Friday the 17th November 2023


We wrote imaginative stories.  We edited our own writing using our new placemats to guide us.  These are for the first level tools for writing and narrative writing. Some of us worked on adding more difficult conjunctions to our writing.

Since we were off last Friday, we chose to do a spelling test with 20 words.  We all did really well.


Numeracy and Maths

We used chickpeas to work within a budget. Every chickpea was worth £50 and we had 40 to use within our month.  We spent them on essentials food, shelter, heating and then extra things like cinema trips, manicures and holidays.  It was interesting to see who the big spenders and who the savers were.

We continued working on our multiplication strategies and money calculations.



We looked at painting reflections and drew objects that were gradually getting further away.



We looked at classroom items.  We had to look at the pictures and write what they were in French.  We then wandered round the classroom and pointed out different items in French.



We looked at fitness and continued doing circuits.  This time we did different exercises such as skipping, a ladder run and a plank.



We continued learning our songs with our glockenspiels.



We competed in the Sumdog competition.  We also created targets for literacy, maths and HWB.  This involved saving our own word document and typing our targets in the appropriate box.  We hope to upload these to our eportfolios next week.



We drew a bag filled with items all about ourselves and shared our bags with Miss Fell.

We designed how we would like our tables to be set out within the classroom.




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