Newport Nursery week 24.06.24

Well the time is here to say goodbye to all the children moving onwards to Primary 1. This year has gone so fast but what fun we have had. We have watched all the children grow becoming independent learners and we have welcomed some new children and families too throughout the year.

This week has been a whirlwind with many different experiences throughout the day. From the Nursery Graduation on Wednesday, what a wonderful celebration of all that your child has become. Thank you all for sharing this with us. to the Teddy Bears picnic with their buddies on Thursday morning. They all enjoyed a strawberry and cream  treat after playing a range of games that their buddies had organised. We then were invited to watch the P7 Graduation performance which all children enjoyed watching.


We had our last forest session on Tuesday and this time the weather was kind to us and the children could choose between playing in the  woods or on the large grassy area. Some children were using skills to investigate force through rolling. They were exploring how fast they could go and used markers to see who went the furthest. One child decided to make a small bouquet of wild flowers that they had picked.



Outside on Monday the children investigated cardboard boxes and used their creative minds to create sun chairs that promoted skills to problem solve. Some children were off on their imaginative holidays to Spain and Africa that shared their knowledge of some animals that are found there. They used the wooden car outside to travel in style.. Some children were also very busy running a small restaurant using a range of loose parts to make tacos and blueberry pie.


We also celebrated Frasers 5th Birthday, Happy Birthday Fraser! and they all enjoyed making and eating some cupcakes on Thursday afternoon.

Now the sad part we now need to say our goodbyes to all our children who are now moving onto your next exciting chapter in your learning and a very big thank you to all the wonderful parents for your kindness and support throughout the year.

Goodbye Christian, Alex, Isla, Oran, Cora, Sophie, Chloe, Charlotte, Jovan, Lucas, Archie, Flynn, Timothy, Odil, Hubert, Eleanor and Eli. and to all parents and Grandads and Grandmas too. We are going to miss you all. xxi



  • Return to Nursery on the Wednesday  21st August 2024.

Loose Parts

We are always in need of replenishing our loose parts in nursery. If you are out and about on walks, or are planning to recycle items, can we ask that you think of us first please 😃


Hope you all have a lovely relaxing summer holiday and  hopefully enjoy all the good weather . We will be welcoming all our returning children and families back on the 21st along with saying a big hello to all our new children and families too.

from the all the Nursery team. xxx

Week Beginning 17th June 2024

This week learning is… creativity, motor skills, team work, communication, balancing skills, hand/eye coordination, numeracy, literacy, self confidence, exploring, Predicting, Being Curious, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.


Monday 17th June

Today has been a morning of outdoor fun with loose parts. Lucas and Isla worked together to create an obstacle course using loose parts. They took it in turns to show their peers how to do it. Gregor and Jovan showed good balancing skills to complete it.

Christian, Oran and Alex worked together using loose parts to create a model of a aeroplane that can transform into a submarine. This led to discussions about different modes of transport to go on holiday with. “I’m going to Italy and it will be very hot.” The discussion changed into different types of weather at home and abroad discussing different clothing you need in different temperatures.

Today Cameron and Lachlan worked together to build a crocodile out of blocks. They discussed how crocodiles are dangerous because they can snap and bite you with their sharp teeth. They communicated with each other to move blocks to suit each other.

Today a group of children asked for Danny Go on YouTube to dance along to different songs and different moves. They were able to discuss how their body was feeling after exercise and what we could do to feel less hot.

Tuesday 18th June

Today a group of children enjoyed exploring with the water. They noticed as it was raining the tarpaulin was filling with water and falling down the side. They discussed different ways they could try and catch it. “I have a good idea let’s use a cup”. They used cups to collect the water to see how many cups they could fill. “I filled one cup six times”.

Today the children are becoming more confident with their gross motor skills as they have been exploring the trees and climbing to where they feel comfortable. “My tummy doesn’t have butterflies yet so I can stay here.”

Today Charlotte helped create the fire in the forest for snack. “You need to put the little bits of food first to give it some air then you put the big wood after then you put some wool and some paper and then you scrape the match to make the fire.” “Mrs McKenzie helped me be safe because she told me all the things to keep safe.”

