Author: Mrs Laing

Newport Nursery Blog 13.11.23-17.11.23

Good evening everyone!

What a busy week we have all experienced.

On Monday, our Christmas interest has most definitely begun with an announcement linked with a home experience. ‘I’ve got Christmas music in my car.’ ‘I know Jingle Bells but I don’t know the other Christmas songs.’

This led to learning about;

*how to research Christmas songs using the iPad (technical issues) then the PC

*listening to, watching and participating in Christmas song exploration on the Smartboard

*sharing our likes and dislikes relating to Christmas songs

*confidently ask and answer questions about our beliefs and family traditions…’What do you leave out for 🎅🏽🦌🦌🦌🛷 on Christmas Eve?’ What do you put at the top of your Christmas 🎄?

*applying our technology skills to operate and play the Christmas CD in the music area

*performing Christmas songs (indoors and out) as a small group and independently demonstrating rhythm using untuned percussion instruments and sharing song words and the different versions we know

*exploring the Christmas Tree Decoration game on Topmarks (selecting, dragging, dropping, mouse control, hand eye coordination).

*apply our gross motor skills and skill of space sharing and communication to jump in puddles

*develop our skill and interest in simple coding using the Beebots (this has been generated by our Bear Hunt adventures. Through our Beebot experiences, we were learning to;

*clearly share our ideas with a friend using a map  (‘I’m going to get it to the shop’)

*apply our knowledge of direction to make Beebot go.

*to use the iPad to explore the Beebot app and select a range of challenges

*develop our skills in giving directional instructions

On Tuesday, we were learning to;

*🍕👍🏼🍕👎🏼display our lunch choices on a table by recording our name or drawing a picture.

*observe and discuss the weather and apply our self help skills to get appropriately dressed with waterproofs and wellyboots.

*risk assess our movements and resources in the garden.

*undertake a group Gummy Bear science activity linked with our interest in Bears (following on from We’re Going on. Bear Hunt), predicting what will happen to the sweets by Friday.

*participate as a group to share in a range of familiar and less familiar rhymes and songs shared by our special guest, ‘Reading Rabbit.’

*listen to, discuss, predict and share word patterns heard in ‘Reading Rabbit’s traditional story choice…’Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’

On Wednesday, at Forest Kindergarten we were learning to;

*use some of our Signalong knowledge to share our Forest Kindergarten Charter

*continue our group interest from last week to create and use our own role play fire circle. ‘We are the teachers, you need to help us get the sticks.’ ‘We stay in the fire square and no children are allowed in this circle.’

*play a new type of Tig called ‘Toilet Tig,’ and with practice and through discussion we were able to teach others the rules of the game

*safely cook mallows over the fire, discussing our likes and dislikes

*participate in a Bear Hunt Activity requested by a friend and successfully explored our forest spaces and beyond, suggesting sounds and recalling words patterns as we went.

*use sticks as tools to make marks on the forest floor and describing our movements

*discuss how we were feeling after we were exercising

*independently and with an adult explore a range of books

*take time to use our senses to explore our forest space at different heights

On Thursday, we were learning to;

*explore a range of books using a range of online stories available on the Top Marks site, following the text and turning the pages using our hand eye coordination

*lead or interact in small world  and imaginative play using the Lego, Block area and loose parts as well as in the home corner

*operate our remote control cars and apply our investigative skills to move other vehicles and items using the force of our remote control car

*explore the Beebot community map to explore sounds and letters on each of the buildings

*assess our large grassy garden and decide the type of clothing we would need to wear

*apply our resilience and team work to make our wheeled trikes, bikes and scooters to move on the grass

*to share our ideas and interests, to create ‘meals’ in our mud kitchen

*to use a range of tools to develop our gross motor skills and team work

*communicate our needs and wants when playing on the Seesaw, sharing our understanding of how to successfully make it work

*continue our Signalong use to share our outdoor charter and through our everyday learning

On Friday, we were learning to;

*become even more confident to self-serve our snack and take part in sociable chat with our friends

*clearly share our opinions about snack using our hands 🙌

*revisit our Gummy Bear experiment and evaluate our predictions, share hypothesis, apply and extend our comparative language, share space and ideas with our friends

*explore our new art box which inspired a large group to create a range of pictures using a variety of media and techniques

*join in with a new game called ‘Cool Dude Tig,’ designed by two creative individuals. They confidently planned and shared the rules with adults and their friends.

*discuss and extend how we can care for our teeth with the help from Louise (NHS) Childsmile and Buddy

*support our special visitor, Reading Rabbit to learn more songs and rhymes…Twinkle, Twinkle, Once I caught a Fish alive, Baby Shark (Christmas Shark version), Row, Row, Row your Boat, The Goldilocks Song 🎵


*listen and explore the story, ‘Dinosaurs Love Underpants,’ and explore the story sequence using stick puppets.

