Friday 6th October 2023

Numeracy and Maths

This week we looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.  We also looked at best ways to record data and averaging data collected.  Using data collected from a science experiment using loose parts, we created our own tables and some of us also created bar charts of our results.  On Thursday, we also showed our learning so far by completing a maths assessment.



In our writing this week, we created our own characters and settings using a planning sheet that focused on the five senses.  We used our plans to write our own imaginative stories. We revisited our previous learning and discussed what is important to include in our stories.

For Listening and talking this week, we read stories, wrote notes about the story and drew pictures to help us remember the story.  We then had discussions with a partner about what happened in our story.



This week, we looked at hockey skills and learnt how to control the ball in groups.  We did a relay race where we had to move the ball in between the cones and pass it to the next person.  We also learnt how to stop the ball before passing it to the next person.

Since Thursday was our last PE lesson of this term, we were allowed to choose the activities we wanted to play.  We chose bench ball, hospital tig and a different version of dodgeball.  We really enjoyed this.



We finished and presented our powerpoints on children’s rights.  We all took turns to show and talk about the powerpoints we made.  It was interesting to see the different priorities of rights and hear the opinions of our classmates.  We gave feedback to our peers about their presentations through two stars and a wish.



This week we continued to add to our eportfolios, including learning how to crop photos and add them to our eportfolios.



In Art, we looked at Vincent Van Gogh.  We looked at how he used different techniques and shades of colour to create multiple pictures of wheatfields.  We watched a video and looked at his harvest series of paintings.  Using what we learnt, we created notes and combined them to write what we wanted to say at our harvest assembly.  Several of us volunteered to talk at our assembly and everyone did so well sharing their artwork and their learning. We also did a “wheatfield meditation” while looking at some of his paintings.


IDL – Forces

On Monday, we looked at friction and what it can do to a force.  In groups, we discussed and wrote plans with diagrams of an experiment we would carry out with loose parts to show the effect of friction.  Some of us chose to use different textured balls while others changed the surface the ball was rolling on.  We then carried out our experiments and timed how long the ball would take to roll along the chosen surface.  We discussed the importance of a “fair” experiment and we showed our understanding of this by rolling the ball along a surface that was the same length and only changing one variable of the experiment.  We recorded our results on our clipboards.  On Wednesday, we transferred the data collected into tables.  Some of us found the average time of each variable and also made a bar chart with their data.



On Thursday, the children enjoyed the enterprises butterfly hunt.  In total our class found 19. Neave won the prize for most butterflies in the class by finding 4.

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