Friday 9th February 2024


This week we have been looking at using speech marks within our writing. We looked at books to find various words for said and talked about what words had similar meanings.

We wrote personal stories about kindness and worked on our self assessment and peer assessment skills.

We continued our comprehension skills using different reading passages in our reading groups.

In Handwriting, we have been learning how r joins vowels and y.  E.g. re, ra, ri, etc.



We continued working on our division skills.  Lots of us have been using numberlines and number squares to help support our learning of dividing by 7,8 and 9. Others have been learning strategies to help divide 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number.



We have continued to enjoy our team building this week.  We had to direct a blindfolded friend through an obstacle course.  We worked on our communication skills and trusting our classmates.



We have been researching mummification and were able to find out how and why the egyptians used mummification.  We also found other countries that also used it.  We created our own mummified tomatoes (which are already starting to shrivel).



This week we looked at the story of Grace Darling and reinacted half of the story.  We hope to continue this next week.



This week we have been learning how to play more difficult tunes on the glockenspiels with Charanga.



We were very excited to share our learning with our families this week, and hope you all enjoyed finding out about our learning.




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