Brilliant Bugs – The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Hello everyone! Welcome to this weeks blog all about Brilliant Bugs and the Very Hungry Caterpillar. We hope you have all had a lovely week enjoying the sunshine and celebrating Book Bugs birthday.  Send us some pictures showing what you have been doing and we will add them to next weeks blog. We miss all of you very much and hope you are all safe and happy at home with your lovely families.

This is usually the time of year Mrs Kay would be inviting children and their carers to attend Peep sessions. These sessions are aimed at transition to Primary 1. This week and next weeks blog will be around transitions. A special transition that happens in nature is when a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. Caterpillars work very hard to prepare themselves for this transition, just like our nursery children do all year round.  They prepare for school with the support of parents, carers and nursery staff.

Mrs Kay has got some little caterpillars to look after. they started of tiny, hopefully you can make them out in the picture.

Over the last 2 weeks they have grown bigger.

They grew bigger and bigger by eating lots of food. They crawled up to the top of the container. They have now made a cocoon around themselves and are waiting to transform. Hopefully by next week the caterpillars will change into beautiful butterflies, lets wait and see!

Twinkl has some fantastic resources that supports children’s learning following the Very Hungry Caterpillar theme. They are offering free access to the resources during lockdown. Visit and search The Very Hungry Caterpillar for lots of great ideas.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is a lovely story about a caterpillars transition to butterfly. Let’s listen to the author talk about the book, he has a great way of explaining why children have enjoyed the book for the last 50 years.

The book can be used to support every area of the curriculum. We will explore some activities that can be done at home.  Let’s enjoy the story now.

This week we will focus on Literacy, Art, Drama and Music.

These are some ideas which will support children’s development in literacy. Children learn best through play, wherever possible ​learning should be fun and child led. These ideas are designed to be a gentle introduction to some of the activities children might expect to do in school.

Literacy ideas

Sand tray writing

Fill a small tray or dish with sand, salt or flour and allow children to make letter shapes or just enjoy making marks in the sand. There is no expectation for children to ‘write’ just to enjoy the experience. Gently shake the tray to clear, ready to start the fun again.

Play dough or plasticine.

Encourage children to use play dough or plasticine to make the letters that form their name. Plasticine is better to use if possible as it encourages strengthening of the finger muscles. This is needed to help when learning to write as strong muscles supports a child’s stamina when working.  More information about building the strength of finger muscles and some fun games and activities can be found here

See the source image

Playdough Recipe

1 cup flour

1/2 cup salt

1/2 cup water

1 tablespoon oil.

Mix flour, salt and oil in a bowl, using your hands can be easier and fun!

Add  a little water at a time to get the desired consistency.

You can add some food colouring if you would like, we do not add any in nursery so that we do not influence their design process.

Tell your own story

Have a go at being a story teller. You might want to be like Eric Carle and write over 70 books for people to enjoy.  Parents can take on the role of authors if children do not want to write.  Children can choose to be authors and illustrators if they wish. Older siblings can help too, it can be a fun activity for all the family. Try using some of these ideas and tips when publishing your book:

  • Who is the main character? Is it an insect?
  • What does the character do? Do they have an adventure, or have a problem they need to work through?
  • What other characters are in your story? Do they help the main character, are they kind?
  • Try to think of a start, middle and an end.
  • Think about your illustrations, they should do a lot of the story telling. Children that cannot read can still enjoy the story by following the pictures.
  • Have fun, would you like to read this story yourself?

Share a story

Share some story books together. Do you have any books at home about bugs?

The Very Quiet Cricket is another story from Eric Carle. It’ s a lovely story about a little cricket who hasn’t managed to find his voice yet.

I Love Bugs is written and illustrated by Emma Dodd. It tells of a small boys love of bugs, do you all love bugs as much as he does?

What the Ladybird Heard is a well known book by author Julia Donaldson. This is one of the children’s favourite books in Newport Nursery!

Art ideas

Eric Carle has a very distinctive art style. Why not try and create some images in his style? You could use paints, pens or crayons.

A fantastic way to explore art is by doing some transient art outdoors. You do not need any special equipment, just the materials nature provides. Go into your garden or on a nature walk to the local forest or beach. Collect sticks, stones, fallen leaves and flowers (only if they are from your own garden). Mrs Kay and her family collected sea glass from the beach. Jessica used the sea glass and some leaves and flowers from Mrs kay’s garden to create a beautiful butterfly.

Here are some pieces of art from Andy Goldsworthy who is an artist famous for his use of natural materials.

