Week beginning 25th March

And just like that we have made it to the holidays!! It’s been a brilliant final week in P4, and I hope everyone has a wonderful and well deserved break!


In Literacy this week we have enjoyed some outdoor learning, creating our own similes and metaphors using inspiration found in the playground. We have also been learning about the AFOREST persuasive techniques and used them to create our own persuasive advertisements.


In maths we have been practicing our four operations with lots of active games and challenges.


In drama we have continued looking at characterisation and then moving onto settings. We worked in groups to create freeze frames of various settings and Miss Purvis was so impressed with our team work and creativity skills.

We also really enjoyed the Spring Service on Friday and loved sharing our Easter Bunny art, as well as getting to see all of the brilliant performances and art works shared by other classes 🙂


Hoppy Holidays everyone!



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