*design our own pant designs using a range of media, patterns and our unique mark making skills

*explore the NSPCC song, Pantosaurus to help us to understand our rights

Click on the link to explore…


A few little reminders…

💭Remember our Cosy Time Lending Library is available in the Welcome Space. Please feel free to explore the books.📖📚

💭50 Things to do Before you are Five app advertises a range of local Events

💭With the change of season and varied weather  ☔️❄️🥶, please remember to provide your child with wellyboots, waterproof clothing, hat, gloves 🧤, scarf🧣 and at least 2 full changes of clothes in your child’s bag (remember the…🧦 🧦🩲🩲 )

💭Please feel free to explore our ‘Quick Question Time’ Floor Book in the ‘Welcome Entrance’ space. Any further comments? Please feel free to write further comments in the speech bubbles in the Floor Book.

💭If you need to discuss the Seesaw app, particularly with setting up all functions/privacy, please speak with a member of staff.

💭Any changes to your child’s Diet or Medication? Please speak with one of the Team who can support you.

💭Forest happens every Wednesday (unless advised through Groupcall/Seesaw) and tarpaulin and a fire is provided throughout the session.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Best wishes,

The Newport Nursery Team 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

‘You’ve Got a Friend in Me’ Summer Blog


Hello Everyone!

Click on the Sound Link and let’s all join in for our  last, “Hello Everyone”, before the summer  holidays and our new adventures begin . . .

In this week’s Blog,  we are going to explore Friendship.  Watch this clip to think about how you can make a friend.  What can you do to be a good friend?

We have been sharing lots of recipes over the last few weeks. Here is one recipe with a difference!

What other “ingredients” can you think of that makes a good friend?  What would you add to your friendship cakes?

Time for Numeracy and Mathematics

In a friendship, sharing  is a really good quality to have.  Help Curious George share the dog treats fairly.  When you have shared the treats fairly . . .

‘one for you, one for you . . .’

press the whistle.

Can you help to share items in your everyday life?  Can you cut sandwiches, fruit or cakes into equal parts?

Time for Art

Steven Brown is a Scottish artist.  He paints colourful characters and always gives his pieces of art special names. Have a look at some of his artwork.

Talk about the different pieces of art with an adult.

What do you notice about Steven Brown’s art work?

Which is your favourite?

Can you make your own piece of Steven Brown inspired art using chalks, paints, crayons, pencils or pens?

Don’t forget to sign your piece of art with your name.  Can you think of a special name for your creation?

Time for Craft

Here’s an activity that will help with fine motor cutting skills.  It’s a great way to strengthen those finger and hand muscles.  This is a family paper chain but lots of friend chains can be added together too because “friends are the family we choose for ourselves” (Anon).

Time for a Poem


Friendship is a thing for two,
Three or four or even more.
Like a song that’s made to sing
Friendship is a doing thing.

by Edith Segal

Time to Get Our Bodies Moving

This workout can be enjoyed by adults as well as wee ones. You can exercise in a circle or opposite each other on the spot, sometimes down on the floor or moving around your space.

Track List and Workout Benefits
Let’s Workout (Active / warm up); 5 Fruit & Veggies (Very active / listening skills); Sitting Rhyme (Focusing); My Head My Shoulders (Body parts / stretching); Seaside Song (Focusing); The Giant Says (Very active).

Time for Yoga

If you like a good stretch and a chill out, join Jaime at Cosmic Kids with some yoga. This is a playlist of kids yoga adventures with a focus on friendship!

Time for a Story

What’s the Time Mr Wolf by Debi Gliori

Listen to this very special story which is read by the author Debi Gliori.

How many different friends plan Mr Wolf’s special surprise?


Time for another Story?

Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks

How do these special creatures help each other?

Time for a Chat (Phase 2). . .

We are currently in Phase 2 of the Scottish Route map.

Have a look and talk about what we can now do in Phase 2 with family and friends . . .

As the Government advice changes, we are being allowed to  get together with more of our friends.

What are you looking forward to doing with your friends?

Time for an Action Song

The More We Get Together by The Learning Station

Can you remember all the different things you could do with your friends?

What was your favourite verse?

Can you share the song with a family member or a friend?

Transition Time

Miss Crichton, Miss Stevenson, Mrs Carmichael and the Nursery Team were delighted to welcome families to Newport Primary School on Tuesday, 30th June.

This is a very exciting time of the year for our nursery friends who are starting school after the summer.  Both new and our very special familiar families  had a chance to experience a live tour of the the Primary one classroom and meet  their teacher, Mrs Carmichael in person!

‘The Queen’s Knickers,’ was certainly a popular choice of story shared by Mrs Carmichael during the visit.  Would you like to listen again?

Remember you can have another look at our special ‘Welcome to Primary One’ Sway using this link

Why not follow Newport Primary School on Twitter for our latest updates?

Newport Primary @newport_primary

Missed a Blog?

Items of Interest . . .


Are you starting school after the summer?  New Bookbug sessions are available to get everyone ready for this next big adventure!

Solihull Support

Incase you haven’t heard, the Scottish Government announced access to Solihull Online for parents and carers to support you to develop stronger relationships with your children during the coronavirus pandemic. Click on the link below for an invaluable parenting resource. Access Code: Tartan.

Fife Council

Did you know  that all Primary one to three children are automatically entitled to free school meals but you must apply for older children?  For more information visit the link

ONFife Libraries’ Summer Reading Challenge 2020

It’s officially here!  Read books and log your activities to collect points AND prizes.

