Author: Miss Allan

Friday 8th March 2024

Literacy- in literacy we have been learning how to create a character description. We used figurative language and powerful adjectives to describe the characters appearance and personality traits.
Maths – in maths we have been focusing on multiplication and consolidating 3d shape. We can now confidently identify a range of 3d shapes from their properties and use the correct terminology to describe them.
 PE- in PE we have continued on with gymnastics. We practiced jumping and rolling from the benches.

Friday 1st March 2024

In literacy this week we have been learning how to write an information text. To finish off our topic we wrote a piece on the Ancient Egyptians and how they lived. We made sure to use a formal tone and include lots of interesting detail.
In Maths this week we have been continuing with fractions. We learnt how to identify equivalent fractions and combined outdoor learning and maths to find fractions of an amount using natural materials.
In Art we have been looking at composition. We studied some fresh snowdrops and read some snowdrop stories as inspiration. We then created some beautiful still life snowdrop drawings using pastels.
In PE this week we have begun our gymnastics topic. We focussed on jumps, leaps and rolls. Miss Purvis was so impressed with the expert gymnast helpers in P4!

Friday 15th December 2023

In Literacy we have been word processing our Excitable Edgar stories.  We are looking forward to sharing them with one another next week. We also applied our knowledge of commas, apostrophes, question marks and explanation marks to a text.
In Numeracy we have been learning more about co-ordinates and creating our own designs.  We have also been learning more multiplication facts and solving problems.
In Art we have created a Christmas tree window scene with oil pastels.  We thought about size and perspective.
On Thursday the whole school went to the church.  We sand traditional Christmas carols and listened to our P7s retelling the Christmas story.  Our class also had our Christmas party. It was great fun!  We played best dancer, did a conga around the school, played pass the parcel, musical islands and Rudolph, Rudolph, Santa.
On Festive Friday we all wore our Festive jumpers again and this week we made Christmas cards.  We used our measuring skills to measure different lengths of paper to create a Christmas tree. We added glitter and a star. We will bring them home next week and we hope you like them!
We used our Loose Parts to create something Christmassy.  We built a sleigh, a Christmas tree and Santa’s workshop.  We worked together in teams to develop our co-operation, perseverance, safety awareness and resilience. It was a lot of fun!
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Miss Donaldson, Miss Allan and P4 xx

Friday 8th December 2023

We have had a busy week of learning in P4. Here is a flavour of our learning highlights…In Literacy we have been learning when to use an exclamation mark, a question mark and commas in our writing. We also analysed the story of Edgar the Dragon and wrote our own version.We have continued to learn our times tables this week in Numeracy. We have also been learning about grid references, co-ordinates and compass points. We created mnemonics to remember the order of North, East, south and West (Naughty Elephants Splash Water, Never Eat Soggy Wheat and Never Eat Shredded Wheat).In Science we continued to learn about food chains and habitats.  In Technology we learned to how to use loops when coding and we also created our own advent calendars in PowerPoint.  We used hyperlinks (ctrl k) to move between the pages to give the idea of opening a door.  In RME we worked in home teams and away teams to learn information about past and present Christmas traditions in Scotland. In Drama, we worked in small groups to mime different things associated with Christmas. It was a lot of fun.Everyone looked very festive for our Festive Friday. Today we researched and recorded Christmas jokes for our Festive Goodie Bags. Every class contributed an item to the bag and our Pupil Council will visit Granary Lane to distribute them to our community.Today is Miss Fell’s last day with us. We would like to thank her for all of the fun lessons she planned for us and we wish her lots of luck for the future! We think she will make a great teacher!We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.Love from P4 and Miss Donaldson

Friday 1st December 2023

We have had another busy week of learning in P4. Here is a flavour of what we have been learning…


As part of our IDL (topic) we have been learning about Scottish animals. We used our netbooks to find the answers to our key questions. We took notes under our sub-headings. We then used our notes and turned them into sentences. We created our own Information Text (poster, leaflet or factfile) and included a title, sub-headings, pictures and our information.


In Literacy we learnt about their, there and they’re (homophones) and how we can use them correctly in our written work. We then started to learn about apostrophes and when to use them 1) to shorten a word eg it will = it’ll and 2) when something belongs to a person.


In Numeracy and Maths, we have been focussing on multiplying. We looked at the patterns in the 6 times table and how our previous knowledge can help us to remember them! Some of us were multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by a single digit. We have also continued to learn about time and counting in 5 minute intervals and reading timetables.


We have all enjoyed learning the Canadian Barn Dance this week. We co-operated well with our partner and there was a lot of encouragement on show.


Everyone looked great in their Festive jumpers today. We can’t believe it’s December already! We have worked hard in Art today to produce our Christmas Frieze which will be displayed in the hall. Just a reminder that our Christmas Post Service begins on Monday 4th December until Friday 15th December. Please remember to put the name of the child (the recipient) and their class on the envelope.


Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you all on Monday.


Miss Donaldson, Miss Fell and P4 xx

Friday 24th November 2023

We have had a very busy week of learning in P4. We really enjoyed having our families visiting on Wednesday for our Sharing Our Learning event.  Miss Fell, who is learning to be a teacher, has been taking some of our lessons.


