We strive to help all children to manage ‘change’ as they encounter new experiences and challenges. The children are exposed to many transitions out with the familiar nursery environment e.g. Nature Kindergarten, Eco walks, Library walks as well as transition visits to Ladybank Primary. These experiences are repeated and become entrenched in an effort to support the child to make sense of the world around them.
We want to make the transition to school as seamless and natural as possible for all children. Children are gradually introduced to ‘school life’ over the course of their pre-school year. Staff from both the nursery and the primary school work together to provide a supportive network for both parents and children.
We aim to give our children experience of play and learning activities in a primary classroom. During the visits the children will participate in a range of activities alongside their primary 1 friends e.g. soft start, story telling and songs/rhymes.
We realise that some children will not move on to Ladybank School, however we feel that there is still benefit in each child taking part in a school classroom experience. Children moving on to other primary schools will be given transition visits to these schools.