Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Crispy Dipper Fajita or Italian Chicken Meatballs served with Pasta Spirals
Staff/Pupil Toilets (Mr McKay)
A reminder to learners that the toilets in the staffroom, and those designated as ‘staff only’ are for adult use only. There are a many toilets that young people can use: B block toilets, those at drama, single use toilets across the school, those at DET and PE departments are all in use during the school day. Those in the Quad, between Science and the main building are for use at break and lunch. Thank you for your support.
Please be aware that the bus companies have changed their morning timetables. Copies of these have been emailed to all parental contacts. Copies are also available outside the main school office.
House Points (Mr Spink)
This weeks total:
Adam Smith – 201
Carlyle – 279
Oswald – 288
Overall total:
Adam Smith – 752
Carlyle – 688
Oswald – 711
S3 WW1 Battlefields Trip 2025 (Mrs Harrower)
There will be a short meeting on Wednesday at break in Mrs Harrower’s room (C2) for any S3 pupil interested in going on the 2025 WW1 Battlefields Trip to Belgium and France. Letters will be handed out containing important information about how to secure your place on the trip.
First Aid Course (Mrs Hume)
Any S6 who wishes to sign up for the Emergency First Aid at Work course should do so using the QR code below. The course will take place all day on 25th October and if you sign up you will need to stay in school until 3pm to complete it. More information can be found on the S5/6 year group team or from Mrs Hume.

MVP Training (Mrs Dempsey)
MVP Training for S5 and S6 will take place in the Assembly Hall today and Wednesday the 11th September. If you are interested in attending then please scan the QR code and sign up:

S5/S6 EMA Applications 2024/25 (Mrs Cook)
EMA Applications Forms can now only be accessed and completed online at If successful an EMA Learning Agreement will be posted out to your home address. Please complete form and return to Mrs Cook in the school office.
If you have applied and been approved for EMA, please bring your completed Learning Agreement to the school office. We cannot proceed with any payments until this has been done. If you have still to apply, please do this as soon as you can. Any applications received by Fife Council after the 4th October 2024 cannot be backdated and you will only be paid from the date the application is received. Please remember you also need to make a new application each academic year.
Reminder that all S6 Leavers Hoodies must be ordered & paid in full before Friday 13th September. Please see Miss Lipton for sizing – these cannot be returned so what you order you get. Payments to be made via iPayimpact or cash at the office – total cost is £21.
Mental Health Ambassadors (Miss Johnston)
Mental Health Ambassadors meeting in B15 at Lunchtime.
Rights Respecting Schools Group and Ambassadors (Miss Young)
Can all existing members and anyone keen to join come along to B14 and anyone who expressed interest in being an ambassador. The meeting will be about new projects coming up this year as well as discussing membership, badges and choice of meeting days. (feel free to bring lunch).
Calm Colouring Club (Ms Geddes)
If you are looking for a quiet space to enjoy your lunch and do a bit of colouring, then head along to A3 from 1:10pm every Monday lunchtime.
S1-S6 Badminton (Mr Harrower)
S1-S6 Badminton in the Games Hall on a Monday from 3:30-4:15.
S1-S6 Basketball (Mr Stewart)
I’ll be running Basketball for all year groups on a Monday from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.
Japanese Club (Mrs Morris)
Japanese club will return on a Monday lunch time in C9 with Mrs Morris. Come along with your lunch and learn about the Japanese culture and language. Help us to prepare to host Japanese visitors in our school on Friday 27th September.
Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Rainbow Sausage & Onions served with Mashed Potatoes, Gravy and Yorkshire Pudding or Pork Sausage served with Onions, Gravy and Yorkshire Pudding.
LGBT+ Group (Dr Murray) 🏳️⚧️
The LGBT+ Group meets on Tuesday lunchtime in A4 (Dr Murray’s room in Science). It is a social space open to EVERYONE whether you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, any other identity, or an ally of the community. See Dr Murray for a pass if you want to come. Bring your lunch!
Creative Well-being Club (PSO Team)
There is a new opportunity open to pupils to join the Creative Well-being Club. The group will be creating and designing a new school poster to showcase the well-being indicators and what they are. This will run on Tuesday lunchtimes in the Inclusion Hub. There will be a house point incentive for participating.
Enterprising Maths Club (Mr Jones & Ms Barclay)
Are you a maths whiz looking for a club where you can really challenge yourself? Join our Enterprising Maths Club and tackle mind-bending problems with other students. There’s even a chance to represent the school in maths competitions, so get involved!
Come to B4 every Tuesday lunchtime.
School Netball (Miss Johnston & Mrs Poynter)
School netball is for all age groups, where you will have the opportunity to train on a weekly basis and compete in competitive matches against other schools. All school netball is FREE and there are no match fees.
S1/S2 will train on Tuesday night 3:30 – 4:15pm
S1-S6 Dance Club (Miss Johnston & Mrs Poynter)
Dance Club will be running for all S1 to S6 after school on Tuesdays at 3.25pm