Wednesday 19th June


Today Alex, Leo, Chloe, Flynn and Eleanor worked together using the farm set to create a model of their own farm. “It use to be everywhere but we are now making it so neat” “we need to keep it neat so the animals don’t escape”. The group of children were able to discuss that food comes from animals. “You can get ham and pork from pigs and you get meat from cows. You also get milk from cows.” “We look after the animals by letting them out and making sure they look good.”

Today Elyn, Oran, Christian and Isla worked together to create a boat. The group of children pretended to look out for sharks. “Sharks are dangerous they can bite you”. They discussed how we could stay safe in a boat by using a life jacket so they don’t fall out the boat.

Today Lucas brought in his pet tortoise Uno into nursery. He shared interesting facts about tortoises and let his peers ask questions. All children engaged in listening to Lucas and asking him questions to further their knowledge on tortoise’s.

Thursday 20th June


Today has been a day of being creative both indoors and outdoors using loose parts, Junk modelling and blocks. Today Hubert made a spinner with a reusable sweet lid and loose parts. He then used his problem solving skills to add a cookie box and tube to make it spin further. “It spins better with the box.”

Today Jackson and Cameron worked together using the blocks of different shapes and sizes to create a model of a dinosaur house. “This is our dinosaur house, it keeps them safe.”

Today Timothy worked independently to match the letters on the picture to make the full word. “I’m looking for the letters that say pig.” Timothy enjoyed playing pass the word and independently completed a few words.

Friday 21st June

Today Cora and Sophie worked with their peers using the farm set to create a model of their own farm. “I know that there’s cows in the farm and the farmer feeds them.” “I also know cows have milk and feed babies with them.”

Today Alex and Christian were creating colourful patterns using the counting bears by placing them very carefully next to one another, sharing their ideas for how they want the pattern to look.


  • Forest is on Tuesday where we meet at Waterstone crook car park from 9:00-9:15. Can we also just make you aware that with the hot and humid weather that tics may be around in the forest area so encourage you to check your child after every forest session incase any have made their way home on your child!
  • Please remember to apply sun cream to your child before they arrive at nursery and we will reapply during the day if needed.
  • Please if your child takes part in play on pedals can you bring their helmet in on Wednesday.
  • Can we please remind parents and carers that when dropping off in the morning and using the car park to use the white spaces only as staff members who start at 9 are unable to park due to the staff spaces being taken.

With the changing  seasonal and varied weather conditions  ☔️❄️🥶, please remember to provide your child with welly boots, waterproof clothing, and at least a full change of clothes in your child’s bag (remember the…🧦 🧦🩲🩲 )

💭Any changes to your child’s Diet or Medication? Please speak with one of the Team who can support you.

Loose Parts

We are always in need of replenishing our loose parts in nursery. If you are out and about on walks, or are planning to recycle items, can we ask that you think of us first please 😃


We hope you all have a great weekend and will see you next week!
The Newport Nursery Team x

Week beginning 10th June 2024

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week. Here is a look at what we have been up to this week at nursery…..


For our forest session we went to the bottom garden and explored the spaces. Children found tadpoles in some water and went searching round the garden for more animals.

The children have been preparing for their leaving assembly as they practice songs and reflect on their favourite times at nursery since they started.


The children took part in sports day races where they did the obstacle course race, running race and egg and spoon race. The children made a great effort and were really excited to have the buddies help them race!

Children took part in play on pedals where they explored gliding and braking on the bikes. Children demonstrated good listening skills and took in the information that was being given.

This week, children have been showcasing their technology skills as they use the iPads to take photos to make collages and create colourful pictures. Read more

Newport Nursery week of the 04.06.24.

This week learning is… Exploring, Predicting, Being Curious, Literacy, Mathematics, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Creativity, Motor Skills, Turn Taking, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

This week in nursery we have had Miss McKenzie, Miss Nelson and Mrs Wilson.

