Friday 18th August 2023


A favourite thing this week was our maths quiz. It was a little confusing sometimes but we persevered. Meaning we showed that we are great at challenge ourselves. We had to answer questions in 6 different maths challenges. These were in: addition, subtraction, multiplication, sequencing, word equations and place value.


We started our class novel “George’s Marvellous Medicine” by Roald Dahl. As part of our discussion we talked about how we felt about the granny and what we would do if we were George. Yesterday, we read the second chapter and wrote recipes of what we would include in our own horrible medicines.

During our writing about our holiday, we refreshed our knowledge of VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation) and discussed various adjectives we could include in our writing. We talked about the importance of using different openers when writing our blog and together we changed some of our openers.


As part of our Class Charter, we created some patterned hands that looked like graffiti. These were like our signatures to agree with our rules. We looked at various patterns and created our own designs using pens.

Health and Wellbeing

We got to know each other by making hoodies with facts all about ourselves. This was important for everyone to make good relationships, especially new pupils and teachers.

As part of a team building exercise we came up with table names and completed various tasks to help build good relationships at our table. During this, we also discussed the importance of resilience and what it means to be a “good sport” while playing team games. Some of the activities included who could build the highest tower in 60 seconds using Lego, who could go the longest without giggling while an opposite team told them jokes and who could find the word sustain fastest in the dictionary.

As part of creating our Class Charter we looked at the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child, the Wellbeing Indicators and our school values. This showed the link between worldwide, national and local rights of children. We discussed what they thought was most important and how we could use these to help with making our own class rules. These are the rules we agreed to:

Be responsible.

– To listen when someone is talking.

– Inside voices.

– Make sure the teacher knows where you are.

Challenge yourself.

Show kindness.

– Kind hands and feet.

– Be a good sport.

Be respectful.

– Respect our classroom and other people’s property.

– Give people personal space and privacy.

Include everybody.

– To respect our differences.


Our PE days are on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please make sure to wear appropriate clothing on these days.


“It has been so lovely getting to know all the children this week and I hope everyone has a good weekend.” Mrs Skilling.

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