Week beginning 15th January

We have had another busy week this week and have been exploring the snowy weather. Here is a snapshot at what we have been doing this week…..


Instead of our usual forest session we went to the bottom garden where we had a fire to heat up some pancakes and toast marshmallows for snack! we spoke about previous learning when looking at ice where we discussed how much there was and what happens if the weather was to get warmer again.

The children created snow angels in the snow and spoke about patterns and sizes as they compared each others snow angels on the ground. Children also noticed footprints in the snow! We made a guess that they were from our garden robin who likes to visit daily!


After a morning in the garden, we spent some time in the top garden where children used cardboard boxes and crates in their play. The children were using the cardboard boxes as trampolines and the crates as cars.

Children have been taking time to read stories with one another both inside and out. They are reading the stories by talking through what is happening in the pictures.

Since revamping the woodwork area, groups of children have been creating models using a range of materials and tools. the children can confidently discuss how they can keep safe at the woodwork bench and different models they are able to make with no support.

Leo, Alex, Elyn, Isla and charlotte helped to create a bar graph using buttons to collect their information for the learning wall on what the most popular toy was for our new learning wall which is Toys. They were able to count out the buttons and see which had the most.


Charlotte has been developing her early writing skills as she uses the wooden slices with common words that she needs to write a letter for her granny.

A group of boys were creating their own game outside with the bikes. They made a chase and capture game and took turns on who was the chaser.

Isla and Sophie have been using the wooden blocks to write their names out and other familiar names to them with a little support.

Lucas has been doing some great number work as he adds 3 numbers together to get the right answer with very little support.


Cora and charlotte created their own drum sets using cushions and wooden spoons singing along as they tapped the spoons.

Children have been exploring the new props at the learning wall such as the story books and robot timer game.


  • Can we please make sure that when we leave the nursery garden after drop off and pickup that we close and lock the gate afterwards to ensure our children are kept safe.
  • Forest is on a Tuesday where we meet at Waterston Crook car park.
  • The weather can change at any minute so can we please ask that you bring in gloves, scarves, hats and cosy clothing so your child can be outside for longer as they love to be out in all weathers!


We hope you have a lovely weekend, see you next week!

The Newport Nursery Team!

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