Creativity Education for Children: Andy Goldsworthy: a brilliant ...

Art can be found in nature, the hive of a colony of bees, the patterns on a ladybirds wing or the markings on butterflies and moths. Can you find any patterns when you are out and about?

patterns nature bees bugs honey comb honey bees blcprty •Insect wing - Wikipedia

moth moths bugs wings fly flying bug nature sticker pat...Lady Beetles (Ladybird Beetles; Ladybugs) | MDC Discover NatureThe Most Elaborate Spider Webs Ever Found in Nature | Reader's Digest

Natural Fibonacci sequence Sacred Geometry in nature | Fibonacci ...

This week saw us celebrate World Bee Day. We celebrate world bee day to highlight the importance of looking after bees. The United Nations have a great section on their website giving lots of information about bees.

Here we have a craft idea to make your own bee, send a picture of any of your art creations.

Music ideas

Why not try and make your own musical instruments? Empty containers filled with rice or pasta make great shakers. Pots and pans and wooden spoons make good drums. Old kitchen utensils hung from string make good wind chimes for outdoors.

Listen to the sounds that some well known bugs make. Can you hear bees buzzing or crickets chirping? Listen to some sounds here but go into your garden at different times of the day to see what noises you can hear.

Here is a funny song about some bugs going to a ball. What bug would you like to be? Would you dress up? Maybe you could make some fancy hats or clothes for your bug friends to wear to the ball.

Mrs AC, Mrs Laing, Mrs Kay and Mrs Ross have all sang a bug related nursery rhyme for you to enjoy.

Drama ideas

Make amazing sock puppet for you by Mritsabigdeal

Sock puppets

You will need:

  • Old socks
  • Felt tip pens
  • Pieces of material
  • Googly eyes
  • Glue
  • Pipe cleaners

Decorate your socks in any way you’d like. You can make worms, caterpillars, spiders, bees or ladybirds.

Masks ...

Make bug masks using card or paper. Make lots and ask family members to take on the role of their favourite bug. Use old clothes and material to make a costume and put on a play. 

Watch a bug themed film

Family Film Night - Kids About Jersey - Medium

Gather your family, make popcorn and turn the living room into a cinema. Some good bug films are:

A Bugs Life –  Disney Pixar rating U

The Ant Bully – Warner Bros. rating U

Bee Movie – Dreamworks rating U

James and the Giant Peach – Disney rating U

Charlotte’s Web – Paramount rating U


Other news

Solihull Approach

Solihull is now available to parents and carers. This is a fantastic resource that is usually delivered to staff to support understanding of peoples emotional and behavioural needs. More information can be found here:

Book Bug’s Travels

Mrs Laing has provided a list of all the places Book Bug travelled to. Did you get any correct? Show us some pictures from your recent adventures.

Answers to each picture left to right.

  1. Lay-by on Newport Road
  2. Inverdovat
  3. Newport Library
  4. Blyth Hall
  5. Tay Street
  6. Tayfield Estate
  7. Under the Tay Bridge
  8. Newport Bowling Club
  9. Tay Bridge Carpark, Bridge Access
  10. Top of the steps on Blyth Street
  11. Church, Blyth Street
  12. The Braes, Tay Street
  13. Tay Bridge Carpark

Sticky Kids workout 5

Thank you for taking time to read our blog, we hope you are able to try some of the activities at home. Don’t forget to send pictures of your activities and we can add them to future blogs. See you all next week and lets all sing the Goodbye Song before we go.

Newport Nursery Summer Term: 5 Happy Birthday Bookbug


Hello everyone! 🎼

We hope you are all keeping safe and well. We are missing each and everyone of you and hope this Blog will help us to connect. 💕

In this special Bookbug Birthday Blog, we shall be marking  Bookbug’s special tenth Birthday by sharing lots of special activities. We hope you enjoy this week’s Blog!


We know you can all sing Happy Birthday beautifully in English.  Why not have a go at singing Happy Birthday to Bookbug in French?

We are so proud to present a special Signalong Happy Birthday Video specially created to celebrate Bookbug’s ten years. Thank you to

Can you learn and share the special song for Bookbug? Why not send us a video?

Why was Bookbug  Created?

Who Created Bookbug?

We celebrate birthdays in different ways.

🎂  ⚖️ 🎂 ⚖️🎂⚖️🎂⚖️🎂⚖️🎂⚖️🎂

Baking let’s you use lots of different life skills. With an adult, why not bake a cake for Bookbug?  Can you follow the Victoria sponge recipe?

