Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 22/04/22

Dear Parent/Carer

We’ve had a good week in school, and it has been nice to be back after the break. I hope that you are doing well.

This week was once again proof of just how much we have missed having assemblies. These were led by our S6 leavers … the Class of 22, and they were beautifully done. There were some very emotional tributes and memories shared. Many thanks to all the leavers who were part of the presentations. I must give special recognition to Hayley Smith, who delivered the most emotional, powerful and fitting tribute to Paige Dougall.

On Tuesday, Ms Nessel (Head of Business and Computing) invited staff from Abertay University in to talk to our S3 Lift Off group about higher education. This session went very well, and I am grateful to Ms Nessel for her leadership of this initiative. On Wednesday, Mrs Davidson and I met with candidates for the Rotary Club Leadership programme which takes place in the Cairngorms this July. Thanks to Kirkcaldy Rotary for sponsoring the camp at Nethy Bridge. Interviews take place shortly. We also held more SQA practicals, this time for National 5 Drama.

Yesterday our “Skills for Work” Hospitality students laid on a Mexican themed takeaway lunch for the staff and I must say that the burrito I had was absolutely first class. We have so many talented chefs in the class. In the afternoon, it was my pleasure to be part of special presentations by young people who had recently been on an Army Engagement programme at Redford Barracks in Edinburgh, many thanks to Ms Preece (Pupil Support Officer) for her work with this. We also has presentations by our S3 “SHE Scotland” girls’ groups, who shared their views on school issues such as our toilet facilities and school uniform. Miss Diamond and I were left with matters to consider. The girls were terrific.

Today is effectively the final school day for our S6. They were part of a special assembly for all our SQA candidates first thing, and we’ll be having a wee get together just before lunchtime to mark the occasion. S6 are not expected to be in school this afternoon unless by arrangement to complete coursework.

Also this morning, we have a further vaccination session taking place for S1. NHS Fife are administering HPV jags to S1 as a protection against several types of cancer. This afternoon and evening will see our senior football teams involved in the Fife Shield Finals at Bayview Stadium. Our girls’ team kick off at 3pm versus Dunfermline High and the boys take on Balwearie later on. Many thanks to coaches Miss Steedman, Mr English and Mr I’Anson and best wishes to all our footballers.

The other big deal today is the final interview selection panel for the position of new Headteacher (from August 2022). Our Parent Council is involved, and once the news is out, I’ll ask Victoria Stokoe (Chair) if she has a message which I can share with you. That might actually be later on today or over the weekend. Stand by for some news “hot off the press”.

Next week sees the start of the SQA exams and all students S4-6 are being granted the usual “study leave” period from Monday. They are invited in for “masterclass” revision sessions and I am grateful to Mrs Davidson who has put together the timetable for this. Please see attached. We’ve held meetings with our team of invigilators this week. It was good to catch up with Mrs Maloney (Chief Invigilator) once again, and she spoke with all our candidates at the special assembly this morning.

Also, next week, as previously mentioned, we will have a meeting of the Parent Council online on “Zoom” at 6pm on Tuesday. The agenda will include news about the new Head, next year’s timetable, prizegiving on 14 June, SQA arrangements, proposed school trips and the latest Covid trends. If you would like to receive the log in details, please just reply to this email to request them. I’ll ask our Office team to send them out on Monday.

Mr Harrower and Miss Osborne will be holding a meeting on Wednesday at lunchtime in B17 for all S2 pupils allocated a place on the 2023 Battlefields Trip. It is essential for all pupils to attend as important information will be given out.

Next Friday, it will be our pleasure to host David Gasana of the “Comfort International” charity. This is an organisation which supports communities in Rwanda. Our partner school is in the outskirts of Kigali, Rwanda. It’s called Groupe Scoliare Bumbogo and we are planning to organise another visit to Rwanda in 2024. We’ll share details in the coming weeks. When Mr Gasana is in KHS next week, we will present a cheque for £325, collected at the end of last term.

As always, I’m very grateful to Mrs Whyte, our “Young Workforce” Coordinator, for the link to the destinations website which she has developed.

This week’s highlights include recruitment opportunities; Adult Social Care, Edinburgh Airport, British Open in St Andrews and Stuarts of Buckhaven. Work experience with Babcock (for 14/15 year olds). Jobs and Apprenticeships; Butchery, Administration and Accountancy, Retail, Construction Trades and Exxon Mossmorran.

As well as our SQA masterclass timetable, the other attachment this week is our first ever Mental Health Newsletter, collated by Miss Osborne (Principal Teacher of Guidance). It details the work of our ambassadors and the other initiatives we have to support wellbeing. Many thanks to all the staff and pupils who are involved in this vital work.

A wee bit of staffing news to close. Very best wishes to Mrs Little (PE), who gave birth to a beautiful baby daughter called Halle during the holidays. Mother and baby are doing very well … in fact Lisa says she wants to come in to school next week to show us her new addition. Bless!

Take care all. I get the feeling from the changing nature of my weekly message that things are gradually returning to something a bit like “normal”. It’s great to share the news about trips, visitors to the school etc. As I say, please stand by for a particularly important news announcement about the next Headteacher of KHS, possibly this afternoon. Have a good weekend.

Derek Allan
22 April 2022

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