Sign up using this link

Remember to log all your reading challenges on Children’s University ASPIRE portal

Download e-books and e-audio from RB Digital

Supporting Early Communication

Fife Speech and Language Therapy Service offer a wide variety of activities to support Early Communication.

Time to Reflect with a Song

We thought this well known song was a lovely way to end this Blog. As you listen, why not draw or think about special moments we have experienced together during our time at Newport Primary School Nursery?

Each and everyone of you has touched our lives and we will miss you so much.  Your next adventure awaits…whether it’s Primary one, returning to Newport nursery or another nursery setting.  You are strong and you are brave…you can do it!

We have some messages just for you because you have touched our hearts!

We would like to introduce you to the new members of the Newport Nursery Team, starting in August.

Hello everyone, my name is Miss McKenzie and I will be joining the Newport Nursery team full time after summer.  I was based in St. Andrews Nursery and look forward to meeting you all soon!

Hi there, I’m Mrs Wilson and I will be joining Newport Nursery after the summer holidays.  I’m looking forward to meeting all of you and to help you with your child’s learning journey.  I’ve been an EYO in Angus before joining Wormit Nursery.  Have a really good holiday and stay safe.  See you in August!

Thank you for being part of our Newport Nursery Class 2019-2020.

Remember you can still  add your thoughts and ideas linked with the Blog using the comments feature or why don’t you share some of you experiences through our school website

Would you like to send a photograph? Click on your photo and send an email to

⭐️Mrs Beat will forward your special photographs.

Time to say goodbye!


Keep safe and keep connected.

The Newport Nursery Team

  • Mrs AC
  • Mrs Kay
  • Mrs Laing
  • Mrs Ross
  • Miss Crichton
  • Mrs Cunningham
  • Miss Allan
  • Mrs Beat
  • Miss Stevenson

Our Gallery

Thank you Ella for your very special message! You have captured all of us, beautifully.  Have fun in Primary one!

Birthday Shout Out
Sienna visited school on her fifth birthday. What a special day for Sienna! A school visit and a birthday. 🎂 🎈
we hope you had a fabulous day!


Teddy Bears Picnic Summer Term Blog 11


Hello Everyone!

This is the time of year we would usually be inviting children, carers and Buddies to the Newport Nursery Teddy Bears Picnic. The nursery staff thought we could each hold our own picnic instead.  To help you with your Teddy Bears Picnic,  we have been delivering special Teddy Bear Gift Bags  to your doorstep (some houses are a little trickier to find or some people have moved house but we shall get the gifts to you soon).  We were delighted to talk with some families during our deliveries and if we didn’t, we hope you enjoyed the lovely doorstep surprise bag! If you have received your new teddy bear gift, you could help them settle into your home by letting them join in with your teddy bears picnic or why not  include your favourite cuddly toy (doesn’t need to be a bear), a blanket and some yummy treats? The picnic can be held indoors or outdoors, the main thing is to have lots of fun. Can you share some photos of your lovely time with your special friend?

As a wee surprise here is a template for an invitation to your very own Teddy Bears Picnic.  Have a go at writing it out and perhaps inviting a friend.

Here is the nursery staff and their special friends enjoying a picnic, can you spot some familiar (furry) faces?


There is a famous song about some Teddy Bears going on a picnic, do you know it? Let’s sing along now.

Here are some of the words to the song above plus the chance to draw/paint your own special teddy.

One story we all know and love is ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury. Children love to join in with this story and often retell the story in the forest with lots of fun and laughter. Here Michael Rosen tells the story with lots of brilliant sound effects, can you make your own sound effects? Why do you think the bear was following the family home?


Why not have a go at making your own Teddy Bear mask? The link below gives you some ideas.

You will need:

  • Paper plate
  • Coloured pens/pencils or paint
  • Googly eyes
  • Scissors
  • Lollypop stick or elastic
  • Craft materials to decorate

Jez Albourgh is an author who writes lots of lovely stories about bears. Here he is reading one of his stories ‘Where’s my Teddy’. This is a great story with lots of rhyming words and lovely illustrations to promote discussion.

I love Sticky Kids Workout Podcast | Sticky Kids – Season 2 – Workout 2, let’s play it!

This workout can be enjoyed by adults as well as wee ones. You can exercise in a circle or opposite each other on the spot, sometimes down on the floor or moving around your space.
Track List and Workout Benefits
Clap Your Hands (Action, Coordination); Tiptoe Like A Tiger (Action, Memory); Tap Your Head (Listening skills); Here Are My Knees (Body awareness); Wiggles and Jiggles (Very active); Take One (Numeracy skills); Cool Down (Develops focus)

If you’d like to try some mindful yoga to chill out to, Jaime at Cosmic Kids uses “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt”.  Have a go at this.  It is so much fun and good for your body and mind!

On a picnic, you usually have lots of yummy things to eat.  What treats are you going to take to eat in the open air?  Delicious cakes,  crumbly biscuits, scrummy quiche or fresh fruit? What’s your favourite?  These are some ideas for yummy treats if you would like to have a go at making something for you and your cuddly friend to enjoy.

Another awesome idea to make your own sandwich for the picnic.  Make your grown up proud by making it all by yourself.  What toppings will you add?   We love the colours on this next recipe.

Mrs Ross found this teddy bear biscuit for you all to bake.

