Author: Mrs Skilling

Friday 6th October 2023

Numeracy and Maths

This week we looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.  We also looked at best ways to record data and averaging data collected.  Using data collected from a science experiment using loose parts, we created our own tables and some of us also created bar charts of our results.  On Thursday, we also showed our learning so far by completing a maths assessment.



In our writing this week, we created our own characters and settings using a planning sheet that focused on the five senses.  We used our plans to write our own imaginative stories. We revisited our previous learning and discussed what is important to include in our stories.

For Listening and talking this week, we read stories, wrote notes about the story and drew pictures to help us remember the story.  We then had discussions with a partner about what happened in our story.



This week, we looked at hockey skills and learnt how to control the ball in groups.  We did a relay race where we had to move the ball in between the cones and pass it to the next person.  We also learnt how to stop the ball before passing it to the next person.

Since Thursday was our last PE lesson of this term, we were allowed to choose the activities we wanted to play.  We chose bench ball, hospital tig and a different version of dodgeball.  We really enjoyed this.



We finished and presented our powerpoints on children’s rights.  We all took turns to show and talk about the powerpoints we made.  It was interesting to see the different priorities of rights and hear the opinions of our classmates.  We gave feedback to our peers about their presentations through two stars and a wish.



This week we continued to add to our eportfolios, including learning how to crop photos and add them to our eportfolios.



In Art, we looked at Vincent Van Gogh.  We looked at how he used different techniques and shades of colour to create multiple pictures of wheatfields.  We watched a video and looked at his harvest series of paintings.  Using what we learnt, we created notes and combined them to write what we wanted to say at our harvest assembly.  Several of us volunteered to talk at our assembly and everyone did so well sharing their artwork and their learning. We also did a “wheatfield meditation” while looking at some of his paintings.


IDL – Forces

On Monday, we looked at friction and what it can do to a force.  In groups, we discussed and wrote plans with diagrams of an experiment we would carry out with loose parts to show the effect of friction.  Some of us chose to use different textured balls while others changed the surface the ball was rolling on.  We then carried out our experiments and timed how long the ball would take to roll along the chosen surface.  We discussed the importance of a “fair” experiment and we showed our understanding of this by rolling the ball along a surface that was the same length and only changing one variable of the experiment.  We recorded our results on our clipboards.  On Wednesday, we transferred the data collected into tables.  Some of us found the average time of each variable and also made a bar chart with their data.



On Thursday, the children enjoyed the enterprises butterfly hunt.  In total our class found 19. Neave won the prize for most butterflies in the class by finding 4.

Friday 29th September 2023

Numeracy and Maths

On Monday, we started looking at using blank numberlines and numberlines to help us work out subtraction equations.  On Friday, we looked at word equations.  We underlined the key information to help us work out the answer.



In our reading groups, we read guided reading cards together.  One the members of our group was leading and making sure everyone had a turn reading and answering questions. On Monday, we learnt our new spelling words and practised our joined handwriting.



On Monday, 5 children read their acrostic poems at together time.  The spoke really clearly and loudly and we are very proud of them all.



On Monday, we logged into glow and wrote on our team’s page so we knew how to access this when working from home.

On Friday, we were working on our e-portfolios and we are looking forward to sharing them with you.


Forces Topic

As part of our topic, we planned an experiment showing how friction can effect a force.  We look forward to carrying out our experiments on Monday using loose parts.



We shared our online learning with Mrs Skilling.  Please bring this in on Monday if you have not brought it in already.

Friday 22nd September 2023

Numeracy and Maths

This week we have started looking at subtraction and how we can use a numbersquare and numberline to help us work out difficult equations.  We have enjoyed our mental maths and challenging ourselves to subtract 1-digit numbers from either a 1, 2 or 3 digit number. In maths, we discussed and decided what information we would like to collect data on. Most children picked from favourite food, sport or animal.  We then carried out a survey and tallied the answers our classmates gave us.  Using the data collected, we created a table of results and some of us also created a bar graph. We made our own spinners in probability with Miss Allan and we used language like; “It was impossible to…” “It was certain to…” “It was likely to..” “It was unlikely to” and “It had an even chance.”



In our writing this week, we read a story about following directions.  We discussed and looked at google maps to help us remember our trip to the library last week.  Using a spider diagram, we planned out what we would need to include in our writing; materials, bossy verbs, steps, etc. Using our plans and the book to help support us, we wrote our first piece of instructional writing this term.  We then used a self-assessment grid to check that we included our goal, our materials, bossy verbs, numbered our steps, wrote in a chronological order, etc.

Using our feedback from our Acrostic poems from last week, we were able to edit our work on Microsoft word.

In our reading groups, we have started independently reading PM guided reading cards and have answered questions in our groups.



This week, we have practised our throwing and catching skills.  During Wednesdays PE, we played a game of Dodgeball.  On Thursday, we started looking at our tennis skills.  We focussed on throwing the ball with the opposite hand.  We then practised serving the ball to our partners.

