Friday 27th October 2023

Numeracy and Maths

This week, we looked at rounding and estimating. Some children looked at rounding to the nearest 10 or 100, whilst others rounded to the nearest 1000. During estimating, we used rounding to help us work out a rough answer to sums.

In maths, we looked at Carol and Venn diagrams.  We discussed how we would sort information in a Carol diagram.  We created our own Venn diagrams sorting numbers into different groups.  With Miss Allan, we looked at Roman Numerals.


In writing, we looked at a descriptive story about road trains.  We analysed how the story was set out and how they described each part of the train.  We then discussed our own houses and how we could do a step by step description of each room.  On Wednesday, using notes Mrs Skilling left in our jotters we edited our work.  On top of this, we looked at paragraphs and added paragraphs to our stories.

We investigated adverbs and verbs.  We looked at what verbs match certain adverbs and wrote descriptive sentences using them.

In handwriting we started looking at joining an a to various ascenders (b, h, l, t, k and f).


This week, we pushed ourselves during circuits to try and raise our fitness levels.  We made tables to track the amount of times we could do each exercise within a minute. We will compare times with next week to see if our fitness has improved.


We talked and discussed the importance of fitness inside and outside of school.  We shared ideas about what we can do to help keep us fit and healthy.  The children were introduced to Kitbag with Miss Donaldson this week and continued this with Mrs Skilling.  We enjoyed talking about our feelings and showed respect when listening to others.

Art & Music

We created a card for Jim the Janitor retiring and made our own song to sing for him leaving to the tune “Bob the Builder” called “Jim the Janny.”


With Miss Allan, we looked at mosques and learnt about what it looked like on the inside and outside.


We used Scratch programming for the first time in P4 with Miss Allan.

IDL – Forces

This week, we started exploring magnets and forces.  We watched a video about how magnets work and worked at 6 different stations to explore magnetism.


As a whole school we have introduced “Fun for 31.” This is in relation to article 31, a child’s right to play.  The children really enjoyed these 31 minutes on Thursday to explore and play.

In celebration of our green eco flag, we participated in a scavenger hunt to find something in nature that matched each letter of the alphabet.

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