3rd May 2024

This week in P3 started with our super assembly that we did for the school in the morning and then our families in the afternoon. We then wrote a newspaper article about how super it had been and included a 5W introduction, all the details and a question at the end. P3 are so good at using openers, connectives and lots of super descriptive language.

In Maths, we have been learning to tell the time. We have learnt o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. Today we had to show our understanding by drawing the hands on the clock for particular times.

Today in French we learnt about la fĂȘte du muguet (Lilly of the Valley Day) and la fĂȘte du travail (Labour Day) which are celebrations on the 1st May in France. We made Lilly of the Valley Day cards or Labour Day posters to show our learning.

In Art, we learnt about texture and created ‘patchwork quilts’ with squares of different texture rubbings!

In Health and Wellbeing, we learnt that is it ok to not be ok. We discussed some of the big things that can happen in our lives and how they would make us feel. We discussed some of the big feelings we have experienced and what caused them. We read Oliver Jeffers book, ‘A Heart in a Bottle’ and discussed strategies to deal with big feelings. We made a class poster to show these strategies. Some of them were to ask if our friends are ok and encourage them to share how they are feeling. We must then be good listeners and perhaps suggest that they share how they’re feeling with a trusted adult.

We have been reading our new class novel, the 13-Storey Treehouse by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. We have been enjoying it and have a class set so we can be reading along and enjoying the pictures while Miss Amy reads.

Enjoy the long weekend!

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