In Maths we have been learning about Time.  We have been learning about ‘am’ and ‘pm’ and when to use these terms as well as counting in 5 minute intervals.  Reading the time is an important life skill as it will help us with bus and train timetables in the future!


We really enjoyed using our coding skills on Wednesday when our families cam to school. We showed them how to code our microbits.  We played rock, paper, scissors and created dice.


Our Junior Road Safety Officers have visited our class this week to share the important messages of being bright and seen now the mornings and the nights are getting darker.  We were also reminded about the importance of using The Green Cross Code when we are about in our community.


We had our Pupil Committees today.  Here is a flavour of what each committee are promoting and learning:


Eco:  we designed posters to promote looking after our rivers and beaches.


Enterprise:  we designed posters to promote Festive Friday which starts next week.


Health:  we played games which we can promote and play in the playground.


Rights Respecting School:  we played a ‘rights’ pair game and have decided to create a video to show rights around our school.


In Literacy we listened to a text about St Andrew and took notes. We then turned the notes into sentences.  We created an information text (poster, leaflet or a book) to share what we had discovered.


Have a lovely weekend everyone.


Miss Donaldson, Miss Fell and P4 xx

Friday 25th August 2023

P4 Class Blog 25.08.23

The children have written their favourite parts about this week.


“We did a place value quiz. We had to say what the value of something was, for example, what is the value of the 1? It was very fun,” Finlay.

“We looked at the value of underlined numbers. We did place value whole part models. It was hard,” Reuben.

“We were doing place value and we went on the netbooks. We went on Mathigon and we put in the hundreds, thousands, tens and ones. We also did part-models,” Grace.

“I like the whole-part model,” Samuel.

“This week we did place value. When you have to put the value of the number,” Harris

I did well in my place value part-models this week, Jasper.



“We did grammar looking at connectives,” Ada.

“Our novel is Georges Marvellous Medicine, I love the book it’s so good. Our drama was fun when we pretended to make potions,” Ella.

“We also read a Roald Dahl book called Georges Marvellous Medicine,” Samuel.



“We made our own 5-point scale. We had to colour it. It was so fun,” Neave.

“We did a 5-point scale. We made a 5-point scale so every morning or lunch we can change where we are feeling,” Jack.

“We did a warm up using volcanos, earthquakes, and twisters. It was a really fun warm up to play,” Winnie.

“In PE we have been doing ball skills. We were throwing them to partners to stop with our different parts of our feet,” Rosie.

“We did some ball skills rolling and stopping the balls in different ways,” Ella.



“This week we made birthday cards and we did place value quiz.,” Willow

“We made birthday cards and we had to use scrap paper and we made a card with it,” Olivia H

“Everyone picked out a lolly stick and whoever we got we would make them a birthday card and when it’s their birthday they would guess who it was,” Sienna.

“This week we did class jobs and morning starters every day. In the class starters we have had a countdown challenge, animal ladders and country ladders,” Ada.

“We did a morning starter There were three activities, maths, literacy, daily challenge. If we did all 3 we received table points,” Finlay.

I enjoyed the maths pyramids this week, Sasha.

“We had a discussion about what we should do for the summer fair,” Sienna.

Friday 18th August 2023


A favourite thing this week was our maths quiz. It was a little confusing sometimes but we persevered. Meaning we showed that we are great at challenge ourselves. We had to answer questions in 6 different maths challenges. These were in: addition, subtraction, multiplication, sequencing, word equations and place value.


We started our class novel “George’s Marvellous Medicine” by Roald Dahl. As part of our discussion we talked about how we felt about the granny and what we would do if we were George. Yesterday, we read the second chapter and wrote recipes of what we would include in our own horrible medicines.

During our writing about our holiday, we refreshed our knowledge of VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation) and discussed various adjectives we could include in our writing. We talked about the importance of using different openers when writing our blog and together we changed some of our openers.


As part of our Class Charter, we created some patterned hands that looked like graffiti. These were like our signatures to agree with our rules. We looked at various patterns and created our own designs using pens.

Health and Wellbeing

We got to know each other by making hoodies with facts all about ourselves. This was important for everyone to make good relationships, especially new pupils and teachers.

As part of a team building exercise we came up with table names and completed various tasks to help build good relationships at our table. During this, we also discussed the importance of resilience and what it means to be a “good sport” while playing team games. Some of the activities included who could build the highest tower in 60 seconds using Lego, who could go the longest without giggling while an opposite team told them jokes and who could find the word sustain fastest in the dictionary.

As part of creating our Class Charter we looked at the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child, the Wellbeing Indicators and our school values. This showed the link between worldwide, national and local rights of children. We discussed what they thought was most important and how we could use these to help with making our own class rules. These are the rules we agreed to:

Be responsible.

– To listen when someone is talking.

– Inside voices.

– Make sure the teacher knows where you are.

Challenge yourself.

Show kindness.

– Kind hands and feet.

– Be a good sport.

Be respectful.

– Respect our classroom and other people’s property.

– Give people personal space and privacy.

Include everybody.

– To respect our differences.


Our PE days are on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please make sure to wear appropriate clothing on these days.


“It has been so lovely getting to know all the children this week and I hope everyone has a good weekend.” Mrs Skilling.