Friday 8th September 2023

Numeracy and Maths

In maths, we were looking at sequences moving in 2s, 5s, 10s, and 100s.  We started our math workbooks and used the knowledge of place value to help work out the patterns and continue them.  Using our data handling skills, we interpreted data from pictographs and created our own using data given.  Using 100 number square splat, we explored adding two 2-digit numbers together.  We were able to count in tens and ones to help us work out the answer.



During a class discussion, we talked about characters and why it is important to describe them in our stories. Then we wrote descriptions about the characters Rock, Paper and Scissors from the video “Broken”. For an extra challenge, some children also described the settings that each character lived.

We practised our spelling words and took our first spelling test. Some children really enjoyed creating a rap or song with their spelling words this week.



We have been practising the “I Have a Go” and “Neuron” Songs for our sharing assembly. With a focus on beat this week, we managed to keep a beat going with the song “Keep the Kettle Boiling.”  Using body percussion, we were able to clap, stamp and click along to “Can’t stop the feeling” by Justin Timberlake.



We were practising ball skills. Using an underhand, overhand, chest and bounce pass we were able to pass the ball to our partner.  We enjoyed playing a new game called “Spud.”  We played a game of basketball. 

“My favourite thing this week was PE because it was fun to learn some new ball skills. It was really fun to play basketball,” Ada.

“We had to do the underhand, overhead and chest pass. We also worked on our dribbling skills. It was very fun!” Finlay.



We made a learning pit and discussed how it feels to learn and attempt something for the first time.  We looked at famous failures and mistakes that worked.  We looked at kindness and wrote notes to three of our classmates. We made posters using positive affirmations.


Loose parts play

We teamed up in groups with the primary 2s and made a futuristic vehicle. We lead their learning and tried to help support their ideas. 

“My favourite subject this week was the loose-parts-play. I liked it because we had to communicate and teach the younger children. I also enjoyed it because we got to use our imagination,” Lewis.



Using our novel, we acted out George and his dad going to buy ingredients for the medicine from the shops.  We worked in groups of 3 or 4 and acted out the characters George, Mr Kranky, Mrs Kranky and the chicken. 



We all managed this week to send an email saying our favourite lesson. 

We used the netbooks to investigate different flags for our fair stall “Guess the flag.”

We started making powerpoints about our rights.  When creating a title page and first page, we were able to change the layout of the slide and the font and size of the text. 



As part of our outdoor learning we made leaves with our birthdays on them using things we found outside. 

We looked at the artist Kandinsky and tried to replicate his style.  His piece titled “Yellow, Red and Blue” inspired us to play with colour and shape.

“I enjoyed art this week it was inspiring to see how imaginative people really could get,” Ella.



We were learning French days and months.  We have been challenging ourselves to say the date in French.

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