Please send in a pic of what yummy treat you have created.

The teddies are having a lovely time at the picnic. Can you help them share out their food?


Here’s a game that we used to play on the computer in nursery!  Can you show your grown up how to play it? This teddy helps us learn to count and it eats lots of cakes.

Now it’s time to meet a little girl who had a surprise awakening by ‘The Three Bears.’

With an adult, have a look at the song words.  Can you sing each verse?  Can you add some actions?

When Goldilocks went to the House of the Bears

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears,
Oh what did her two eyes see?
A bowl that was huge,
A bowl that was small,
A bowl that was tiny and that was all,
She counted them: one, two, three.

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears,
Oh what did her two eyes see?
A chair that was huge,
A chair that was small,
A chair that was tiny and that was all,
She counted them: one, two, three.

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears,
Oh what did her two eyes see?
A bed that was huge,
A bed that was small,
A bed that was tiny and that was all,
She counted them: one, two, three.

When Goldilocks ran from the house of the bears,
Oh what did her two eyes see?
A bear that was huge,
A bear that was small,
A bear that was tiny and that was all,
They growled at her: grr, grr, grr

Goldilocks compared the size of  bowls, chairs, beds and bears! Can you compare different items by size too?                                                         With an adult, why not look around your house or in the great outdoors and compare objects using size words?                                        Why not take photographs to show us what you have found?
tiny     wee   small       little

huge    big     massive   gigantic


We hope you have enjoyed all the Teddy Bear activities that we have shared with you this week.  We would love to see what you have been busy with and what you got up to on your very own picnic!

Thank you for joining us in our eleventh Summer Blog!  We hope it helps all of you to make a connection with Newport Nursery.  We miss  each and everyone of you!

We are so excited that the Nursery Team shall see many of you this Tuesday.  Those of you who are starting school after the holidays,  have been sent a special invite to come to school to meet your teacher, Mrs Carmichael. This is an exciting time for everyone!

Remember you can look on the school website/Twitter or access special videos to help you with your transition from nursery to school. Click on these links…

Remember to add your thoughts and ideas linked to the Blog using the comments feature or why don’t you share some of you experiences through our school website

Would you like to send a photograph? Click on your photo and send an email to

⭐️Mrs Beat will forward your special photographs.

Time to say goodbye!

Keep safe and keep connected.

The Newport Nursery Team

  • Mrs AC
  • Mrs Kay
  • Mrs Laing
  • Mrs Ross
  • Miss Crichton
  • Mrs Cunnigham
  • Miss Allan
  • Mrs Beat
  • Miss Stevenson


Spectacular Sports and Fun Fitness

Hello everyone!

We hope you are keeping safe and well.  We are missing each and everyone of you. 💕

Let’s welcome everyone in our usual way to our, ‘Special Sports and Fun Fitness Blog.’

Hello Everyone!  Click on the Sound Link and let’s join in together . . .

In this special, ‘Special Sports and Fun Fitness Blog,’ we are going to support your wellbeing through exercising our bodies and minds through the following activities;

  • a special virtual Sports Day experience
  • develop our knowledge of outdoor games and activities
  • dance activities
  • workout activities
  • mindful activities

Virtual Sports Day

As we cannot be together to take part in our usual Sports Day, we thought you’d enjoy taking part in the Newport Nursery Virtual Sports Day.

Have you got a Twitter account? If not, set one up and follow Newport Primary School and Nursery.

You can see our Newport Nursery,  ‘Spectacular Sports’ videos on Twitter (Part 1 and Part 2). Enjoy!

You could also view the School’s virtual Sports Day on Twitter too.

Why not plan your own family sports day using the ideas from our, ‘Spectacular Sports?’ and the School’s videos.

You could send us video clips or photographs of your special day.

Mrs Ross found a lovely sports day poem she wanted to share with everyone . . .

It’s Sports Day Time by Sara Fox

Fasten your laces,

Toes behind the line.

The sun is shining,

It’s Sports Day time!

It’s time to have races,

It’s time to have fun,

On your marks, get set . . .




Sporting Facts . . .

Watch this short clip to find out some amazing sporting facts!

How many facts can you remember?

Interested in learning more facts?

Watch this video to find about your body parts.

Why not join Maddie Moate and find out about your bones?

There are lots of WOW facts on this short video clip!

More Sports  Day Fun!

Mrs AC’s family had their own Sports Day with lots of different events from running and jumping to balancing.

‘It was super fun and we even had 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions for the different races. The dogs even joined in.  Our hearts were beating so fast and we were rewarded with yummy ice lollies at the end!’

Mrs Kay’s family tried out some gymnastics and racing events too. The girls are awesome!


Outdoor Games and Activities

‘Playing, learning and having fun outdoors helps to improve wellbeing and resilience, as well as physical and mental health and also provides children with the opportunity to develop a life long appreciation of the natural world.’

Obstacle Courses


Press on the link to see part of the video clip.

Obstacle courses  can be created both indoors and outdoors. Mrs Laing’s daughter had fun with a friend, designing their own obstacle course using natural materials around them. A simple and fun activity for all the family!

As well as  developing our fitness through learning new games, we can also have fun learning to read, write and develop a huge range of numeracy skills.

