Friday 21st June 2024

This week we have been keeping track of the Euro 2024 scores. We wrote a story about ‘The Day I Played for Scotland’. We thought about what we could see, hear and how we felt during the story. As part of our mini topic, we also designed a football strip including the boots and a ball for a team of our choice. We were also very lucky to have Miss Donaldson come a teach us some German phrases. We learnt how to say what our name is, how old we are and where we live.

In PE, we practised our hurdling skills, plus football and tennis skills. In Art, we drew a summer holiday ‘reflection’ in a pair of sunglasses! Next week, we are going to paint a portrait for our sunglasses to sit on!  In Health and Wellbeing, we continued to look at ways in which we are similar and unique by watching some videos about children with disabilities and hearing from some children with two mums. We learnt the words gay, lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual. In Numeracy, we have continued to practise different subtraction strategies.

Friday 14th June 2024

P3 loved our Sports Day events this morning and all did so well. We have also had a Bench Ball tournament this week and took part in the Trim Trail Challenge, Target Zone and Beetle Drive to earn more points towards the final total.

In Numeracy, we have been revising different addition strategies and in Maths did some more measurement work. In Literacy, we were finding nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. In Health and Wellbeing, we were learning about gender stereotyping and how no-one should be made to feel uncomfortable about their choices because they are a boy or a girl. We all drew pictures of what we would like to be when we’re older. In Art, we made flower pictures with a butterfly for a Newport in Bloom competition. We used bubble wrap to print the centre of the flower and leaves to print the petals. This afternoon, we shared the magnet games we made in Science with the P2s. They enjoyed playing them and we enjoyed sharing them! We have started our new Euros 2024 topic and learnt about the tournament, who’s playing and how it works. We have done a sweepstake so everyone has a team to follow and report back on! Good luck tonight, Scotland!

Friday 7th June 2024

This week we wrote stories as one of the animals we met last week at the Deer Centre. We could choose to write our stories about anything but in lots of them the animals escaped from their enclosures and went on adventures! We had to include openers, connectives and descriptive language.

In Science, we learnt about magnetism. We did an investigation to see which materials were magnetic and which were not. We found out that all magnetic materials are metal but not all metals are magnetic! We then designed and created a game using magnets. They were either based on a maze or a hook-a-duck idea. It was lots of fun and we are hoping to share them with everyone next week.

In Maths, we learnt how to find the area of a shape by counting up the number of square units inside. We worked out that we could count in groups like arrays so Miss Amy challenged us to work out the area of squares and rectangles just by know the length of the sides. We were brilliant at it! Today we reviewed number sequences to 1000 or 10,000.

In Health and Wellbeing, we learnt about how we are all unique. We made posters or filled in a worksheet about what was unique about us.

In PE, we did the hurdles and practised the Trim Trail Challenge for Sports Day but without the water!

Friday 31st May 2024

This week P3 had a brilliant trip to the Deer Centre. They really enjoyed feeding the deer and learning about whether the animals were native or not native. We also had a workshop about how animals have adapted to their surroundings. One of their favourite bits, of course, was lunch and the bouncy pillow!

We have made super posters to share some of the facts that we learnt and today we made animal enclosures for the Deer Centre using the Loose Parts. The children enjoyed becoming the animals and exploring the enclosures they had made.

This week we have also learnt about sustainability and how single-use plastics are so bad for our environment. We made posters about reducing, recycling and reducing the amount of plastic we use and throw away. We collected used crisp packets and turned them into keyrings by putting them in the oven. We have written instructions to show people how to do it.

In Science, we did an investigation to see if weight affects how far something travels. We found out that the heavier something is the less far it will travel.

We did some measuring in litres at the beginning of the week. We had to measure to see if containers would hold more, less or about a litre. We also had to estimate how many litres certain containers would hold and then measure to see if we were right.

Friday 24th May 2024

This week we have been preparing for our individual presentations which we gave to the class today. Some children spoke about their hobbies, some about their pets and some about their favourite football team. Everyone did a great job at organising what they were going to say and creating a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation. We have also been working on looking at the audience and speaking slowly and clearly.

This week we learnt about how friction makes things slow down and stop. We did an investigation to see which surfaces gave the most friction. Surfaces like bubble wrap, the playground and a blanket gave the most friction and slowed down our cars the most. This is because they are rougher. The table top and paper gave the least friction. This is because they are smooth.

We have been practising saying hello and introducing ourselves in French. We used our mini-figures to give us confidence to speak.

We learnt how to throw a shot put and practised our javelin throwing skills in PE. We also played a target throwing game to collect points.

With Miss Allan, we used PowerPoint to make an animation of a figure moving across the screen.

In Health and Wellbeing, we spoke about how we can show our feelings through our facial expressions and body language. We might notice someone isn’t feeling great without them saying anything and should ask how they are doing. It is important to share how we are feeling.

We have been measuring in grams using digital scales. We estimated whether we thought things would be more than, less than or about a kg before we weighed them.

Friday 17th May 2024

This week in P3 we have been writing instructions about how we made our textured turtles. We have learnt about adverbs so we had to add adverbs to our instructions this time.