“This week in PE we did tennis. We had to throw the ball in the air and serve to our partner for them to catch. At the end we played a game of Jungles on fire,” Finlay.

“This week my favourite thing has been PE because I really liked dodge ball,” Ada.

“This week I have enjoyed learning tennis skills. I liked learning how to catch the ball and hit it with a tennis racket,” Grace.



This week we revisited the SHANARRI wheel and wrote comments about how we felt these needs are met in school.  We also continued our discussions about mistakes and failures.

“Best thing of this week was health and wellbeing,” Olivia A.



In Drama, we looked at how we respond using different senses.  We imagined what it was like to experience good and bad things through all 5 of our senses.



We looked at the numbers 0-31 using songs.  Then we tried to match the numbers to the correct French terms.  Some of us found this very challenging this week, we hope to keep practising these.

“I enjoyed FRENCH this week because we got to look at the spelling,” Lewis.



In RME we named parts of a religious building and items inside the religious church with Miss Allan.



This week we worked with another pair to give feedback on our powerpoints so far.  The groups gave each other two stars and a wish.  They then edited their work using the feedback given to improve the slides created so far. With Miss Allan we added a word cloud to our e-portfolios.



In Art, we created our Christmas Cards.  We used templates of trees to paint a beautiful night sky around.  We then removed the template and used cotton buds to create our trees with Christmassy colours.

“I really enjoyed art. I really liked when we had to mix the paints to make pretty colours. It was so fun,” Neave.

“Art because it is so fun,” Winnie.

Friday 15th September 2023

Numeracy and Maths

Using partitioning we were able to add two-digit numbers together.  By breaking the numbers into tens and ones it made it easier to add them together. We looked at double numbers and discussed how we could use them to help us complete other calculations in our head like 60 + 63 =.



In our writing this week, we watched the video “Adrift” and created our own stories about an animal island.  Our focus was on creating characters and describing the setting whilst following our story mountain plan.

To help with our describing skills we looked at different adjectives to write about a variety of made up planets.

On Wednesday, we had a fantastic trip to the library.  Thank you to all our helpers.  The children loved listening to extracts from “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Charlie and the Glass Elevator” and creating their very own door hangers.

In handwriting, we practised our joined letters using the starting vowels “i” and “u”.



While listening to “3 Little Birds” by Bob Marley & The Wailers, we used a variety of clapping, snapping, stamping and tapping to follow the beat.  We listened to Fleetwood Mac’s song “Albatross” and drew a picture of how it made us feel. We looked at what parts of the brain we use when listening to music and creating beats.



We have continued looking at ball skills.  We practised our throwing and played a game of basketball in PE. With our partners we showed and recorded all the variety of passes we have learned.  On Wednesday, we played hospital tig and Jungles on fire before our walk to the library.




We enjoyed reading the story “Oops” and discussed how we can create wonderful pictures from mistakes.

We looked at the challenges in computer games such as Minecraft and linked them to challenges we have in our learning. We created Acrostic Poems based on Failing and Mistakes and typed them on the computer.  We hope to read a selection at our together time assembly.


Loose parts play

On Thursday, during loose parts play, we worked with P2 to complete an addition race.  Each loose part was worth a set amount and we had to make sure our team had the right total at the end of everyone’s turn.  This took lots of problem solving and working together as a team.



In Drama, we worked in pairs, one person had to act out something like “washing a dog” or “brushing our teeth” without talking.  Our partner then had to guess what we were acting.



This week we looked at the right to have shelter, food and water with Miss Skinner.  We added another slide to our Powerpoint, wrote notes about what we learned and added pictures to the slide.



In Art, we looked at Mondrian’s art.  We created Squares and rectangles and painted them the primary colours; Blue, Yellow and Red.  We also used the colours Black and white for the lines and spaces in-between.



During the enterprise committee we collected apples to sell at the School Fair.

In Eco Committee we were writing ideas to show how we could celebrate the green eco flag.  We talked about why we joined the Eco Committee, protecting wildlife and not littering.

Health and Wellbeing Committee, we played hospital tig, toilet tig and dragon tig.

In the Rights Respecting Committee, we were planning how we could follow the rights in school and in the community.

Friday 8th September 2023

Numeracy and Maths

In maths, we were looking at sequences moving in 2s, 5s, 10s, and 100s.  We started our math workbooks and used the knowledge of place value to help work out the patterns and continue them.  Using our data handling skills, we interpreted data from pictographs and created our own using data given.  Using 100 number square splat, we explored adding two 2-digit numbers together.  We were able to count in tens and ones to help us work out the answer.



During a class discussion, we talked about characters and why it is important to describe them in our stories. Then we wrote descriptions about the characters Rock, Paper and Scissors from the video “Broken”. For an extra challenge, some children also described the settings that each character lived.