Can you create your own special pathways?

This jumping game is made by drawing chalk shapes outside. Join us for some gross motor fun!

15 awesome games and activities to do with sidewalk chalk! - A girl and a glue gun



Games and Activities

Follow these fun activities from the Play Scotland Website.

The Penguin Shuffle

Equipment needed – bean bags/soft toy in a ball and hula hoops.
Best done as a relay race. The group  is split into equal teams and each child is given a bean bag or small ball. The bean bag/soft toy  is placed between the child’s knees and they shuffle up to a hula hoop. They must drop their bean bag/soft toy into the hoop and return to their team, allowing the next child to go. The first group with all their bean bags in the hoop wins!

Catch Don’t Catch
Equipment needed – ball or small beanbag/soft toy.
Players stand in a circle with their arms crossed. One player in the centre throws the ball to someone in the circle, saying either ‘Catch’ or ‘Don’t catch’. If they say ‘Catch’, the player should not catch the ball and must not move their arms. If they say ‘Don’t catch’, the player should catch the ball! If a player
does the wrong thing or misses the ball, they’re out! Listen very carefully!

Ticking Bomb

Equipment needed – ball or small beanbag/soft toy.
Players stand in a circle. One ‘spy’ stands with his back to the circle. The bean bag/soft toy (or bomb) is passed quickly round the circle
but cannot be dropped. If it is dropped the person who drops it must hold it for three seconds. The spy shouts ‘stop’ at any time
during then game. When ‘stop’ is heard, the person holding the ‘bomb’ is out. Winner is the last person in the circle!

Sleeping Lions
Equipment needed – none!
Everyone lies on the floor except one or two hunters. Everyone else is a ‘sleeping lion’, and once they’ve settled they’re not
allowed to move. The hunters walk around trying to make the sleeping lions move by making them laugh, telling jokes and
so on, but they aren’t allowed to touch them. Once a lion has moved, they get up to join the hunters.

Pass the Hoop
Equipment needed – hula hoops.
This game is excellent for building trust and co-operation between players.
• Players stand in a circle holding hands.
• A hoop is placed between two children.
• The hoop must pass round the ring without breaking contact.
Add to the fun by adding more hoops!

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Catch!
Equipment needed – hula hoops.
The group  is split into two equal teams. As a team, they decide if the team is going to play ‘rock’, ‘paper’, or ‘scissors’. They meet for a “face
off” at the centre line of a gym or field and on the count of three they play their rock, paper, or scissors. Remember, paper beats rock, rock
beats scissors, and scissors beats paper.
Whoever wins then chases the other team to the end line  and catches as many people as they can on the way. Those that
are caught then join the other team. The game continues until all the players from one team are caught.

Floating Balls
Equipment: 3 Balls (Beach Balls)
Players scatter over the playing area and a ball is tossed into the air. The players must keep the ball in the air using any part of the body. Once one ball is up, get two or three balls going at
the same time. Keep count of the number of times the ball (or balls) is kept up in the air before it hits the ground. Try to improve the score each time.

Equipment needed – 4 balls and set markers up like rounders.
No teams, everyone plays for themselves! One kicker and everyone else is a fielder. The kicker kicks (or throws) the four balls as far as they can. Once all four have been scattered, the kicker must run around the bases aiming for a home run. The fielders try to collect all four balls to the home base before the kicker
gets there. Swap the kicker each time.

 Bench  Ball
Equipment needed – a bench/log/marked standing area for each team,4/6 balls.
Split group into two teams. Each team stands in their half of the space. At the back of their half is a bench/log/marked standing out area. Balls are placed on the centre court line. The game is a bit like dodgeball, but if you are hit (below the hips only) you must stand on the bench/log/marker at the back of the other team. Benched players can re-join the game by catching a ball and hitting someone on the opposing team (below the hips only). The winning team is the one with the most players at the end of the game.

Everyone is It
Equipment needed – none
Set up a playing area. All children start inside the playing area and all are IT. Children run around trying to avoid being tagged by people,
but at the same time trying to tag others. Once tagged, the child is out and steps out of the playing area. If two children tag each other at the same time, they are both out. The aim is to be the last two left.

Numeracy and Mathematics (Technology)

Here are two games which some of us have experienced  in nursery.

Have some aiming fun with these ball games!

Remember to think carefully about which challenge is right for you.

Developing Dance

When a child dances, they learn about how their body can move.  Through dance, children learn to coordinate and control their bodies and the movement helps them develop spatial awareness.


Wonderful Workouts

Within every Blog, we have enjoyed taking part in Sticky Kids Workouts.

Sticky Kids have now produced Season 2 for us all to enjoy!

Which song is your favourite to work out to?

This workout can be enjoyed by adults as well as wee ones.  You can exercise in a circle or opposite each other on the spot, sometimes down on the floor or moving around your space.

Track List and Workout Benefits

  • Weekly Workout (action, co-ordination, memory skills)
  • Standup, Sit Down (actions, stretching)
  • Rhyme – Right Hand, Left Hand (right and left)
  • Running Shoes (action, balance, imagination)
  • Wash your Dirty Hands (motivation and cleanliness)
  • Kangaroo Brown (active)
  • Tap, Tap, Tap (listening).