🕯 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯Don’t forget to add Bookbug’s ten candles!


✏️💌 We often receive lots of interesting Birthday cards with pictures and messages to mark our birthdays.

Can you make a birthday card for Bookbug?

Can you write him a special message?

🧮Teddy has come to celebrate Bookbug’s birthday.  Can you feed Teddy the correct number of cakes?

✏️ 🛒 Bookbug’s planning a Birthday party. He needs to write lists to help get organised.

Party Food

Party Games

Party Bags

Bookbug needs a few ideas from his friends. With adult help, can you write a list to help Bookbug?

Party Games

👄 👂 Before we followed Government Guidance, the morning children suggested we played Musical Statues and what fun we had! I wonder if you can organise a game of Musical Statues with your family? Remember to explain the rules of the game clearly so it is fair for everyone.

👄 👂 Can you play, ‘I went to the Shop?’ with your family?

  • Someone starts by saying ‘I went to the shops today and bought…’ something beginning with A (e.g. apple) 🍏
  • The next person continues by saying the previous item (apple) and then something beginning with B (e.g. banana) 🍏 🍌
  • Continue around your family members, working through the alphabet, adding one more item to the end of the list each time. 🍏 🍌 🥕


👣 🎶 Let’s Dance with Go Noodle

As you all know, exercise is great for our bodies as well as our minds. Why not join in with this ‘I’ve got a Feeling’ dance routine?  Click on the link.


Bookbug and his Sticky Kids Workout

Bookbug likes to get moving with familiar tunes. Bookbug wants to share the fourth Sticky Kids Workout 4.


What was your favourite part of the workout?

Book Bug app

The Bookbug app helps everyone explore amazing songs and rhymes. Why not explore the Bookbug app as a family and have a Bookbug Birthday Concert? Share your concert with your friends or family.

Our Favourite Bookbug Songs and Rhymes

Mrs Laing’s would like to share this fun song called, ‘Ickle Ockle Blue Bottle.’

Mrs Ac’s favourite Singing Game is Sleeping Bunnies.  Can you think of your own animal and movement to create your own verses?


Mrs Kay’s favourite Bookbug song is the Jeely Piece song.

‘I remember my teacher teaching it to me.  She sang and played along on her guitar.  When I told my Mum about the song, she said that it reminded her of when she was a little girl.  My Mum grew up up in Glasgow and lived in one of these flats.  Mums and Dads would throw sandwiches out of the window to save them from walking up lots and lots of stairs everyday for lunch.  I like to think of my Mum catching her lunch everyday, I’m not sure if any of her pieces made it to space though!’

To celebrate Bookbug’s birthday, I would like to share a special game called, ‘Cut the Cake.’

Everyone makes a circle with one person in the middle.
Place an odd number of objects in the middle of the circle.
🎶Sing the song;

Clap your hands together (clap hands), give yourself a shake (shake your body), make a happy circle (hold hands with the people next to you and swing them), then you cut the cake. The person in the middle ‘cuts’ between two players and they run and collect objects in the middle. The person with the most, is the winner and they become the cake cutter.  To make it trickier, why not add more items into the middle of the circle.

Our Favourite Books


Miss Stevenson’s favourite book is The Rainbow Fish.  She loves the book because of the beautiful illustrations and the message of the story that sharing with others makes us happy and brings a smile to others.

Mrs Laing’s favourite book is Stick Man by the author Julia Donaldson and the illustrator Axel Scheffler. She loves looking at the changing seasons and all the adventures Stick Man experiences.  Mrs Laing always feels relieved that he makes it home to his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three.

✂️  Bookbug really enjoyed listening to Stick Man so we started to make him a Stick Family for a special gift.

Can you make a Stick Man?  Why not take him out on an adventure and talk about what he is doing?
Stick Man is lonely. Can you make him a Stick Family? Can you make family members of different sizes?  Can you order them from biggest to smallest? How many sticks did you use? Can you describe the Stick family?

Stick Man Illustrations

Illustrations are very important to help us work out words. Even as adults,  we continue to use pictures to help us quickly work out messages  shown in different environments.
Look at the video showing the Stick Man illustrations.  Can you talk about the different seasons Stick Man experiences?

🌍 Can you describe the changing weather in each season?  How do people dress in the different seasons? What happens to the trees throughout the story?

Join in with the the Seasons song.

🎭 How many ways can you use a stick? Why not work with an adult to write a list or send us some pictures?

