P4 Weekly Blog

Another fun week in Primary 4, filled with lots of super learning!


This week in Literacy we have been looking at persuasive devices. On Tuesday we were put into groups and given a ‘random’ object. Our aim was to decide what our object was and advertise it to the rest of the group, Dragons Den style, using as many persuasive devices as we could.

On Thursday we were shocked to discover that our chairs had gone on strike! According to their disgruntled letter we had been treating them poorly by swinging on them and not tucking them in!! We had to act fast and wrote some brilliant letters persuading them to return to work. We must have done a good job because luckily this morning they had returned, even writing us a letter of thanks too! Well done P4!


In maths this week we have been looking at calculating time durations. We discussed when we might need to calculate time durations in real life and came up with some great examples. We also enjoyed completing a multiplication mosaic.


In PE we have been practicing for Sports Day and enjoyed the egg and spoon race, target practice and relay race amongst others! We are all looking forward to putting them into practice next week.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday for our school trip to St Andrews Botanics!

Miss Purvis


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