Friday 3rd November 2023

Numeracy and Maths

In Numeracy, we have been looking at times tables and learning to use the strategies “groups of” and repeated addition. Some of the us struggled with “groups of” so used stickers or drawings to help us with our learning.  During these lessons, we showed resilience and perseverance to show we conceptually understood how to solve these equations.

In Maths we started looking at Money and money equations and we finished looking at data handling and working with units of 5 for our pictographs.



We planned our spooky stories using our story mountain plan.  We read the story “The Heaviest Pumpkin” to help look at the structure of writing and the various elements the writer included.  We talked about time related openers and the importance of nouns, verbs and adverbs in our writing.  On Tuesday, we wrote our story.  All of us were able to include some full stops, capital letters and adjectives in our writing.  Most of us also managed to either write with paragraphs or include them in their editing.  Some were also able to add some interesting adverbs to their writing.

We marked our classmates work with “pink for think” and “green for got it”, looking carefully at what they had included against our success criteria.  On Wednesday, the children then edited their work with the corrections suggested.


We started our novel “Kaspar Prince of Cats” by Michael Morpurgo and answered comprehension questions about it.  We are learning to take different roles in groups.

In handwriting we started looking at joining an “e” to various ascenders (b, h, l, t, k and f).


In PE we continued looking at our fitness and went to different stations in PE.  We compared results over the last 3 lessons and looked for where we may have made improvements in our fitness.  We talked about how we could continue improving our fitness and we made tables to track our fitness at home.



We made pictures of a forest at sunset in art.  We focused on showing near and far, using various shades of grey/black as it got closer to the picture.  We talked about the importance of details as it got closer to the artist and that further away it wouldn’t need as much detail.



As part of our lesson using charanga, we were learning “3 little birds”.  We were able to find the pulse of the music and copy dance moves.  We then looked at sections of the song to learn how to sing it.  We then tried to perform the music without any back vocals.


We continued to work on our eportfolios.  These are like the folders that go out at the end of term so parents can access them then.  Before that, please be aware that anything uploaded may be incomplete and unfinished.

We carried out research using google to find out more facts about magnets.


IDL – Forces

In Science we have been learning about magnets.  We learnt about north and south poles. Including that the north and south poles will connect but the north and north poles repel each other.

We used notes we had gathered to make posters with facts about magnets.

We were using cereals with magnets to see if it was magnetic, we found that when in water it did have iron that was attracted to the magnet.  During this, we talked about our hypothesis.  We found the best cereal to show this was “Shreddies”.


We met Miss Fell who will be joining us as a teacher in two weeks for 4 weeks. We planted our plant from eco committee green flag.

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