Author: gw24purvisfrancesca@glow

Weekly Blog- 14th June

We have had a wonderful week in P4, starting off with our fabulous trip to The St Andrew Botanic Gardens on Monday. We were very excited to get the public bus through, and managed to use our bus passes. We had a great time learning all about the various creatures that live in the Botanics and the different plants that grow there. We  learnt how to identify animal tracks and looked at owl pellets and squirrel dining tables! We then enjoyed some time on the brilliant Trim Trail, made out of reclaimed wood from the forest. After break we headed down to the pond to take part in some pond dipping! We managed to identify lots of cool creatures including tadpoles, water mites and minnows! It was a brilliant day out!


In maths with Miss Allan this week we have been consolidating our work on measurement. We have also been extending our work on column addition and subtraction, learning how to solve missing number problems.


In Literacy we created persuasive leaflets, advertising the St Andrews Botanics. We included persuasive devices, and looked at the different features of a leaflet to ensure our leaflets were engaging and interesting to read, as well as being informative.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Purvis


P4 Weekly Blog

Another fun week in Primary 4, filled with lots of super learning!


This week in Literacy we have been looking at persuasive devices. On Tuesday we were put into groups and given a ‘random’ object. Our aim was to decide what our object was and advertise it to the rest of the group, Dragons Den style, using as many persuasive devices as we could.

On Thursday we were shocked to discover that our chairs had gone on strike! According to their disgruntled letter we had been treating them poorly by swinging on them and not tucking them in!! We had to act fast and wrote some brilliant letters persuading them to return to work. We must have done a good job because luckily this morning they had returned, even writing us a letter of thanks too! Well done P4!


In maths this week we have been looking at calculating time durations. We discussed when we might need to calculate time durations in real life and came up with some great examples. We also enjoyed completing a multiplication mosaic.


In PE we have been practicing for Sports Day and enjoyed the egg and spoon race, target practice and relay race amongst others! We are all looking forward to putting them into practice next week.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday for our school trip to St Andrews Botanics!

Miss Purvis


P4- Weekly Blog


In literacy this week we have learning how to locate information using alphabetical order. We practiced finding words and definitions in a fast paced ‘Dictionary Hunt’!


In maths this week we have been looking at addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers, using the column method.


In PE we have continued with athletics. We practiced throwing a shot put and discus accurately, and developed our fitness skills through relay races.

Weekly Blog

In Literacy this week we have been reviewing and editing our newspaper reports. We learnt how to create text boxes and columns on Word, and then typed up our up levelled articles. We also learnt how to insert a picture into our articles, to further engage the reader.

In Maths this week we have been consolidating measure and multiplication of 2 digit numbers. We learnt how to measure the length, width and height in mm, cm and metres. We practiced multiplying 1 digit by 2 digit numbers in the form of word problems.

In Art this week we have been looking at the work of Georgia O’Keefe. We have begun to create our own ‘Insect loving Plants’ themed art work, using O’Keefes signature ‘zoomed in’ style as inspiration.

Primary 4 Weekly Blog

It’s been another lovely sunny week in Newport, and Primary 4 have been making the most of the weather with lots of outdoor learning!


In literacy this week we have been looking at the features of a newspaper article. We completed a blankety blank task, filling in the missing words of a newspaper article. This helped us to become familiarised with the structure of the text. We then were set a challenge to match up some silly real life headlines with the corresponding text extracts. We are writing our newspaper reports on the exciting oyster catcher visitors to our school, so we went around the school interviewing key witnesses, to get some quotes for our reports! We finally wrote up the finished articles, which we will edit and type up next week.


In maths this week we have been consolidating our knowledge of place value and measure. After recapping the units of measure, we headed outside to complete an measurement scavenger hunt.


After learning the different parts of a bee last week, this week we created realistic bee drawings, using a step by step guide to help us. We were able to identify the different parts and add detail to our drawings using shading and texture.