Bookbug Sessions

On at Fife Libraries offers Bookbug sessions. Why not join in with  one of the sessions by clicking the link and selecting videos? Look out for Pauline our local librarian.


👀 🧐Where’s Bookbug?

Since following Government Guidance, Bookbug has been enjoying  his outdoors daily exercise. Bookbug has travelled around Newport and stopped to  rest at different places on his journey.  Look carefully at each photograph. Can you guess where he has stopped?  Why not share your thoughts in our Comments feature? The answers will be given in next week’s Blog.

Bookbug Cosmic Kids Yoga Dance Party

We would like you and Bookbug to experience one final birthday treat with Jaime from Cosmic Yoga.


We hope you have had fun celebrating Bookbug’s tenth birthday.
Thank you for joining us and we hope to see you very soon.
Remember you can add your thoughts and ideas linked to the Blog using the Comments feature or why don’t you share some of your experiences through

Keep safe and keep connected.

The Newport Nursery Team

Mrs AC    Mrs Kay   Mrs Laing     Mrs Ross

Miss Crichton   Mrs Cunningham   Miss Allen     Mrs Beat     Miss Stevenson


Mrs Laing met Lachlan cycling his bike. You were having fun balancing, pedalling and steering. It was lovely to see you and your family. 💕💕


🎶 Goodbye Everyone




Newport Nursery Summer Term: 4 Play on Pedals

We would like to say hello to all our Newport nursery families and we hope to see you all very soon.

In this weeks blog we thought it would be great to focus on Play on Pedals at home. The weather has been mild and we are now getting some much needed sunshine so let’s put on our helmets and get some fresh air.

Riding a bicycle or balance bike is a great way to get exercise and have lots of fun. Mums, dads, brothers and sisters can join in with their bicycles and maybe even learn some new moves too!  Play on Pedals or POP for short, also links in with our learning outcomes in the children’s PLJ’S. There are a variety of themes and we will be sharing some with you today.

Mrs Kay and her family exploring the woods at Tentsmuir Forest.


Mr AC and Luke riding their bikes on the Lade Braes.


This chart shows us how to be safe when we are out riding our bikes.


Can you see what Mrs Kay is wearing to keep her safe?

Here’s another sticky kids workout 3 video to keep you fit and healthy in you have to stay indoors.

Sticky Kids Workout Podcast


Road Safety

When you’re out and about for your daily exercise, keep your eyes open and see if you can spot any of these signs.


Can you spot the difference between the two bikes?


Mr Kay and Ruby doing bike maintenance









Mrs AC Gears and chains

Can you find the large, medium and smallest?


We would like to share some ideas from Play on Pedals that you can use to help your child with their hand eye coordination, balance and confidence. These themes include control and steering, balance and control, pedalling, helmet heads and saddle me up.




Here are some songs that you can join in and sing along with.


We hope that you found this blog about play on pedals informative and fun!  We miss you all very much and would love to see what you’re doing at home.  Please share your comments and requests in the Comments section or send us an email at

Please feel free to  share photographs, drawings, your experiences and  ideas.  Remember if you are sending us anything, you are giving us permission to share these on our Blog.

Keep safe,

The Newport Team

Mrs A-C, Mrs Kay, Mrs Laing, Mrs Ross,

Mrs Cunningham, Miss Stevenson, Miss Allan, Mrs Beat and Miss Crichton

Message Gallery

Ellie and her Mum surprised Mrs Kay.  Mrs Kay was delighted!

Mrs Laing was happy to meet Annabelle and her family who were out for a walk.  Annabelle has been learning to draw people.  What a fabulous achievement!

Mrs Kay went for a cycle to Newport and she spotted a lovely piece of artwork.


What a fabulous rainbow Olivia H.





Newport Nursery Summer Term: 3 Planting and Growing at Home

A warm hello to all our lovely families at Newport Nursery from Mrs A-C and the rest of the team!

In this week’s blog we thought we could focus on planting and growing at home.  We have been very lucky over the last few weeks to have had such sunny weather which we know that plants love! The rain will also be very much appreciated now.  Have a look at the clips and photos of what’s growing in and around the nursery team’s gardens.


Being outdoors is great because the fresh air and sunshine is good for your body and mind.   Gardening provides so many benefits.  It provides great sensory development as children feel the different textures of soil, seeds, flowers and petals. You can smell different flowers and see different colours.  Whilst gardening children build hand-eye coordination and physical strength because it can be quite hard work digging, lifting, watering, etc.

Growing your own food encourages healthy eating because if children have had a hand in growing fruit and vegetables, they will be keener to eat them.  Children will learn how much care and attention is needed to grow something from seed and also the time is takes, which teaches patience.