In forest this week we have observed lots of role play that incorporated the roles of teachers and schools. They used the trees and the natural resources for the chairs  and tables, whiteboards etc. They also used a range of loosed parts to  create a den and made images of, letters, numbers and shapes.. The children enjoyed a fresh pancake with either jam or Honey, along with a drink of milk or water.


Through the week at the snack area we have been talking a lot about the fruit and vegetables that we have to eat with lots of children enjoying sharing their likes and dislikes, but also about unusual fruit and vegetables that we have not tried before. They have been discussing unhealthy and healthy foods and we will be looking at how they can help our bodies to stay healthy.

Outside and inside the children have been continuing their interest in design and engineering through using the different loose parts available, with the children eager to share with others what they have made. Some children were using the sand area to role play being on the beach, taking their sandals off to feel the sand on their feet. They used their senses to discuss the texture and how it felt on their feet.


The children have been looking forward to their Buddy days and yesterday they learnt who that will be, and they all were extremely happy with the choices that were made. We have also been supporting the children to become more responsible in tiding up after their play has finished, especially towards lunchtime and at the end of the session. We have used the timer setting on the smartboard which has provided encouragement to all the children to tidy up. They especially liked to tell others how long they have left.

In the Play on pedals session this week, the focus was on Gliding and to be able to balance and steering whilst moving at speed. We used the Sea of sharks game to promote and support this important skill in their developing ability to ride a bike. The children all persevered with this challenge, giving support to less confident riders to be able to accomplish the task, and to display great pride in their achievements.

On Thursday another successful PEEP session was held with Miss McKenzie and Mrs Laing which todays session was held outside down in the bottom garden. The focus this week was on Listening and Talking.

In Nursery next week.

Monday 10th June 2024  –   Play on Pedals with Mrs Wilson.     Please can you remember to bring in your helmets.

Tuesday 11th June  2024 –  Forest Kindergarten.

Wednesday 12th June 2024 –  Play on Pedals      Please can you remember to bring in your helmets..

Thursday 13th June 2024 – PEEP Session with Miss McKenzie starting at around 9.15 – 10.30 am.



  • Forest is on a Tuesday where we will meet at Waterstone Crook between 9:00am-9:15am then head up to the forest location.
  • Can we please remind parents and carers that when dropping off in the morning and using the car park to use the white spaces only as staff members who start at 9 are unable to park due to the staff spaces being taken.
  • Please remember to apply sun cream to your child before they arrive at nursery and we will reapply during the day if needed.
  • Please if your child takes part in play on pedals can you bring their helmet in on Wednesday.

Loose Parts

We are always in need of replenishing our loose parts in nursery. If you are out and about on walks, or are planning to recycle items, can we ask that you think of us first please 😃


Hope you all have a lovely weekend in the sun. See you all on Monday.

from the all the Nursery team. x






Week Beginning 27th May 2024

This week learning is… creativity, motor skills, team work, communication, balancing skills, hand/eye coordination, numeracy, literacy, self confidence, exploring, Predicting, Being Curious, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

Monday 27th May 


Today Gregor, Cameron, Archie and Jovan took turns with the swing ball set. They confidently hit the ball to each other by using their gross motor skills to move the bat to strike the ball back and forwards.

Today Eleanor, Christian, Alex and Isla worked together to create a model of a car using loose parts. They all shared their ideas on how to make the car ask confidently listened to each other. “We’re going to Pizza Hut in our cars”. This sparked discussion about different mode of transports we can use. “You can walk, use a bike or a scooter” “If you’re going on holiday you would get a plane because it’s over the ocean”.

Today a group of children began their Play on pedals session which was focused on Bike safety. There 4 main areas that we focused on were Helmet safety, correctly fitting helmets. Learning and recognising the different bike parts were and what they did. Saddle me up focused on picking up and mounting and is dismounting the bike safely. Play on pedals rules when on the bikes, and to listen to and follow the set of instructions given. And then we played a short game of frogs jump races and walk the plank focusing on balance whilst in movement.

Tuesday 28th May 

Today Hubert and Isla worked together to share ideas to create a den. Isla collected the sticks of different sizes “this one is longer so it will fit better” while Hubert built the den.

