Friday 15th March 2024

We had fun today joining in with the Comic Relief Red Nose Hunt. We also designed our own red noses this morning as our morning starter activity.

Today, we also learnt some facts about France and we are going to write a quiz to ask classmates.

Yesterday, we learnt about the features of newspaper articles. We looked at one about the enormous turnip and found the headline, introduction, past tense, third person and ending as well as other features we include in our writing.

In Art, we painted spring flowers in a pop art style. We traced an image and they made a print of it. Then we painted it in bright colours.

In Health and Wellbeing, we learnt about what to do if we find someone that has collapsed. We practised looking for danger, asking if they’re ok, shouting for help, opening their airways and checking for breathing and then putting them in the recovery position. Everyone did a great job.

We have been doing division this week. We have learnt 2 techniques for dividing – equal sharing and grouping. We have been using the strategy we are most comfortable with to divide by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.

As part of our topic, we learnt about Iron Age Hill Forts and Roundhouses. We had to try and sell a new roundhouse by stating all the amazing things about it!

Friday 8th March 2024

This week we have finished our stone age necklaces. They were tricky to thread and some of the holes were too small but they look great! We have been learning about the Bronze Age and how it was made. We made posters advertising how fantastic it was and why everyone should use bronze instead of stone now.

In PE, we played scatter rounders in the sunshine on Monday and on Wednesday we practised our jumps from heights including turns and also a synchronised jump with a partner.

In Numeracy, we combined our Health and Wellbeing learning with our times tables practise to set ourselves goals for completing a times table challenge. We were able to choose which challenge to do and how quickly we wanted to complete it with 5 minutes being the longest time. If we did it in the time we set another goal. It has been great seeing everyone motivated to complete their goals and challenge themselves again.

In Literacy, we wrote a piece of personal writing on our best day ever and had to include what happened in order and our feelings.

We enjoyed World Book Day on Thursday. Everyone looked fab in their outfits. P7 set us a competition to redesign a book cover and we watched a live on-line event with Laura Ellen Anderson who told us all about her writing and illustrating and read us a bit of her new book Marnie Midnight and the Moon Mystery. We also got to draw a caterpillar and a moth with her which was great!

Today we browsed the Book Fair and have selected books that we might like to buy. P3 will be going back to purchase books on Tuesday 12th March.

Friday 23rd February 2024

In Numeracy this week, we have been learning and practising our times tables (x2, x5 and x10).  We have used Hit the Button to help us.  Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

We read this story called The Stone Age Boy which told us more information about what life was like during the Stone Age.  We used some of the information in the book to create these word clouds to summarise what we had learned.

Stone Age Boy - 9781406312195 - Picture 1 of 1


We also used this story to inspire us during our loose parts play.  Can you spot the caves, stoves and animal skins?

Image preview

We used Pivot for the first time this week to learn about how to animate a figure.  We made our figure wave, walk and bend down.  We had to move the figure a tiny amount to make each frame.  We learned what onion skinning was!  We look forward to adding backgrounds to these soon.

Download Pivot Animator 4.2.6

We have missed Miss Amy and can’t wait to hear all about her Dalguise adventures next week.

Primary 3 and Miss Allan xx

9th February 2024

This week we enjoyed having our parents and grandparents in to help us finish our shadow puppet theatres. They looked great and were fun to play with.

We have been learning about verbs in Literacy and this week we were learning about regular verbs and how there are different rules for spelling them. We also used our knowledge of verbs to write a Kennings poem about an animal or person. We wrote them up neatly this afternoon either on paper or using Word and decorated them with images.

In Numeracy, we have been doing word problems to practice our subtraction strategies and we also used bar models to learn about addition and subtraction number families.

In PE, we started gymnastics and worked on point and patch balances. We created our own using 1, 2, 3 or 4 points. We had to hold each balance for 4 seconds.

We have started our new topic – Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We learnt about archaeologists and got to sketch artefacts and think about what they could be made from and what they could have been used from.

In Health and Wellbeing, we looked at the ways in which we are similar and how we are different. We thought about how we have lots of similarities with our friends but also lots of differences. It is good to be different and we must show respect for other’s differences.


This week in P3 we have been learning how to use column subtraction. We learnt about exchanging from the tens column when the top number in the ones column isn’t big enough to subtract the bottom number from. In Maths, we were learning about the nets of 3D shapes. We had to identify which net matched which 3D object and then we made a 3D shape from a net.

In Literacy, we were learning about past tense verbs. We found out that there are regular and irregular past tense verbs. For our writing task this week we had a discussion about whether humans should have home robots. We came up with great advantages and disadvantages and were able to write a discussion to show both sides of the argument. We also learnt about contents and index pages – what they are for and where to find them. In our reading groups we had to find information in a book using the contents and index pages.

In Social Studies, we learnt about the planets. In groups, we made a poster with facts about a planet and then painted or coloured a planet to go with it. We then presented our planet to the class.