Here’s what we have been growing in our gardens, please use the comments box to show us what you have in your garden.


Peas picked straight from the garden are so yummy to eat!
Salad leaves to make a healthy lunch
What’s growing in this farmer’s field?
Potatoes can be grown in containers and are so much fun to harvest!
Is it true carrots help you see in the dark?
You’ll need to be quick, birds love strawberries too!















If you want to have a go at planting a seed yourself.  Here are some instructions on How to grow a plant.  

What shapes can you find? Which seeds are the smallest? Which ones are the same size? How many sweet pea seeds are there?
I sectioned off my raised bed so I can grow different plants in each bit. Using a ruler, I measured each area to 30cms. I will have 7 different plants growing in my raised bed.


We thought it would be a good idea to give you a game that you could play with your family while out on your daily walk.  Here’s a treasure hunt – t-t-1103-plants-and-flowers-hunt-sheet-_ver_5

Here’s some of what we have found…

Spring Tulips and Daffodils
Daffodil spotting on a daily walk
Beautiful Cherry Blossoms










It’s #NationalGardeningWeek – so get outside and explore the nature and all of its glories!

We were talking about how important it is to keep exercising to stay fit and be happy.  So following on from last week here’s the second Sticky Kids Workout.

Track List
I Jump Out Of Bed; Funky Monkey; Shake Your Fingers; My Head My Shoulders; Here Are My Hands; Zooming To The Moon; Hands On Hips


Cosmic Kids on YouTube provides a variety of activities to help support your Health and Wellbeing.  In this 5 minute meditation we do some movement!  We begin curled up like a little seed in the earth and experience the sensation of growing into the light and stretching open just like a big yellow flower! 🌼🌼🌼


Now we all know how much you like your stories at nursery and we are missing reading to you! Here are a couple of stories for you to share with your loved ones.

This book is part of Ladybirds First Favourite Tales series – these retellings are perfect for introducing young children to classic stories and fairy tales, and the books are just right for those just learning to read. The Enormous Turnip Retold by Irene Yates 32 pages, Ladybird ISBN-10: 9781409309574 ISBN-13: 978-1409309574 ASIN: 1409309576

We hope you liked hearing that story.  Can you remember who the main characters were in the story? What happened at the end?

Patreon –

That is one of our favourite stories to read aloud to you.  Let’s see how well you listened! How many magic beans did the old man give Jack for his cow?  How many potatoes did the giant eat before falling fast asleep the first time Jack climbed up the beanstalk?

Can you put these beanstalk’s in order from smallest to biggest? T2-M-038-Beanstalk-Height-Ordering-Pictures

We miss singing  songs with you.  So here are some nursery rhymes you can sing along to…

We hope that you found this blog about planting and growing at home fun!  We miss you all very much and would love to see what you’re doing at home.  Please share your comments and requests in the Comments section or send us an email at

Please feel free to  share photographs, drawings, your experiences and  ideas.  Remember if you are sending us anything, you are giving us permission to share these on our Blog.


Keep safe,

The Newport Team

Mrs A-C, Mrs Kay, Mrs Laing, Mrs Ross,

Mrs Cunningham, Miss Stevenson, Miss Allan, Mrs Beat and Miss Crichton




Newport Nursery Summer Term 2 Keeping Happy and Healthy

Welcome back to our Newport Nursery Blog. To start today’s new style Blog, we’d like to share a few video clips with you. Just press play!  Why not join in with us!


Theme: Keeping Happy and Happy

Over the next few weeks, we are going to create Blogs which have special fun activities linked to special Themes.

Daily physical exercise is important not only for our bodies but our minds also.

Here’s the first Sticky Kids Workout which features favourite songs and rhymes.  Why not send us a photograph of you exercising?

Sticky Kids Workout 1. Press play a couple of times until it goes green!


Cosmic Kids on YouTube provides a variety of activities to help support your Health and Wellbeing.

Here is a mindfulness activity which helps you to explore your feelings and emotions.

Whilst being at home and staying local for our daily exercise, we have been keeping ourselves, families and pets healthy by going on walks, cycles and runs in our local area as well as admiring our local wildlife and nature.  We’ve all had amazing adventures!

We have found a  Cosmic Kids Yoga adventure involving a Troll.  Can you go on the adventure with the Troll?  Which part of the adventure did you enjoy the most?


Reading helps your brain and imagination to develop.  It teaches you about language and emotions, and strengthens relationships with your family.

