Friday 21st June 2024

This week we have been keeping track of the Euro 2024 scores. We wrote a story about ‘The Day I Played for Scotland’. We thought about what we could see, hear and how we felt during the story. As part of our mini topic, we also designed a football strip including the boots and a ball for a team of our choice. We were also very lucky to have Miss Donaldson come a teach us some German phrases. We learnt how to say what our name is, how old we are and where we live.

In PE, we practised our hurdling skills, plus football and tennis skills. In Art, we drew a summer holiday ‘reflection’ in a pair of sunglasses! Next week, we are going to paint a portrait for our sunglasses to sit on!  In Health and Wellbeing, we continued to look at ways in which we are similar and unique by watching some videos about children with disabilities and hearing from some children with two mums. We learnt the words gay, lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual. In Numeracy, we have continued to practise different subtraction strategies.

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