Today there was good balancing demonstrated in different ways. Elijah, Chloe and Sophie were demonstrating good balancing skills by holding on the the stick and bouncing on the log below. “Were bouncing over the town, Were over the town.” Lucas demonstrated good balancing skills and hand/eye coordination as he held on to the tree swing and spun round without falling off.


Today at the forest there was a lot of role play. “We are being silly monkeys” Alex, Leo and Oran were role playing silly monkeys. This lead to a group discussion about Zoo’s and personal experiences. They also discussed that monkeys eat bananas and bananas are healthy for you as it’s a fruit.

Wednesday 29th May

Today Jackson, Elyn, Odil, Lachlan and Charlotte can confidently eat socially with peers as they ate pizza wraps and discussed their favourite toppings on pizza. There was also a discussion about favourite fruits. “My favourite fruit is orange and mine is watermelon”.

Today Lucas, Gregor, Lachlan and Jackson created an obstacle course and took each others thoughts into consideration. Lucas noticed a big gap and problems solved to create a safer gap to jump. They all individually took turns without bumping into each other.

Today a group of children had their Play on pedals session which was focused on steering and control whilst moving with speeding and follow directions.

Thursday 30th May

Today Lachlan, Charlotte and Odil used different objects to do some one to one correspondence. They used the teddy bear family and matched them into colour. As well as coins. “Money is for buying stuff and food.”

Today there was a lot of mark making. Archie, Leo and Timothy were in the writing area. “I’m drawing a picture for my mummy” “I’m making a flag”. They boys had a discussion about different kinds of flags such as country flags and pirate ship flags. This lead to discussion about different modes of transport and how we get to different countries such as a plane and a boat. Today Robin enjoyed marking making using a highlighter. He asked for support to write Pokémon. He drew a picture of ash to put inside the envelope to take home.

Thank you to all who could make today’s peep session it was lovely to have you there! Today we focussed on the importance of encouragement ☺️ We hope to see you there again next week where we will be exploring talking and listening and taking part in some fun listening activities that you might have heard the children discussing before 🐦 📱 👂🏼

Friday 31st May


Today Oran, Christian, Isla, Sophie, Robin, Odil, Leo, Gregor and Cameron explored moon dough (cornflour and conditioner). There was a group of children trying to make shapes and others watching it melt onto the tray. The children discussed the texture of the moon dough which was “soft and sticky. It also feels funny”.

Working together Hubert and Timothy created a areoplane using loose parts. “We’re going on holiday to Florida”. This led to discussion about different modes of transport we could use to go on holiday with. As they continued playing they invited more peers to join in their play.


Today Lucas, Isla, Robin, Eleanor and Flynn enjoyed some time in the bottom garden. They enjoyed using their gross motor skills and turn taking to share shots on the see-saw. The group of children demonstrated good balancing skills.



  • Forest is on Tuesday where we meet at Waterstone crook car park from 9:00-9:15. Can we also just make you aware that with the hot and humid weather that tics may be around in the forest area so encourage you to check your child after every forest session incase any have made their way home on your child!
  • Please remember to apply sun cream to your child before they arrive at nursery and we will reapply during the day if needed.
  • Please remember that the nursery will be closed Monday 3rd June 2024 (Bank holiday).
  • Please if your child takes part in play on pedals can you bring their helmet in on Wednesday.
  • Can we please remind parents and carers that when dropping off in the morning and using the car park to use the white spaces only as staff members who start at 9 are unable to park due to the staff spaces being taken.

With the changing  seasonal and varied weather conditions  ☔️❄️🥶, please remember to provide your child with welly boots, waterproof clothing, and at least a full change of clothes in your child’s bag (remember the…🧦 🧦🩲🩲 )

💭Any changes to your child’s Diet or Medication? Please speak with one of the Team who can support you.

Loose Parts

We are always in need of replenishing our loose parts in nursery. If you are out and about on walks, or are planning to recycle items, can we ask that you think of us first please 😃


We hope you all have a great weekend and will see you next week!
The Newport Nursery Team x

Week beginning 20th May 2024

Hello everyone, we hope you have had a great week! Here is a look at what we have been up to in nursery……

Children in the forest explored a variety of skills as they used the tree swing and searched for different types of birds which linked to past experiences for children.

