numeracy, we continued to look at the split strategy with subtraction but this time we looked at how numbers carry over.  We also completed work based on our own targets to help us evaluate how well we had improved this term.

In outdoor learning, we created animal pictures with paper, leaves and glue.

We loved learning a trickier pattern on the glockenspiels this week in Music.

In PE, we played shipwreck, hoop it up and streets and alleys.  This continued our teambuilding skills and everyone participated well.

Thank you so much P4 for a first lovely term with you, I look forward to seeing you after the holidays.  Have a great rest of week and enjoy your holidays when they come.

Mrs Skilling.

Wednesday 25th September 2024

We have had a great week so far in P4.

In literacy, we read and highlighted key facts about recycling and created posters to share why recycling is important. We also created stories about our gardens and used descriptive words to write about things we like to do in our gardens.

In numeracy, we started looking at split strategies using subtraction and looked at missing number problems.  We also discussed the importance of using the inverse of a sum to check our answers.

In science, we started looking at the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates.

In music, we continued our practise of glockenspiels. We looked particularly at the notes C, G and F and looked at timing our hits to the beat.

In outdoor learning, we looked at drawing leaves and sketching the extra details we could see.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

Mrs Skilling.


P4 Blog Thurs/Fri
It’s been another super end to the week in P4.
We enjoyed learning some new team building activities in PE and worked so well together.
For literacy this week we have been learning about the Harvest Festival and used our skimming and scanning to complete a piece of comprehension work.
For art we have been getting into the festive spirit early, beginning work on our Christmas cards using geometric patterns and different shades.
In Maths we have continued with Data Handling, learning how to interpret different graphs and answer questions.
For Loose Parts this week we stayed indoors, and enjoyed using the smaller loose parts to create a Harvest themed structure. From farm machinery to shops we told the story of how food arrives on our plate through the power of imagination!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and see you next week!
Miss Purvis 🙂

Wednesday 18th September 2024

We have a had a very productive week this week.

In ICT we focused on research skills online and how to search safely on google.  We looked for famous failures for kids.  In literacy, we looked at note taking based on what we found and created our own posters about our famous people.  We picked JK Rowling, Michael Jordon, Walt Disney and Albert Einstein to create our posters about.  We worked on the joins between ip, ig, is, uy, us and up.

In Numeracy, we looked at fact families and a part part whole model. On Tuesday we looked at how to use split strategy to work out sums of 2 digit, 3 digit and 4 digit numbers.  On Wednesday, we looked at finding the halfway point between two numbers.  Some children used help from a numberline while others learnt the strategy which they add the two numbers together and then divide it by 2.

In HWB, we looked at stop and stuck strategies that help us.  We also were able to discuss what was a big problem and what was a little problem.  Lastly, on Wednesday, we refreshed why it is important to be kind to others and shared kind compliments to our friends.

In Music, we introduced the use of glockenspiels. Everyone got a turn of trying to follow along with the music.

In Outdoor Learning, we did a wildlife survey from the RSPB on minibeasts.  The children used tally marks and a grid to keep track of how many creatures they found.

In PE, we worked on teambuilding games.  We were able to play cross the river, pass the hoop and complete an obstacle course outside.

Hope you all have a lovely rest of week.