Music and Movement

Are you ready to use your brilliant body to make music?

Can you perform your body percussion infront of an audience?

Have fun!


The Breathing Song by Julia Donaldson and Malcolm

Before we explore mindfulness, let’s think about our breathing through a fun song with Julia Donaldson and Malcolm.

Mindful Moments

Mindfulness develops the whole brain and helps children to understand their emotions and feelings, reducing the risk of mental health issues.  Practicing mindfulness helps children to notice the positives, and develop a sense of appreciation, gratitude and contentment.

Story Time

Sharing books together brings many benefits, including fostering closeness and conversation and developing empathy and listening skills.

Reading books which discuss wellbeing and mental health together can provide a great way to start conversations about emotions that children may be experiencing  or struggling with. Research shows that children who read with someone at home say it helps them to feel calmer  and happier.

Reading before bedtime helps children to switch off from the day and prepares them for a good night’s sleep and to wake up refreshed.

Sit back and relax as a hare and a tortoise 🐢 take part in race.

The Tortoise and the Hare is  a fable.  A fable is a short story with a life lesson at the end.  One man, known as Aesop,  is  famous  for the many fables he told in his life.  Here are two versions of one of his fables called, ‘The Hare and the Tortoise.’

Which version do you prefer?

The Gingerbread Man

In this story, lots of characters use their running skills to try to catch the Gingerbread Man. Can you remember the characters who run after the main character?


Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler

‘One day he wakes early and goes for a jog.’

‘He sets off for home with a hop and a twirl.’

Listen to the illustrator Axel Scheffler reading this special story .

This is dedicated to all our Dad’s…Happy Father’s Day 2020!

Fife Council  Psychology Service and Five Ways to Wellbeing during Covid 19 

We all have a responsibility to look after our own and others’ emotional wellbeing and this becomes even more important during times of uncertainty, when people’s levels of anxiety are increased.  Children and young people look to trusted adults to work out ways of dealing with challenging situations.

Fife Council Psychology Services provides a wide range of resources to help  everyone support the wellbeing, learning and behaviour of our children (just search Fife Council Psychology Services).

One of the websites they signpost is Young Scot, which explores Five ways to Wellbeing during Covid 19.

Follow the five ways to wellbeing to look after your mental, emotional and physical health and think about how you can support others in your community.

As the Government has just announced that we are entering into Phase 2, you may wish to explore our special visual poster. Remember Government Guidance may change.


We hope you have had fun exploring our, ‘Spectacular Sports and Fun Fitness  Blog.’

Thank you for joining us and we hope to see you very soon.

Remember to add your thoughts and ideas linked to the Blog using the comments feature or why don’t you share some of you experiences through our school website?

Would you like to send a photograph? Click on your photo and send an email to

⭐️Mrs Beat will forward your special photographs.

Keep safe and keep connected.

The Newport Nursery Team

Mrs AC, Mrs Kay, Mrs Laing, Mrs Ross, Miss Crichton, Mrs Cunnigham, Miss Allan, Mrs Beat and Miss Stevenson


This week Harris and his family have connected with us.

You have been having lots of fun!  We are missing all your investigations and creations, Harris!

Keep connected everyone.

Newport Nursery Summer Term: 5 Happy Birthday Bookbug


Hello everyone! 🎼

We hope you are all keeping safe and well. We are missing each and everyone of you and hope this Blog will help us to connect. 💕

In this special Bookbug Birthday Blog, we shall be marking  Bookbug’s special tenth Birthday by sharing lots of special activities. We hope you enjoy this week’s Blog!


We know you can all sing Happy Birthday beautifully in English.  Why not have a go at singing Happy Birthday to Bookbug in French?

We are so proud to present a special Signalong Happy Birthday Video specially created to celebrate Bookbug’s ten years. Thank you to

Can you learn and share the special song for Bookbug? Why not send us a video?

Why was Bookbug  Created?

Who Created Bookbug?

We celebrate birthdays in different ways.

🎂  ⚖️ 🎂 ⚖️🎂⚖️🎂⚖️🎂⚖️🎂⚖️🎂

Baking let’s you use lots of different life skills. With an adult, why not bake a cake for Bookbug?  Can you follow the Victoria sponge recipe?

🕯 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯Don’t forget to add Bookbug’s ten candles!


✏️💌 We often receive lots of interesting Birthday cards with pictures and messages to mark our birthdays.

Can you make a birthday card for Bookbug?

Can you write him a special message?

🧮Teddy has come to celebrate Bookbug’s birthday.  Can you feed Teddy the correct number of cakes?

✏️ 🛒 Bookbug’s planning a Birthday party. He needs to write lists to help get organised.

Party Food

Party Games

Party Bags

Bookbug needs a few ideas from his friends. With adult help, can you write a list to help Bookbug?

Party Games

👄 👂 Before we followed Government Guidance, the morning children suggested we played Musical Statues and what fun we had! I wonder if you can organise a game of Musical Statues with your family? Remember to explain the rules of the game clearly so it is fair for everyone.

👄 👂 Can you play, ‘I went to the Shop?’ with your family?