In Art, we made a shadow puppet theatre from a cereal box. We used greaseproof paper as the screen because the light will be able to shine through it. We are going to the ‘puppets’ for them next week.

Today in French, we learnt some of the names of our pets. We learnt how to say I have a dog, cat, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, fish chicken and gecko!

With the Loose Parts this week, we made an alien! The children’s ideas were very creative! Today we did a team building activity with some of the larger items from the Loose Parts Shed. Children had to work in their teams to cross the river without stepping in the water.

Today we said goodbye to Miss Anderson who has been working with us for the last 4 weeks. We thank her for all her hard work and wish her well in her future studies.

19th January 2024

This week we have been discussing whether or not children should be allowed to travel to space. We came up with lots of pros and cons in our discussions and then wrote about them. We have been using connectives, openers and wow words to improve our sentences.

In Numeracy, we were subtracting multiples of 10 or near multiples of 10 in 2-digit numbers. In Maths, we learnt the names and how to identify 3D shapes. We were counting the faces, edges and corners.

In Art, we used Sunset by Andy Warhol as inspiration to create our own amazing paintings. We used watercolour paint and tried to blend blocks of colour together.

We learnt another Scottish Dance this week called the Canadian Barn Dance which was tricky but lots of fun. We are also learning a Scottish song called Loch Lomond.

Today we started Skills Academy and all went off to try a new skill. We got to choose from Clay Crafts, Games, Netball, Fitness/Yoga, Music Around the World or Gaelic!

Friday 12th January 2024

This week we have started our subtraction topic by revising some simple subtraction strategies within 20. In Maths, we revised our learning on 2D shapes from P2 and learnt to recognise 3 new shapes – pentagons, hexagons and octagons. We learnt that the number of sides is the same as the number or angles.

In Literacy, we have been discussing the good things and bad things about zoos. We are working on groups discussion skills and were given roles within a group of 4. We are going to keep working on this. We wrote a discussion on zoos with sentence starters for each argument. To make it a balanced argument we had to have 3 good things and 3 bad things. We learnt a new opener to introduce that bad things – On the other hand.

We also started our new topic ‘The Sun, the earth and the moon.’ We learnt what each is and made a fact poster. We made an earth that orbits a sun and a moon that orbits the earth.

In PE, we learnt the Military 2 Step. Everyone did a fantastic job at learning the moves and keeping in time to the music. Next week we are learning the Canadian Barn Dance.

In Heath and Wellbeing, we are learning about kindness. We read the book ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today’ and spoke about acts of kindness. We wrote some of them on apples to hang on our Tree of Gratitude so it can also become a Tree of Kindness!

5th January 2024

Happy New Year, everyone!

We have been busy already in P3. Today we practised our column addition in Numeracy, writing out the calculations in our jotters. In French, we learnt more names for parts of our body and labelled a diagram. As part of our topic from last term, we learnt about the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and how important it is that we all try and do them all for the environment. We made a PowerPoint presentation with images to show what we can do for each ‘R’. We have made great progress with our digital technology skills. In Maths, we used our grid coordination skills to colour squares and reveal an image. We finished our ‘here, near and far’ winter trees by sticking them onto a background. We had to make sure we positioned them carefully to show the distance correctly. This afternoon, we used maps of the school grounds to find 4 hidden images. We set off in groups with a staggered start to see which team completed the task most quickly.

Friday 15th December 2023

This afternoon, we had great fun at our Christmas Party. We played some festive games and had a dance. Today we have also been finishing off our Christmas cards which look super. We are also in the middle of sewing little snowmen decorations which everyone will get finished next week. They look very cute! We really enjoyed singing in the church yesterday and loved watching the P1 Nativity on Wednesday.

On Monday, we did our individual presentations to the class on a subject of our choice from our topic. Everyone did a fantastic job and was able to show off their amazing PowerPoint slides.

We were learning facts about Dundee Law and took notes so that we could write an information text about it.

In Numeracy, we were finding approximate costs by rounding prices to the nearest 10 and then adding them together. Then we found the exact cost by adding two prices using split strategy or column addition.


P3 Friday 8th December 2023

This week we have been preparing for our individual presentations. We got to choose from 3 topics what we did it on. We have prepared 2 slides on a PowerPoint presentation and have written notes to remind us what we will say. We are doing them next week.

In Numeracy, we have been learning to use Column Addition to add 2- and 3-digit numbers. In Maths today, we went outside to look for symmetrical and asymmetrical objects.

In PE we are still working our fitness by taking part in circuits.

For Festive Friday today, we had fun writing Christmas jokes for the community bags. Some of us wrote them out by hand and others did it on PowerPoint.

In Art, we learnt about Georgia O’Keefe and how she draws large scale flowers and plants. We created our own using oil pastels.

In Health and Wellbeing, we were finding out how to make friends. We have written any problems we are having with out friends and fed them to Fred the Friendship Monster to help us out with next week.