Week beginning 4th March 2024

Hi Everyone, here is a little bit about what we have been up to this week in the nursery…

by Miss Paul

This week the children and staff celebrated World Book Day! We had a range of different characters and it was great to see everyone in their costumes. Some children chose to bring in a story book too and we spent lots of time reading these throughout the day with friends and staff, developing our literacy, sharing home experiences and our social skills.

Another key focus this week has been outdoor planting and gardening. Some of the children helped staff to plant wildflower seeds to create our own biodiversity garden area. The children involved got stuck in and asked lots of brilliant questions throughout, showing great interest. Planting and caring for our nursery environment provides the children with great skills and knowledge about their planet.



We have continued our ongoing focus of spring and Easter by adding some spring / Easter themed resources to our nursery room and outdoor space as lots of children have been speaking lots about the upcoming season. Some of the children were very interested in the daffodil flowers and some lovely pictures have already been created from them!

This week at forest we all had a brilliant time exploring and developing lots of different skills. Some of the children were very interested in making their own ‘fires’ using natural loose parts found around the garden. Others, used loose parts and natural resources to create their own dinosaur world. We saw lots of great tree climbing too, ensuring we were safe throughout. These skills encourage our resourcefulness, imagination and creativity outdoors.

The children showed interest in a new board game which involved numeracy and literacy skills. The children were able to take turns and worked on their number recognition and shape matching skills.

Dinosaurs invaded the nursery garden as children invented their own small world area using material and loose parts and demonstrated role playing skills as they invited others to join and used their imagination.

Reminders :

  • Forest is on a Tuesday where we will meet at Waterstone Crook car park between 9:00am-9:15am then head up to the forest location behind Forgan Arts Centre. Please dress your child in lots of lovely warm clothing, it’s better to have too much than too little, we can always remove layers if they get too hot.
  • The book fair is open to families on Tuesday 12th March and Wednesday 13th March to nursery families after 3:00pm
  • Parent chats commence on Monday 11th March, please get in touch if you would like a time slot with your childs keyworker
  • Bookbug will be on Monday 11th March from 2:15pm in the huts instead of the hall for a  calming space, please join us if you can make it


Have a great weekend everybody! 😁

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