Children took part in baking banana bread this week with Miss Nelson. Everyone has helped to make her feel very welcome on her first week back!

Some children have been using the coloured vehicles to explore counting and sorting skills.

children have been working in the block area to design and make a tower using a range of shapes and sizes. The boys were very proud of their work and asked for a picture of their finished product.


The girls created their own Barbie dreamworld using the dolls house, blocks and environmental print.


The children’s sunflowers are coming along nicely. The children have been checking up on them daily and helping to water them. This has encouraged a lot of mathematical language as children discuss the height of the seedlings and compare to others.

After finding some cellophane, Isla and Christian were inspired to make eye patches that they could see through. They did the cutting and the sticking themselves they just needed a little help to attach the string. This then inspired others to join in too.


Children have been very creative with loose parts and different resources as they made different modes of transport where they had to problem solve how to keep the vehicles together. Children inside made jewellery for family members and Lego models.



  • Forest is on Tuesday where we meet at waterstone crook car park from 9:00-9:15. Can we also just make you aware that with the hot and humid weather that tics may be around in the forest area so encourage you to check your child after every forest session incase any have made their way home on your child!
  • Please remember to apply suncream to your child before they arrive at nursery and we will reapply during the day if needed.

We hope you all have a great weekend and will see you next week!
The Newport Nursery Team x

Newport Nursery week 13.5.24

This week learning is… Exploring, Predicting, Being Curious, Literacy, Mathematics, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Creativity, Motor Skills, Turn Taking, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

What a week we have had with all the lovely weather which the children have all enjoyed playing in especially getting a lovely fruit shoot ice pop which they have all requested getting some more and to make their own using fruit and water.

This week the children have once again enjoyed the visit from their Bubbies having lots of fun together throughout Thursday and Friday morning..

Outside the focus was on individual Sunflower planting activity for the children to eventually take home to plant in their garden or in large pots. Lots of discussions that demonstrate their understanding of how to care and nurture these to grow. This then inspired the children to recall the need to water all the plants throughout the nursery garden through the week.

On Wednesday afternoon the children enjoyed a visit to a Cello music lesson that the older children participate in. They listen extremely well with interest to what the music teacher was telling them about the Cello and the Violin and answered a range of questions too about the differences and the the loud that these instruments make. They were able to recognise the different tunes and joined in to sing along to these. The music interest continue with a group of girls creating a dance show to a range of different tunes outside.

Inside some children showed an interest to learn more about the black jaguars and panthers that inspired others to research a topic on Monkeys. They looked at the largest and the smallest monkey, then discovering  that there is also a Owl monkey that has very large eyes and it comes out at night too.

Forest went extremely well this week with the children enjoying a snack of pancakes with either jam or honey, along with their favourite hot chocolate. Whilst there they engaged in a spinning experiment to see what happens to their bodies after spinning around in a fast movement. Lots of giggles after falling to the ground and they could describe how their bodies felt after the exercise.

On Thursday the children enjoyed a visit from Morag Hood who has written many children’s books, one such one is called Dig, Dig, Digger which they especially enjoyed listening too. Afterwards they participated in a drawing lesson to draw a character from one of her books.

This morning the children released 4 of the butterflies down in the bottom garden, but we still have one left which was the last to hatch that is still needing a bit more care.

Inside we have seen some great imaginative role play using loose parts and material to create a wonderful sea world after creating paper doll mermaids . This interest is still on going and will be supported to continue and extend this interest through other learning activities.

In Nursery next week.

Tuesday 21st May  2024 –  Forest Kindergarten.

Thursday 23rd May 2024 – PEEP Session with Miss McKenzie starting at around 9.15 – 10.30 am.

Also next week we will be giving a very warm welcome  Miss Nelson who is returning back to work with us after her maternity leave has ended.