Today in Maths, we used balance scales to measure the weight of things in cubes. We also had to find out which objects were heavier, lighter or about the same as 1kg and 500g.

In Loose Parts, we the whole class worked together to make an obstacle course to get across the lava. It was fun playing on it once we had made it.

It Drama, we acted out a scene from The 13-Storey Treehouse. We had to think about the characters voices and body language.

In PE, we practised throwing javelins and we also practised passing the baton in relay races.

In Art, we were inspired by the oystercatchers in the playground and used a collage technique to create super oystercatcher pictures.

In French, we practised the French alphabet and made a ‘mini-me’ for practising conversations next week.

In Health and Wellbeing, we spoke about how our families are all different but we shared the similar ways our families care for us. We also discussed how we look after and care for our families. We produced fabulous family portraits.

Friday 10th May

This afternoon, we have been out enjoying the sunshine and doing a mini beast survey. We recorded what we saw in tally charts on bark, under stones, in the soil and in the sky.

Today we also used Google to find some facts about France and Scotland. We made a chart to compare the two countries. We also found Scotland and France on a map and coloured the countries in.

This week we have been looking at different calendars and using them to find different information. We have been practising the months of the year and how many days each month has.

In Art, we created amazing turtle images using the different textures we had found the week before. They look fab. We are going to write instructions about how to do them so that others could do the same.

In Health and Wellbeing,  we thought about the ways we can manage small feelings and big feelings and made a poster to show them. We watched an animation which helped us understand the difference between small feelings and big feelings and what we can do to feel better.


3rd May 2024

This week in P3 started with our super assembly that we did for the school in the morning and then our families in the afternoon. We then wrote a newspaper article about how super it had been and included a 5W introduction, all the details and a question at the end. P3 are so good at using openers, connectives and lots of super descriptive language.

In Maths, we have been learning to tell the time. We have learnt o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. Today we had to show our understanding by drawing the hands on the clock for particular times.

Today in French we learnt about la fête du muguet (Lilly of the Valley Day) and la fête du travail (Labour Day) which are celebrations on the 1st May in France. We made Lilly of the Valley Day cards or Labour Day posters to show our learning.

In Art, we learnt about texture and created ‘patchwork quilts’ with squares of different texture rubbings!

In Health and Wellbeing, we learnt that is it ok to not be ok. We discussed some of the big things that can happen in our lives and how they would make us feel. We discussed some of the big feelings we have experienced and what caused them. We read Oliver Jeffers book, ‘A Heart in a Bottle’ and discussed strategies to deal with big feelings. We made a class poster to show these strategies. Some of them were to ask if our friends are ok and encourage them to share how they are feeling. We must then be good listeners and perhaps suggest that they share how they’re feeling with a trusted adult.

We have been reading our new class novel, the 13-Storey Treehouse by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. We have been enjoying it and have a class set so we can be reading along and enjoying the pictures while Miss Amy reads.

Enjoy the long weekend!

26th April 2024

This week we have been rehearsing lots for our assembly on Monday. We hope you are all going to enjoy it!

In Maths we have been learning about fractions. We have learnt what the numerator and denominator are and how to recognise and make fractions of objects and amounts. Today we used Lego, cubes, straws or Numicon to show unit and non-unit halves, quarters and thirds.

We planted baby carrot seeds and marigold seeds in our planter in the school grounds. We wanted to grow veg and flowers so we decided on baby carrots, that should grow in time for us to eat before the summer holidays, and marigolds because apparently rabbits don’t like the smell of them and will therefore stay away from our carrots!

We wrote instructions about how to plant seeds using the knowledge we had gained from planting our own. Half the class wrote in their jotters and half used Clicker 8 on the netbooks. We are going to swap for our next set of instructions.

Today we read the book ‘Little Tree’ by Loren Long. It was about a little tree who didn’t want to drop its leaves in autumn. Because of this, it didn’t grow like the other trees around it. We discussed that the tree was perhaps scared of letting go of its leaves because they made it feel safe, warm and protected. We discussed that sometimes change can feel scary and we can be worried about what might happen but that change is always going to happen in our lives and we need to be ready for it and go with it so that we can grow stronger just like the tree.

Friday 22nd March 2024

This week in P3, we have been finding the change from £1, £2 and £5. We used number lines to help us. We wrote a newspaper article about an attack on the Tay Tribe at Dundee Law Hill Fort. A tribe from the north were trying to steal their iron but they were defeated because the Tay Tribe was so well protected and ready to defend. We wrote a headline, an introduction, gave the details and then asked a rhetorical question in the ending. In Health and Wellbeing, we learnt how to help someone who has cut themselves and is bleeding heavily. We learnt how to check the wound, apply pressure and raise the area above the heart to slow the blood flow to it. Children were also very good at remembering to get the injured person to lie down with support under their head and something over them to keep them warm. In PE, we are playing teams games and working on supporting each other and talking to team members throughout the game about tactics. This week we played Scatter Rounders outside and Bench Ball inside. As part of our topic, we designed our own hill fort and drew outfits for a person from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, thinking about how use of materials had changed. In French, we had a quiz about France. In teams, we wrote questions about France and then asked them to different teams playing against each other!