Wednesday 22nd January 2025

This week, we learnt about various Scottish Myths and Legends and included them in our imaginative stories.  We listened to some of the story “The Secret of the Kelpie” by Lari Don.  Some of us worked hard editing our stories to include more descriptions of our settings and characters.

We enjoyed having Miss Allan teach us on Monday.

In our topic, we looked at various pictures and talked about what we saw, thought or wondered about them.  This brought up really interesting questions and facts about each of the pictures.

In Drama, we listened to the story of Grace Darling and acted out some of her story. Children worked in pairs to reinact the scene where she spotted the ship wreck, convinced her father to help and then both rowed the boat to help.

In Numeracy, we revisited different strategies to divide numbers.  Some of us started looking at dividing two digit numbers by two digits.

In PE, we enjoyed working at our fitness stations with music.  We worked hard and focused on stamina for short bursts of time.

We were a good audience for our peers who bravely read their Scots poems.  I am so proud of the work that everyone put in.  They have all worked so hard and did so well.

In HWB, we continued with our message to Keep Connected by looking at people around us who are important and why it is important to have support networks to help us.

Hope you have a great rest of week.

Mrs Skilling

Friday 17th January 2025

In Literacy, we have been identifying nouns in our class novel. We became book detectives and were working on summarising, clarifying, questioning and predicting. We had great discussions and worked well cooperatively.

In Maths, we have been learning about directions and angles. We labelled a compass and identified the angles in relation to turns e.g. quarter turn (90 degrees) etc.

In French, we have been learning about our families. We learned how to say Mum, Dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, auntie and uncle!

In HWB, we have been setting our Term 3 targets. We have been focusing on Keeping Connected through our building resilience programme. We read The Boy Who Built a Wall Around Himself and we created our own pictures about the book using cooperative drawing skills.

In PE, we have been learning hockey skills. This week we were learning the skill Sending, we learned how to send a small ball to another person using a hockey stick. We also learned how to hold the hockey stick correctly and how to control the pace of the ball.

Enjoy your weekend! 🙂

Wednesday 15th January 2025

This week we have continued working on Scottish Haikus.  We really focussed on the syllable pattern of 5, 7 and 5 on each line.  Most children managed this well and wrote a poem about a scottish animal, food or munros. We wrote our own imaginative stories inspired by the short film “powerless.” We continued to work on our describing skills.

We continued to practise our Scots poems for Burns day.

We evaluated our previous spelling patterns from our weekly tests and helped create this weeks list of words for spelling.  These are the words we all felt we needed more practise on.

In Numeracy, we continued working on solving word equation.  Some children started to work on equations with two steps within the question.  We also refreshed our knowledge of number sequences and patterns and odd and even numbers.

In Loose parts, we worked with Primary 1/2 to create a variety of structures, including a restaurant, a boat, and an aeroplane.

In PE, we continued our fitness lessons.  The children enjoyed challenging themselves during shuttle runs and also worked hard doing various exercise stations.  We discussed what parts of the body these exercises affected and why it was important to do a range of different exercises.

In Music, we looked at the song “3 little birds” and learnt about singing with different pitch.

In our Topic, we investigated about dundee and read some facts about the 3 Js of Dundee.

Hope you all have a great rest of week.

Mrs Skilling

Friday 10th January 2025

Welcome back!

In Literacy this week, we made predictions about our new novel The Great Food Bank Heist By Onjali Q.Rauf. We have been continuing to learn how to upskill our writing by focusing on using adverbs in our sentences. We extended our learning by identifying the nouns and verbs, too!

In Numeracy this week, we have been learning how to continue a symmetrical pattern with more than one line of symmetry. We found this a bit tricky but lots of us showed perseverance, determination and resilience. During our morning tasks, we consolidated some learning from last term such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

In PE this week, we focused on safety, listening skills and teamwork. We are now ready to move onto our block of learning on Hockey!

We read Martin’s Big Words and this linked well with our school improvement about Rights, Equality and Diversity. We discussed some words we would want 2025 to be filled with and made Agamographs to showcase these words. They look lovely on our class display!

We have all enjoyed our Skills Academy this week. This included a variety of skills and activities such as painting, construction, problem solving, puppet making and games.

We loved taking part in Be Bright Be Seen day organised by the JRSO’s. We designed our own hi viz jackets and enjoyed playing the games related to road safety.

Wednesday 8th January 2025

Happy New Year!

What a wonderful first week back. The children helped pick where they would like to sit and created a banner and chant for their classroom table.

We evaluated our targets from last term and uploaded them onto our eportfolios.

We looked at various Scots words and looked at 8 different Scots poems.  We chose our favourite ones and have them home to practise.  We looked at Haikus and short poems and created our own in Scots.

In Numeracy, we have been looking at how to solve word equations.  We underlined key information in the question that helped us work out the sum and answer.

