Friday 24th November 2023

We have had a very busy week of learning in P4. We really enjoyed having our families visiting on Wednesday for our Sharing Our Learning event.  Miss Fell, who is learning to be a teacher, has been taking some of our lessons.


In Maths we have been learning about Time.  We have been learning about ‘am’ and ‘pm’ and when to use these terms as well as counting in 5 minute intervals.  Reading the time is an important life skill as it will help us with bus and train timetables in the future!


We really enjoyed using our coding skills on Wednesday when our families cam to school. We showed them how to code our microbits.  We played rock, paper, scissors and created dice.


Our Junior Road Safety Officers have visited our class this week to share the important messages of being bright and seen now the mornings and the nights are getting darker.  We were also reminded about the importance of using The Green Cross Code when we are about in our community.


We had our Pupil Committees today.  Here is a flavour of what each committee are promoting and learning:


Eco:  we designed posters to promote looking after our rivers and beaches.


Enterprise:  we designed posters to promote Festive Friday which starts next week.


Health:  we played games which we can promote and play in the playground.


Rights Respecting School:  we played a ‘rights’ pair game and have decided to create a video to show rights around our school.


In Literacy we listened to a text about St Andrew and took notes. We then turned the notes into sentences.  We created an information text (poster, leaflet or a book) to share what we had discovered.


Have a lovely weekend everyone.


Miss Donaldson, Miss Fell and P4 xx

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