Friday 31st May 2024

This week P3 had a brilliant trip to the Deer Centre. They really enjoyed feeding the deer and learning about whether the animals were native or not native. We also had a workshop about how animals have adapted to their surroundings. One of their favourite bits, of course, was lunch and the bouncy pillow!

We have made super posters to share some of the facts that we learnt and today we made animal enclosures for the Deer Centre using the Loose Parts. The children enjoyed becoming the animals and exploring the enclosures they had made.

This week we have also learnt about sustainability and how single-use plastics are so bad for our environment. We made posters about reducing, recycling and reducing the amount of plastic we use and throw away. We collected used crisp packets and turned them into keyrings by putting them in the oven. We have written instructions to show people how to do it.

In Science, we did an investigation to see if weight affects how far something travels. We found out that the heavier something is the less far it will travel.

We did some measuring in litres at the beginning of the week. We had to measure to see if containers would hold more, less or about a litre. We also had to estimate how many litres certain containers would hold and then measure to see if we were right.

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