Primary 4- Weekly Blog

Although we have had a short week, we have still managed to pack in a lot of fun learning in P4!

In literacy we have been looking at adverbs and identifying the different types of adverbs we find in writing.

In Maths we have been consolidating our angle knowledge.

In topic we have been looking at the different parts of a honey bee, and completed a labelling activity.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and that the sun continues to shine!

Week Beginning 29th April 2024

Another fun filled week in P4!


In Literacy this week we have been looking at functional writing- specifically writing about the life cycle of a bee. We started off by completing a ‘Blankety Blank’ activity using a piece of text describing the various life cycle stages. We had to fill in the missing words and this allowed us to become familiarised with the subject vocabulary. We then used the netbooks to expand our knowledge further, researching the different stages and taking notes under headings. Finally we wrote up our findings in a report, using sub headings and subject specific vocabulary. We then created detailed diagrams displaying the different stages of the bee life cycle.



In maths this week we have been looking at angles. We can now confidently identify and name obtuse, acute and reflex angles and compare them in size against right and straight angles. We went outside on an angle hunt and used the I-pads to take photos of the different angles we found in the playground.


Outdoor Learning/Art

We combined art and outdoor learning this week as we went outside to create some transient art. We used hula hoops as our frames and natural materials and objects to create images and patterns inside them. There were some extremely creative pictures! As it was transient art we removed the hoops at the end and left the designs on the grass (removing any large stones or objects of course!)


The sun is shining and I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend! Remember- no school for children on Monday or Thursday next week! 🙂

Week Beginning 22nd April 2024

Another fabulous week in Primary 4!


In literacy this week we have been finishing off our flash fiction Ten Word Tiny Tales. We have really enjoyed challenging ourselves to create a tiny tale that has suspense, detail and intrigue- all in only ten words! The results have been fantastic and Miss Purvis has loved seeing how creative we can be. We also


This week we have been consolidating money. We have been learning how to calculate change up to at least £20. In groups we created café menus with prices for each item. We then created our cafes using loose parts and had great fun using toy money to buy delicious items from each menu and whilst making sure to give the correct change to each other.


This week we have been focussing on athletics. We have been practicing shuttle runs, hurdles and shot putt.



We started our new topic this week which is….Bees!! We came up with lots of really interesting questions that we would like to learn about and are all very excited to get stuck in. We also went down to our allotment space and have decided to plant potatoes and strawberries, which we will start next week.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Week beginning 25th March

And just like that we have made it to the holidays!! It’s been a brilliant final week in P4, and I hope everyone has a wonderful and well deserved break!


In Literacy this week we have enjoyed some outdoor learning, creating our own similes and metaphors using inspiration found in the playground. We have also been learning about the AFOREST persuasive techniques and used them to create our own persuasive advertisements.


In maths we have been practicing our four operations with lots of active games and challenges.


In drama we have continued looking at characterisation and then moving onto settings. We worked in groups to create freeze frames of various settings and Miss Purvis was so impressed with our team work and creativity skills.

We also really enjoyed the Spring Service on Friday and loved sharing our Easter Bunny art, as well as getting to see all of the brilliant performances and art works shared by other classes 🙂


Hoppy Holidays everyone!



Week beginning 18th March 2024

The sun has come out for our final Friday before the holidays and what a great week we have had in P4!


In literacy this week we have been practicing our dictionary skills. We played a fun dictionary hunt game and enjoyed searching up definitions and learning some fun words! In writing we have been creating autobiographies! We wrote chose some key areas in our lives to write about and our writing was superb.


This week we have continued with word problems. We used critical thinking and problem solving skills to identify the key information and find the problem needing solved. We also created our own word problems for a partner to solve.


In drama this week we have been focussing on characterisation. We have enjoyed role playing various characters and scenarios, and have had a lot of fun coming up with our own!



In art we have been looking at contrast. We created zentangle style Easter Bunnies and will create water colour contrasting backdrop next week to go behind them.