Weekly Blog- 14th June

We have had a wonderful week in P4, starting off with our fabulous trip to The St Andrew Botanic Gardens on Monday. We were very excited to get the public bus through, and managed to use our bus passes. We had a great time learning all about the various creatures that live in the Botanics and the different plants that grow there. We  learnt how to identify animal tracks and looked at owl pellets and squirrel dining tables! We then enjoyed some time on the brilliant Trim Trail, made out of reclaimed wood from the forest. After break we headed down to the pond to take part in some pond dipping! We managed to identify lots of cool creatures including tadpoles, water mites and minnows! It was a brilliant day out!


In maths with Miss Allan this week we have been consolidating our work on measurement. We have also been extending our work on column addition and subtraction, learning how to solve missing number problems.


In Literacy we created persuasive leaflets, advertising the St Andrews Botanics. We included persuasive devices, and looked at the different features of a leaflet to ensure our leaflets were engaging and interesting to read, as well as being informative.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Purvis


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