P3 Friday 18th August 2023

Welcome to the P3 Blog! We would like to tell you what we have been learning about this week…

In Art, we made birthday cards so that we can give one out on everyone’s birthday this year. We weren’t allowed to use pens or pencils! We had to cut out the shapes that we needed and stick them on. Some children make cakes, presents or balloons!

In Numeracy, we have been learning and practising number bonds to 10. We thought about them as number families that love to be together. We did a number search, played Round the World and also Number Bond Tennis!

We drew a postcard picture from our holidays and today wrote a letter about our favourite day. We had to try and include wow words, full stops and capital letters and connectives.

We have made our class charter with classroom rules. We think this will help us all feel safe and help us learn. We watched a video about Children’s Rights and these helped us to think of our rules.

We have been thinking about what helps us learn. One thing we thought about was getting a good night’s sleep. We learnt about how much sleep we need and what we can do to get a good night’s sleep. Children between 6 and 13 need between 9 and11 hours sleep.

To help organise our new classroom, we have made Buzzy Bees, Birthday Stars and School Values posters.

This afternoon, we did a Scavenger Hunt. We had to find certain objects with a particular adjective to describe them. For example, a smooth stone or a prickly stick.

Miss Amy found a mystery suitcase at the harbour and brought it in for us to see. It had some interesting objects in it like a ukulele, a captain’s hat and a ginger beer bottle with a letter in it. There was also a novel which we are now reading in class called A Boy and a Bear in a Boat. It has been good so far!

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