This week, we learnt about various Scottish Myths and Legends and included them in our imaginative stories. We listened to some of the story “The Secret of the Kelpie” by Lari Don. Some of us worked hard editing our stories to include more descriptions of our settings and characters.
We enjoyed having Miss Allan teach us on Monday.
In our topic, we looked at various pictures and talked about what we saw, thought or wondered about them. This brought up really interesting questions and facts about each of the pictures.
In Drama, we listened to the story of Grace Darling and acted out some of her story. Children worked in pairs to reinact the scene where she spotted the ship wreck, convinced her father to help and then both rowed the boat to help.
In Numeracy, we revisited different strategies to divide numbers. Some of us started looking at dividing two digit numbers by two digits.
In PE, we enjoyed working at our fitness stations with music. We worked hard and focused on stamina for short bursts of time.
We were a good audience for our peers who bravely read their Scots poems. I am so proud of the work that everyone put in. They have all worked so hard and did so well.
In HWB, we continued with our message to Keep Connected by looking at people around us who are important and why it is important to have support networks to help us.
Hope you have a great rest of week.
Mrs Skilling