  • Someone starts by saying ‘I went to the shops today and bought…’ something beginning with A (e.g. apple) 🍏
  • The next person continues by saying the previous item (apple) and then something beginning with B (e.g. banana) 🍏 🍌
  • Continue around your family members, working through the alphabet, adding one more item to the end of the list each time. 🍏 🍌 🥕


👣 🎶 Let’s Dance with Go Noodle

As you all know, exercise is great for our bodies as well as our minds. Why not join in with this ‘I’ve got a Feeling’ dance routine?  Click on the link.


Bookbug and his Sticky Kids Workout

Bookbug likes to get moving with familiar tunes. Bookbug wants to share the fourth Sticky Kids Workout 4.


What was your favourite part of the workout?

Book Bug app

The Bookbug app helps everyone explore amazing songs and rhymes. Why not explore the Bookbug app as a family and have a Bookbug Birthday Concert? Share your concert with your friends or family.

Our Favourite Bookbug Songs and Rhymes

Mrs Laing’s would like to share this fun song called, ‘Ickle Ockle Blue Bottle.’

Mrs Ac’s favourite Singing Game is Sleeping Bunnies.  Can you think of your own animal and movement to create your own verses?


Mrs Kay’s favourite Bookbug song is the Jeely Piece song.

‘I remember my teacher teaching it to me.  She sang and played along on her guitar.  When I told my Mum about the song, she said that it reminded her of when she was a little girl.  My Mum grew up up in Glasgow and lived in one of these flats.  Mums and Dads would throw sandwiches out of the window to save them from walking up lots and lots of stairs everyday for lunch.  I like to think of my Mum catching her lunch everyday, I’m not sure if any of her pieces made it to space though!’

To celebrate Bookbug’s birthday, I would like to share a special game called, ‘Cut the Cake.’

Everyone makes a circle with one person in the middle.
Place an odd number of objects in the middle of the circle.
🎶Sing the song;

Clap your hands together (clap hands), give yourself a shake (shake your body), make a happy circle (hold hands with the people next to you and swing them), then you cut the cake. The person in the middle ‘cuts’ between two players and they run and collect objects in the middle. The person with the most, is the winner and they become the cake cutter.  To make it trickier, why not add more items into the middle of the circle.

Our Favourite Books


Miss Stevenson’s favourite book is The Rainbow Fish.  She loves the book because of the beautiful illustrations and the message of the story that sharing with others makes us happy and brings a smile to others.

Mrs Laing’s favourite book is Stick Man by the author Julia Donaldson and the illustrator Axel Scheffler. She loves looking at the changing seasons and all the adventures Stick Man experiences.  Mrs Laing always feels relieved that he makes it home to his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three.

✂️  Bookbug really enjoyed listening to Stick Man so we started to make him a Stick Family for a special gift.

Can you make a Stick Man?  Why not take him out on an adventure and talk about what he is doing?
Stick Man is lonely. Can you make him a Stick Family? Can you make family members of different sizes?  Can you order them from biggest to smallest? How many sticks did you use? Can you describe the Stick family?

Stick Man Illustrations

Illustrations are very important to help us work out words. Even as adults,  we continue to use pictures to help us quickly work out messages  shown in different environments.
Look at the video showing the Stick Man illustrations.  Can you talk about the different seasons Stick Man experiences?

🌍 Can you describe the changing weather in each season?  How do people dress in the different seasons? What happens to the trees throughout the story?

Join in with the the Seasons song.

🎭 How many ways can you use a stick? Why not work with an adult to write a list or send us some pictures?

Bookbug Sessions

On at Fife Libraries offers Bookbug sessions. Why not join in with  one of the sessions by clicking the link and selecting videos? Look out for Pauline our local librarian.


👀 🧐Where’s Bookbug?

Since following Government Guidance, Bookbug has been enjoying  his outdoors daily exercise. Bookbug has travelled around Newport and stopped to  rest at different places on his journey.  Look carefully at each photograph. Can you guess where he has stopped?  Why not share your thoughts in our Comments feature? The answers will be given in next week’s Blog.

Bookbug Cosmic Kids Yoga Dance Party

We would like you and Bookbug to experience one final birthday treat with Jaime from Cosmic Yoga.


We hope you have had fun celebrating Bookbug’s tenth birthday.
Thank you for joining us and we hope to see you very soon.
Remember you can add your thoughts and ideas linked to the Blog using the Comments feature or why don’t you share some of your experiences through

Keep safe and keep connected.

The Newport Nursery Team

Mrs AC    Mrs Kay   Mrs Laing     Mrs Ross

Miss Crichton   Mrs Cunningham   Miss Allen     Mrs Beat     Miss Stevenson


Mrs Laing met Lachlan cycling his bike. You were having fun balancing, pedalling and steering. It was lovely to see you and your family. 💕💕


🎶 Goodbye Everyone




Newport Nursery Summer Term 2 Keeping Happy and Healthy

Welcome back to our Newport Nursery Blog. To start today’s new style Blog, we’d like to share a few video clips with you. Just press play!  Why not join in with us!


Theme: Keeping Happy and Happy

Over the next few weeks, we are going to create Blogs which have special fun activities linked to special Themes.

Daily physical exercise is important not only for our bodies but our minds also.

Here’s the first Sticky Kids Workout which features favourite songs and rhymes.  Why not send us a photograph of you exercising?