We practised our spelling words and took our first spelling test. Some children really enjoyed creating a rap or song with their spelling words this week.



We have been practising the “I Have a Go” and “Neuron” Songs for our sharing assembly. With a focus on beat this week, we managed to keep a beat going with the song “Keep the Kettle Boiling.”  Using body percussion, we were able to clap, stamp and click along to “Can’t stop the feeling” by Justin Timberlake.



We were practising ball skills. Using an underhand, overhand, chest and bounce pass we were able to pass the ball to our partner.  We enjoyed playing a new game called “Spud.”  We played a game of basketball. 

“My favourite thing this week was PE because it was fun to learn some new ball skills. It was really fun to play basketball,” Ada.

“We had to do the underhand, overhead and chest pass. We also worked on our dribbling skills. It was very fun!” Finlay.



We made a learning pit and discussed how it feels to learn and attempt something for the first time.  We looked at famous failures and mistakes that worked.  We looked at kindness and wrote notes to three of our classmates. We made posters using positive affirmations.


Loose parts play

We teamed up in groups with the primary 2s and made a futuristic vehicle. We lead their learning and tried to help support their ideas. 

“My favourite subject this week was the loose-parts-play. I liked it because we had to communicate and teach the younger children. I also enjoyed it because we got to use our imagination,” Lewis.



Using our novel, we acted out George and his dad going to buy ingredients for the medicine from the shops.  We worked in groups of 3 or 4 and acted out the characters George, Mr Kranky, Mrs Kranky and the chicken. 



We all managed this week to send an email saying our favourite lesson. 

We used the netbooks to investigate different flags for our fair stall “Guess the flag.”

We started making powerpoints about our rights.  When creating a title page and first page, we were able to change the layout of the slide and the font and size of the text. 



As part of our outdoor learning we made leaves with our birthdays on them using things we found outside. 

We looked at the artist Kandinsky and tried to replicate his style.  His piece titled “Yellow, Red and Blue” inspired us to play with colour and shape.

“I enjoyed art this week it was inspiring to see how imaginative people really could get,” Ella.



We were learning French days and months.  We have been challenging ourselves to say the date in French.

Friday 1st September 2023

Numeracy and Maths

We have looked at writing numbers, up to 4 digits, in words.  For example, 6323 is six thousand, three hundred and twenty-three. We had different challenges which started with 2-digit numbers and worked its way up to 5-digit number.  Most of us were able to complete 3 digit or 4-digit numbers.

We used our knowledge of thousands, hundreds, tens and ones to create 4-digit numbers. For example, 7 thousands, 6 hundreds, and 3 ones is 7603. We used 9-sided dice to make 2 digit or 3-digit numbers and challenged our friends.

We practised our tally marks showing lots of different numbers. We used a board game where we rolled two dice to give a 2-digit number and wrote our answer in tally marks.



In our writing we were using adjectives to describe different settings.  We looked at different pictures and described what the landscape was like, the time of day or year and what we thought was happening in this picture.

We started looking at our new spelling words and patterns.

In our reading groups, we read our first chapter or few pages together.

In our novel, “George’s Marvellous Medicine” Georges dad, Killy Kranky, wants to remake the medicine and sell it to all the farmers.  After discussing this as a class, we do not think they will be able to remake the same medicine because Mr Kranky has forgotten some ingredients.



We used our imagination to pretend there was a magical box full of lots of items in the middle of the circle. While taking turns we took an item out of the box and acted out what it was.  Our friends had to guess what it was.  If they guessed correctly they had to put our item back and use their own imagination to pull something else out of the box. Some things we imagined included: video games, a gorilla, a teddy bear, a lollipop, a ring and a toothbrush.


Loose-Parts Play

We used teamwork and imagination to build the tallest tower and an eco-friendly vehicle.

“I loved making the eco-friendly car and the tallest tower,” Olivia H



We have been learning how to play football rounders.  It was fun.  We have been looking at ball skills.  We found it challenging to pay attention to the next base and make sure there wasn’t someone already there.  However, we practised and we showed better understanding.

“I loved playing the football rounders.  One team had to kick the ball and run around while the other team had to catch the ball and roll it through their legs,” Neave.



On Keynote we made a self-portrait of ourselves with Miss Allan. We wrote an email stating our favourite learning from this week to Mrs Skilling using Glow. Mrs Skilling picked 2 statements to add to our blog this week.



We looked at growth mindset and fixed mindset. With our table partners, we made a picture of our brains showing the neurons firing and the connections between them.  Half the brain showed a growth mindset and the other half showed a fixed mindset.  The growth mindset showed lots of neurons and connections while the fixed mindset didn’t.



In RME we looked at places of worship with Miss Allan.



We learned all our numbers up to 20 in French.  We played a game with numbers 0-20 using fly swats.  Mrs Skilling shouted a number in French.  We had to be the first to hit the number and say it in French.



We decided on which Committees we wanted to join.