Friday 8th December 2023

We have had a busy week of learning in P4. Here is a flavour of our learning highlights…In Literacy we have been learning when to use an exclamation mark, a question mark and commas in our writing. We also analysed the story of Edgar the Dragon and wrote our own version.We have continued to learn our times tables this week in Numeracy. We have also been learning about grid references, co-ordinates and compass points. We created mnemonics to remember the order of North, East, south and West (Naughty Elephants Splash Water, Never Eat Soggy Wheat and Never Eat Shredded Wheat).In Science we continued to learn about food chains and habitats.  In Technology we learned to how to use loops when coding and we also created our own advent calendars in PowerPoint.  We used hyperlinks (ctrl k) to move between the pages to give the idea of opening a door.  In RME we worked in home teams and away teams to learn information about past and present Christmas traditions in Scotland. In Drama, we worked in small groups to mime different things associated with Christmas. It was a lot of fun.Everyone looked very festive for our Festive Friday. Today we researched and recorded Christmas jokes for our Festive Goodie Bags. Every class contributed an item to the bag and our Pupil Council will visit Granary Lane to distribute them to our community.Today is Miss Fell’s last day with us. We would like to thank her for all of the fun lessons she planned for us and we wish her lots of luck for the future! We think she will make a great teacher!We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.Love from P4 and Miss Donaldson

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