Friday 5th January 2024

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing holiday.

To share what we did on our holidays we drew and wrote about where we went, what we ate, who we saw, etc.  It was so lovely to hear all the children’s stories about what they got up to and their favourite part of the holidays.

On Friday, we created stories about what we didn’t do on our holidays.  Some children wrote about going on holidays, meeting celebrities, and going on funfair rides.  It was lots of fun and we remembered to use our dictionaries and VCOP wall to support our writing.

In maths, we showed Mrs Skilling what we had learnt in time by reading various times on a clock.  We looked at the two different ways to say some times, like quarter past or 45 mins to and talked about why (in this circumstance) we would usually say quarter past.  We also completed questions on shape and fractions on Sumdog to help Mrs Skilling see what our next steps are.

We heard and picked from 6 Scots Poems and are looking forward to getting these home on Monday.  Two children will be picked to read these at the Burns Together Time on the 29th January.

In Art, we picked from 4 designs to create our own calendars for the year.  Using patterns and felt tip pens we created an abstract picture with the sand, sea, hills and sun.

Lastly, we enjoyed researching a topic of our choice, making a poster and presenting our facts to the class.  We had a huge range of topics from; Bears, Greek Myths, Flags, the Milky Way, Rocks, WW2, Vampire Flying Frogs, Sewing and so many more.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and it was so nice to see you all again this week.

Mrs Skilling

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