Friday 24th May 2024

This week we have been preparing for our individual presentations which we gave to the class today. Some children spoke about their hobbies, some about their pets and some about their favourite football team. Everyone did a great job at organising what they were going to say and creating a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation. We have also been working on looking at the audience and speaking slowly and clearly.

This week we learnt about how friction makes things slow down and stop. We did an investigation to see which surfaces gave the most friction. Surfaces like bubble wrap, the playground and a blanket gave the most friction and slowed down our cars the most. This is because they are rougher. The table top and paper gave the least friction. This is because they are smooth.

We have been practising saying hello and introducing ourselves in French. We used our mini-figures to give us confidence to speak.

We learnt how to throw a shot put and practised our javelin throwing skills in PE. We also played a target throwing game to collect points.

With Miss Allan, we used PowerPoint to make an animation of a figure moving across the screen.

In Health and Wellbeing, we spoke about how we can show our feelings through our facial expressions and body language. We might notice someone isn’t feeling great without them saying anything and should ask how they are doing. It is important to share how we are feeling.

We have been measuring in grams using digital scales. We estimated whether we thought things would be more than, less than or about a kg before we weighed them.

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