Here’s a lovely story about a boy who takes a beautiful sandwich to the park.  Find out what happens to the boy’s beautiful sandwich.  The story is shared by Sharon, part of our Fife Libraries Team. Highlight and point to the link.

What was your favourite part of the story?

Can you make a special sandwich?

Can you draw a picture of a disgusting sandwich?

We have all been enjoying special family time.  How do the Gruff family help each other?

Can you go for a shape hunt in your home, garden and whilst out on your daily exercise? How many shapes did you find?

The Wildlife Trusts provides lots of good ideas for the whole family when exploring the great outdoors. Have a look at our Newport PS Twitter page for other ideas. Here are some activities you could explore at home.

We hope you have enjoyed our Keeping Happy and Healthy Themed Blog.

Please use the Comments feature on this Blog or send us a message to

Your thoughts and opinions are important to us.

Please feel free to  share photographs, drawings, your experiences and  ideas.  Remember if you are sending us anything, you are giving us permission to share these on our Blog.

Have you got any special Themes, stories or songs/rhymes you wish us to explore?

Message Gallery

Ella wishes to say hello to all her friends and misses everyone dearly.

Here are some special moments, experiences and achievements she would like to share with us.  Thank you.

Creative pictures by Ada. Thank you for sharing your inspiring pieces.

We miss spending time with each and everyone of you in our Nursery so let’s bring the fun, creativity and  investigations to our Blog! Let’s keep connected.

Keep safe,

The Newport Team

Mrs AC, Mrs Kay, Mrs Laing, Mrs Ross,

Mrs Cunningham, Miss Stevenson, Miss Allan, Mrs Beat and Miss Crichton

Newport Nursery Summer Term 1

Welcome to our Summer Term. Our weekly Friday Blog will recommence this week and will help us to connect with each other. We miss each and everyone of you.  Highlight the link below to make you smile!  It certainly made us feel happy.


There are lots of books and resources to help you learn about the Coronavirus. We know many of us at Newport Nursery love the illustrations by Axel Scheffler.

With an adult,  why not explore this book published by Nosy Crow?  Coronavirus: A book for Children by Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson and Nia Roberts.

We hope you and your families are keeping well and enjoying this beautiful weather and the great outdoors as much as you can.   We are definitely doing this through our daily exercise and taking time out  in our gardens.

At the end of last Term, the Team were able to provide many of you with a variety of resources in a Home Learning Pack. A selection of stories with a variety of associated activities were also sent through e-mail communication.

As many of you are aware, Newport Primary School and Nursery have their own Twitter page.  Using this media, the Team have been sharing a wide variety of ideas which may be of interest to you and your family. If you are not already following us, why not create an account and join us at: Newport Primary @newport_primary (download Twitter on the App Store).

Throughout this term, the Newport Nursery Team wish to provide you with some ideas to support you and your family and to keep us all connected.  You should have already received an email which gives you a wide selection of stories (eighteen) with associated Literacy, Numeracy, and Health and Wellbeing activities.  There is also guidance on how to share your wonderful experiences should you wish to use these resources.

As we have been using the Glow Platform throughout the year, we feel this would be a good way for us and you to share information, ideas and experiences.  Please feel free to make any suggestions of how we can help you and your family through the comments feature.  We value your thoughts and opinions.

Remember any activities we post are optional because as you know, the best way to learn and develop is through play!  Play enables us to develop a range of skills including communication, problem solving, imagination, co-operation and much, much more and can take place both indoors and out.  The following weblinks will help your adults and carers with further practical ideas.

To complete our very first Summer Term Blog, why not use the Bookbug’s Songs and Rhymes app to take part in one of our favourite tunes, Sleeping Bunnies.  Can you adapt the song using a different animal and movement eg. lions and ‘Roar little lions, roar, roar, roar . . .?’  If so, why not either share your ideas in the comments feature or through our school website:

By sending in your ideas/experiences/photographs, you are agreeing that we can then post them on our Nursery related media.

If you have not downloaded the Bookbug’s Songs and Rhymes app why not explore what it offers  through the following link.

Download the Bookbug’s Songs and Rhymes on the App Store or Get it on Google Play.

We look forward to sharing our personal experiences and practical ideas with you all every Friday. We are even more excited about learning about what you and your families have been exploring, creating and investigating together.  You can share these special moments at anytime using the Blog comment feature, the school website and Twitter.

Please keep safe.

Special thoughts and hugs,

Mrs AC, Mrs Kay, Mrs Laing and Mrs Ross