Author: gw19meiklemgail@glow

Wednesday the 18th of December 2024

Monday to Wednesday with Mrs Meiklem

What a fun last week of term we’ve had! We loved our Christmas parties 🥳 and enjoyed sewing our Christmas craft.
We read lots of Christmas stories and wrote some super descriptions of Santa. PE was fun with lots of Christmas themed games!
Have a wonderful holiday everyone. I can’t wait to hear all of your news in January next year!!!!

Wednesday the 27th of November 2024

This week we wrote a set of instructions about how to wash your hands properly. We all acted it out to make sure we had the right steps. We are able to identify verbs and number our steps.
In numeracy we have spent time adding 10 to any number within 100 and within 1000 at our own level. We discussed the different language for addition and made up a list of ‘stuck stop’ strategies to help us solve addition problems.

We finished researching for our weather talks and performed them in front of the class. We tried hard to speak in a clear voice and to look at the audience. Well done to everyone for super posters and interesting talks!
In PE we made up gymnastics sequences in a group of 4. We had to perform a repeated pattern. Other groups had to guess what would come next.

Wednesday the 20th of November 2024

Monday to Wednesday with Mrs Meiklem

A very big well done to everyone for their super performance 🎭 at our class assembly! You were all amazing!
We had fun making Paddington Marmalade Sandwiches 🥪 and writing a set of instructions.

It was very cold but we braved the weather and made buildings to withstand tornadoes in Loose Parts Play.
For topic we started to research things we are interested in about our weather topic. We are going to make posters and present individual talks to the class about our chosen topic.
In PE we used rolls, jumps, different types of balances and ways of travelling to make gymnastics  sequences.
For Book Week we were involved in a shared read with a famous author and got to draw the characters.
We were excited for our special grown ups to meet with our teachers to hear about all of our hard work this week.

Wednesday the 13th of November 2024

Monday to Wednesday with Mrs Meiklem

We have been working hard to practise our class assembly this week. We are using loud clear voices and gaining confidence when being part of a performance. We have helped to plan the props, costumes and what to say.
We made our own weather instruments this week and also learned about tornadoes. We have been exploring our non-fiction topic books. We enjoyed working with P1/2 at Loose Parts.

Wednesday the 30th of October 2024

Monday to Wednesday with Mrs Meiklem

This week we enjoyed making Halloween crafts and writing a potion recipe. We read the ‘Funnybones’ stories and then were inspired to build the ghost train during Loose Parts Play.
We all enjoyed taking part in the Skills Academy sessions again this week.
We started our new topic which is all about weather. We discussed what we already know and what we’d like to find out. We also started to plan our class assembly.
In PE we worked on rolls and jumps and performed short individual gymnastics sequences.

Wednesday the 23rd of October 2024

It has been so nice to be back after the holidays and to share what we’ve all been up to.
We are learning how to write a good set of instructions. We write about how to make a stick puppet.
In numeracy the p3s have been counting in 10s and 100s from any number within 1000.  The P2s have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s within 100.
We enjoyed working in groups to perform short role plays on a stage in front of an audience. In PE we practised different types of travelling and balances.
We all enjoyed taking part in the Skills Academy lessons.

Friday the 4th of October 2024

Wednesday to Friday with Mrs Meiklem

This week we enjoyed getting together with our Pupil Committees.
In literacy we are learning how to write a good description. We played football in PE. We are working in communication skills.
We got together with the P2s and P3s to do outdoor learning and made Autumn sun catchers.

Have a wonderful holiday.

Wednesday the 25th of September 2024

Monday to Wednesday with Mrs Meiklem

This week we loved picking apples and using the juicer to make our own delicious apple juice! We also continued following our interests by learning more about bees for topic. The Primary 5s came and delivered a talk to us all about the school beehive and we have been doing our own research.
It is Maths Week Scotland this week and we have been using Sumdog to practise some mental maths skills. In numeracy some of us were learning how to find and estimate numbers on a number line.
This week in our big writing lesson we wanted to write spooky ghost stories. We turned out the lights and shared some of our creations with the class.
We have been enjoying singing our harvest songs and practising our performance for the School Service.