Week Beginning 22nd April 2024

Another fabulous week in Primary 4!


In literacy this week we have been finishing off our flash fiction Ten Word Tiny Tales. We have really enjoyed challenging ourselves to create a tiny tale that has suspense, detail and intrigue- all in only ten words! The results have been fantastic and Miss Purvis has loved seeing how creative we can be. We also


This week we have been consolidating money. We have been learning how to calculate change up to at least £20. In groups we created café menus with prices for each item. We then created our cafes using loose parts and had great fun using toy money to buy delicious items from each menu and whilst making sure to give the correct change to each other.


This week we have been focussing on athletics. We have been practicing shuttle runs, hurdles and shot putt.



We started our new topic this week which is….Bees!! We came up with lots of really interesting questions that we would like to learn about and are all very excited to get stuck in. We also went down to our allotment space and have decided to plant potatoes and strawberries, which we will start next week.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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