  • Forest is on a Tuesday where we will meet at Waterstone Crook between 9:00am-9:15am then head up to the forest location.
  • Can we please remind parents and carers that when dropping off in the morning and using the car park to use the white spaces only as staff members who start at 9 are unable to park due to the staff spaces being taken.

With the changing  seasonal and varied weather conditions  ☔️❄️🥶, please remember to provide your child with welly boots, waterproof clothing, hat, gloves 🧤, scarf🧣 and at least 2 full changes of clothes in your child’s bag (remember the…🧦 🧦🩲🩲 )

💭If you need to discuss the Seesaw app, particularly with setting up all functions/privacy, please speak with a member of staff.

💭Any changes to your child’s Diet or Medication? Please speak with one of the Team who can support you.

Loose Parts

We are always in need of replenishing our loose parts in nursery. If you are out and about on walks, or are planning to recycle items, can we ask that you think of us first please 😃


Hope you all have a lovely weekend in the sun. See you all on Monday.

from the all the Nursery team. x





Week beginning 6th May 2024

It’s been a short week this week but we hope you enjoyed your days off! Here is a snippet at what we have been up to at nursery….


Children have been really engaged in card games as Archie brought in his UNO game to play with his peers. The children explored matching by colour, number of picture. The children showed great sportsmanship by shaking hands and saying well done.

Children have been imaginative with the Lego as they build jails and chariots. Eli looked up all about a chariot using the iPad to see what they were used for. “Before we had cars they used chariots where the horses pulled the cart”

We had a lovely day at forest where children explored their surroundings and new friendships, sharing their discoveries with one another.

Children have been exploring how they can use water outside as they mix it with flowers in the mud kitchen or seeing how it can flow through the water station.

Children have been looking at puzzles and jigsaws outside as they discussed the order of the numbers on the puzzle going from 0-10 then 10-0.


  • We are at forest on a Tuesday, please remember to meet us at waterstone crook car park. We would also suggest that you still pack a small light bag on a forest day as children still may need a change of clothes.
  • please apply suncream to your children before drop off, we have a nursery sun cream where we can reapply in the afternoon. Please do not send suncream in your child’s bag as this is treated as medication and other children could be allergic.


Have a great weekend everyone! See you next week ☺️

The Newport nursery team x

Newport Nursery week 29.04.20

This week learning is… Exploring, Predicting, Being Curious, Literacy, Mathematics, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Creativity, Motor Skills, Turn Taking, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

This week in Nursery we have had Miss McKenzie, Mrs Wilson, and Mrs McNeil.

This week has flown by and all the children have  enjoyed being outside having  lots of fun in  the great weather we have had this week.

A group of children spent time creating a planting area within the large tyre. They used carboard to  line the bottom and taking turns each helped to fill with soil. They then helped to sow a range of seeds to attract butterflies and bees. They confidently discussed how to care for these and discussed whether the caterpillars will stay here when they have become butterflies. They then discussed what else they could plant in there after looking through the seed packets they selected some sunflowers. One child was able to describe….

“There are big sunflowers and little ones, look”


Throughout the week the children have recalled the need to water and check on their process and share their findings. This planting interest continues with the children filling smaller wellie boot pots pots with seeds too..

Outside the children have been developing their hand and eye co-ordination skills through a range of activities. The swing ball is still very popular along with playing tennis and the new ball catch game.  The children are also enjoying the large snakes and ladders game, following the rules of the game and in taking turns.


Inside we have been observing lots of children confidently sharing  what they have tried, what they have been doing and sharing their learning. One child previously said that he didn’t like porridge, but he tried it with jam and honey and said..

“I loved it”

Some have been showing their growing skills in letter recognition and simple word formations. with some displaying their skills to copy letters and words.  While others have been busy creating a range of models using the Lego and sharing their ideas well. Through the Caterpillar lifecycle process we are also looking at symmetry, and finding symmetry in their environment through a range of experiences such as focus painting the different butterflies found in Scotland, and when outside or at the forest. A group of children after looking at a bird book decided to research a Peregrine falcon, and created some lovely pictures of these birds.

One child showed great courage and determination to succeed in using the peddle bike. She fell off many times but quickly got back on to succeed. Well done Chloe!