We have loved our Skills academy this week.  All the children have said how much they have enjoyed their various classes, whether they have been building New York with Kapla or painting inspired by Steven Brown or even making their own puppets all feedback has been positive,

In PE, we started looking at fitness and how we can keep ourselves fit and healthy.  We challenged ourselves with shuttle runs and wrote tables to monitor our progress over the next few weeks.

Lovely to see the children again this week and so nice to hear about their holidays.

Mrs Skilling.

Friday 20th December 2024

We have enjoyed lots of Christmas fun this week! We loved taking part in a Christmas STEM challenge, the Christmas Sing-a-Long and the Pupil Council Christmas Quiz.

We have worked so hard this term and I am very proud of you all.

Have a lovely Christmas everyone and see you in January!

Wednesday 18th December 2024

We have had a very festive week this week in Primary 4.

On Monday, we looked at various handwriting patterns we had previously learnt and worked on ones we felt we needed more practise on.

We made our christmas craft, which was a christmas bauble.  We were inspired by the snowglobes we made at the beginning of this term so we created miniature ones for our trees at home.  We hope you like them.

At our christmas party we loved playing pass the parcel, christmas corners, musical statues and musical bumps.  We also performed the Scottish dance we have been learning; Strip the Willow.  We loved turning of the lights at the end for an extra dance.

On Tuesday, we enjoyed watching the christmas film “The Grinch” with the whole school.  We continued working on our eportfolios. In Numeracy, we played a christmas escape room where we had to use our problem solving skills to help us escape.

On Wednesday, we practised the scottish dances Strip the Willow and the Canadian Barn Dance.  We practised our listening and talking skills by investigating what books other children in our class like.  We then chose books from the school library for other children in our class and discussed the giving and kind nature around christmas.

We practised how to wrap presents and wrote an procedural text about how to successfully wrap a present.  Hopefully they can show these steps at home and help wrap presents.

Hope you all have a lovely holidays and I will see you in the New Year. Thank you for all the kind gifts too.

Merry Christmas

Mrs Skilling

Friday 13th December 2024

In Literacy, we have been learning to add similes and figurative language in our writing. We used a Christmas Advert as our stimulus for this. We loved watching it and discussing the themes in the advert such as friendship and kindness. We used Bill’s New Frock by Anne Fine to recap verbs, punctuation and higher order thinking skills.

In Numeracy, we have been showcasing our learning on multiplication and discussing the strategies we have been learning across the term. In Maths, we have been identifying shapes with multiple lines of symmetry, next term we will create our own pictures to show multiple lines of symmetry.

In PE, we focused on teamwork, cooperation and being a good sportsperson through games like dodgeball and bench ball. We used the 5 point scale to discuss how we felt throughout the game.

In Art, we have been enhancing our motor skills and cooperation by learning about origami to create our Christmas Cards.

We had committees this week and really enjoyed taking part in the Christmas Jumper Hunt which was planned by the Enterprise committee.

We used the iPads to show a friend our ePortfolio and reflect on our work. We also chose a piece of work we are very proud of and we can’t wait to share it all with you at home!

We loved watching the P1 Nativity this morning, they did so well!


Friday 6th December 2024

In Numeracy, we have been showing resilience and motivation by challenging ourselves to multiply larger numbers!

In Literacy, we have continued to explore themes in our class novel. We have been skimming and scanning text and using our novel to learn about speech marks.

In PE, we played mini football games using the skills we have been learning. We showed resilience and co-operation and all worked well as a team. We continued to practise shooting, too!

In Art, we took inspiration from artist Christa Rijneveld and created our own mountainous landscapes using black card and white chalk. We used lines and dots to create texture, they look amazing up on our classroom wall.

We visited the P7 Christmas Market and enjoyed buying cakes, books, festive decorations and raffle tickets.

We have made festive jokes to go out to the community! We enjoyed researching these.

Have a great weekend!


Wednesday 4th December 2024

The children were so excited to start our advent calendar this week.  We have been using “spin the wheel” to pick 2 children who get a chocolate daily.

In literacy, we wrote out clear instructions to play the games we created last week.  We made sure to use bossy verbs and avoid “I” and “we” in our instructions.  We followed the success criteria of a procedural text and marked our own work.  On Wednesday, we used our writing to lead the game during our PE time.  We had time to set up, explain the rules to our teammates and then carried out our games.  At the end, we evaluated how well our teammates lead the session, listened to the instructions for our games and showed the skills we learnt in class.

We wrote wanted posters about a destroyed garden in our book “The boy who grew dragons”.

In Numeracy, we started looking at division.  We focused on dividing using arrays and equal groups.  Some of us started looking at division with remainders.

In our topic, we looked at the Tay Bridge Disaster and listened to information about what happened.  We discussed the structural properties of the bridge and what could have made it stronger.  The children then designed their own bridge discussing how they thought the bridge would survive the weather and the sea.

Hope you have a great rest of week, Mrs Skilling.