Friday 6th September 2024

This week in P3 we have been learning about the brain and how amazing it is. We learnt that it grows when we learn and it grows the most in the first 10 years of our lives. We found out that mistakes are actually good for our brains because it gets stronger the more we practice something. We made brains out of plough dough and wrote information reports about them. In Health and Wellbeing, we also thought about how unique we are. Our brains make us unique. We read ‘Incredible You’ and decorated rainbows and stars with all the things that make us incredible!

In Maths, we nave been collecting data and making bar graphs. In PE we have been continuing to practice our throwing and catching skills and today practising bouncing a basketball low, medium and high heights! We made faces out of natural materials to show different emotions. Some of the emotions we showed were happy, sad, angry and surprised. In Art, we made a puffin using paper plates. We painted them and added feet using orange paper!

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