Sticky Kids Workout 1. Press play a couple of times until it goes green!


Cosmic Kids on YouTube provides a variety of activities to help support your Health and Wellbeing.

Here is a mindfulness activity which helps you to explore your feelings and emotions.

Whilst being at home and staying local for our daily exercise, we have been keeping ourselves, families and pets healthy by going on walks, cycles and runs in our local area as well as admiring our local wildlife and nature.  We’ve all had amazing adventures!

We have found a  Cosmic Kids Yoga adventure involving a Troll.  Can you go on the adventure with the Troll?  Which part of the adventure did you enjoy the most?


Reading helps your brain and imagination to develop.  It teaches you about language and emotions, and strengthens relationships with your family.

Here’s a lovely story about a boy who takes a beautiful sandwich to the park.  Find out what happens to the boy’s beautiful sandwich.  The story is shared by Sharon, part of our Fife Libraries Team. Highlight and point to the link.

What was your favourite part of the story?

Can you make a special sandwich?

Can you draw a picture of a disgusting sandwich?

We have all been enjoying special family time.  How do the Gruff family help each other?

Can you go for a shape hunt in your home, garden and whilst out on your daily exercise? How many shapes did you find?

The Wildlife Trusts provides lots of good ideas for the whole family when exploring the great outdoors. Have a look at our Newport PS Twitter page for other ideas. Here are some activities you could explore at home.

We hope you have enjoyed our Keeping Happy and Healthy Themed Blog.

Please use the Comments feature on this Blog or send us a message to

Your thoughts and opinions are important to us.

Please feel free to  share photographs, drawings, your experiences and  ideas.  Remember if you are sending us anything, you are giving us permission to share these on our Blog.

Have you got any special Themes, stories or songs/rhymes you wish us to explore?

Message Gallery

Ella wishes to say hello to all her friends and misses everyone dearly.

Here are some special moments, experiences and achievements she would like to share with us.  Thank you.

Creative pictures by Ada. Thank you for sharing your inspiring pieces.

We miss spending time with each and everyone of you in our Nursery so let’s bring the fun, creativity and  investigations to our Blog! Let’s keep connected.

Keep safe,

The Newport Team

Mrs AC, Mrs Kay, Mrs Laing, Mrs Ross,

Mrs Cunningham, Miss Stevenson, Miss Allan, Mrs Beat and Miss Crichton

Newport Nursery Summer Term 1

Welcome to our Summer Term. Our weekly Friday Blog will recommence this week and will help us to connect with each other. We miss each and everyone of you.  Highlight the link below to make you smile!  It certainly made us feel happy.


There are lots of books and resources to help you learn about the Coronavirus. We know many of us at Newport Nursery love the illustrations by Axel Scheffler.

With an adult,  why not explore this book published by Nosy Crow?  Coronavirus: A book for Children by Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson and Nia Roberts.

We hope you and your families are keeping well and enjoying this beautiful weather and the great outdoors as much as you can.   We are definitely doing this through our daily exercise and taking time out  in our gardens.

At the end of last Term, the Team were able to provide many of you with a variety of resources in a Home Learning Pack. A selection of stories with a variety of associated activities were also sent through e-mail communication.

As many of you are aware, Newport Primary School and Nursery have their own Twitter page.  Using this media, the Team have been sharing a wide variety of ideas which may be of interest to you and your family. If you are not already following us, why not create an account and join us at: Newport Primary @newport_primary (download Twitter on the App Store).

Throughout this term, the Newport Nursery Team wish to provide you with some ideas to support you and your family and to keep us all connected.  You should have already received an email which gives you a wide selection of stories (eighteen) with associated Literacy, Numeracy, and Health and Wellbeing activities.  There is also guidance on how to share your wonderful experiences should you wish to use these resources.

As we have been using the Glow Platform throughout the year, we feel this would be a good way for us and you to share information, ideas and experiences.  Please feel free to make any suggestions of how we can help you and your family through the comments feature.  We value your thoughts and opinions.

Remember any activities we post are optional because as you know, the best way to learn and develop is through play!  Play enables us to develop a range of skills including communication, problem solving, imagination, co-operation and much, much more and can take place both indoors and out.  The following weblinks will help your adults and carers with further practical ideas.

To complete our very first Summer Term Blog, why not use the Bookbug’s Songs and Rhymes app to take part in one of our favourite tunes, Sleeping Bunnies.  Can you adapt the song using a different animal and movement eg. lions and ‘Roar little lions, roar, roar, roar . . .?’  If so, why not either share your ideas in the comments feature or through our school website:

By sending in your ideas/experiences/photographs, you are agreeing that we can then post them on our Nursery related media.

If you have not downloaded the Bookbug’s Songs and Rhymes app why not explore what it offers  through the following link.

Download the Bookbug’s Songs and Rhymes on the App Store or Get it on Google Play.

We look forward to sharing our personal experiences and practical ideas with you all every Friday. We are even more excited about learning about what you and your families have been exploring, creating and investigating together.  You can share these special moments at anytime using the Blog comment feature, the school website and Twitter.

Please keep safe.

Special thoughts and hugs,

Mrs AC, Mrs Kay, Mrs Laing and Mrs Ross