In the forest our new children really enjoyed the experience exploring and challenging themselves in the environment. Some children continued their interest in the flowers growing around them from a previous visit. So with the adult they went to investigate their progress taking phots and discussing various that they could see. features.

The Butterflies are growing fast and they are not so small now with the children investigating the process of the lifecycle and sharing with others what they know. The caterpillars are now entering the stage and making their cocoon. So we shall wait and see what next week  has happened.

The music learning wall is still on going with children creating their own bands and asking to listen to a range of different styles of music. This week we had the Harry Potter soundtrack music and classical relaxing sounds being played.

In Nursery next week.

Monday 6th May 2024 –   NO NURSERY TODAY.  Bank Holiday

Tuesday 7th May  2024 –  Forest Kindergarten.

Thursday 9th May 2024 – IN-SERVICE DAY. NO NURSERY TODAY.  Nursery  back in on the Friday 10th May.


  • Forest is on a Tuesday where we will meet at Waterstone Crook between 9:00am-9:15am then head up to the forest location.
  • Can we please remind parents and carers that when dropping off in the morning and using the car park to use the white spaces only as staff members who start at 9 are unable to park due to the staff spaces being taken.

With the changing  seasonal and varied weather conditions  ☔️❄️🥶, please remember to provide your child with welly boots, waterproof clothing, hat, gloves 🧤, scarf🧣 and at least 2 full changes of clothes in your child’s bag (remember the…🧦 🧦🩲🩲 )

💭If you need to discuss the Seesaw app, particularly with setting up all functions/privacy, please speak with a member of staff.

💭Any changes to your child’s Diet or Medication? Please speak with one of the Team who can support you.

Loose Parts

We are always in need of replenishing our loose parts in nursery. If you are out and about on walks, or are planning to recycle items, can we ask that you think of us first please 😃

Here is some of the items we are looking for:

Conkers, stones, shells, tea cups, sticks, picture frames, plates, anything you think might be of used in nursery.
We are also on the lookout for two of kitchen chairs, if anyone is getting rid of them. We are looking to develop a new area in the playroom.

We all hope that you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday.

From all the nursery team .x




Week beginning 22/4/24

We have had a lovely week here at Newport nursery, lots of sunshine and good times. Here is a sneak peek at what we have been up to…..


We have been making the most of the nice weather outside. Children have been exploring their different skills through a range of activities and resources.


Children have been interested in tennis this week. Sharing and taking turns as they try to see how many rally’s they can get. Archie and Miss McKenzie managed to get 6 hits back and forward which is their record. Cammy has been practising himself as he sees how far he can hit it before running to catch it. Gregor and Lachlan have had lots of laughter together as they try and hit the ball to one another and racing to see who can get to it first.

Children have been using the blocks and loose parts to build structures and bring their ideas to life as they make houses, caravans and sun loungers. Children also made bridges and worked out how they could balance the blocks so they wouldn’t fall when cars went across it. Children extended and lead their own learning by sourcing more resources to further develop their ideas.

A group of children built heir own pizza shop where they made pizzas to order by request and used the loose parts as toppings and the bats to use as the bases to go in the oven.

Children created friendships through interests in stories. Jackson and Gregor were looking at the books outside in the story den as they shared their favourite pages.

Children inside have been sharing their creative skills as they make models and pictures using the junk modelling resources. They all came up with their own ideas and and completed these with very little support.


Children have been showcasing their number skills as they order numbers 1-10 then back from 10-1 and identify the missing number when it is taken away. Children also matched the quantity to the number.



  • Forest is starting back again next week on Tuesday 30th April. We will meet in the Waterstone Crook car park next to the leisure centre from 9-9:15 then walk up to the forest location. If you aren’t going to be in please can you send us a message on seesaw and phone the office to let them know also.
  • Any toys from nursery specifically toy cars that have been taken home by mistake, can we please ask that these are returned, thank you.
  • Can we please ask that your child has a jacket with them to nursery as the weather could turn at any minute!

Have a great weekend, see you next week!

The Newport Nursery Team x