Friday 14th June 2024

P3 loved our Sports Day events this morning and all did so well. We have also had a Bench Ball tournament this week and took part in the Trim Trail Challenge, Target Zone and Beetle Drive to earn more points towards the final total.

In Numeracy, we have been revising different addition strategies and in Maths did some more measurement work. In Literacy, we were finding nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. In Health and Wellbeing, we were learning about gender stereotyping and how no-one should be made to feel uncomfortable about their choices because they are a boy or a girl. We all drew pictures of what we would like to be when we’re older. In Art, we made flower pictures with a butterfly for a Newport in Bloom competition. We used bubble wrap to print the centre of the flower and leaves to print the petals. This afternoon, we shared the magnet games we made in Science with the P2s. They enjoyed playing them and we enjoyed sharing them! We have started our new Euros 2024 topic and learnt about the tournament, who’s playing and how it works. We have done a sweepstake so everyone has a team to follow and report back on! Good luck tonight, Scotland!

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